City of Vancouver Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program

A 10-year retrospective

Program Background

Speed tables on a neighborhood street

The City of Vancouver's Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program started as a pilot project in partnership with the Neighborhood Traffic Safety Alliance in 2001. In 2013, the program was revitalized and over the last 10 years, the program has funded more than 40 safety and traffic calming projects. In 2023, the Community Development Department’s Long Range Planning - Transportation, and Public Works Departments are collaborating to expand the scope and reach of the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program. Projects for the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program are reviewed and evaluated by City staff and the Neighborhood Traffic Safety Alliance.

Why Traffic Calming?

A Check Your Speed yard sign is displayed in a resident's front yard

Traffic injuries and fatalities in the United States and locally in Clark County have climbed steeply since 2019. Traffic calming on neighborhood streets can slow driver speeds and reduce the number and severity of crashes. Traffic calming can improve safety and stress levels for all road users.  Traffic calming supports more livable and accessible streets for community members. Traffic calming is in alignment with City Council values of Safety, Equity, and Climate.

What is Traffic Calming?

A marked and raised crossing in a school zone

Traffic calming is a way to add physical and visual cues within and along the roadway to encourage drivers to travel at slower speeds. The design of the roadway results in slower driver speeds without relying on compliance with traffic control devices such as signals, signs, and enforcement. The overall benefits of traffic calming can be enhanced with other elements like street trees, street art, and pedestrian-scale lighting that encourage people to drive more slowly and generally create a more livable neighborhood street.

Through the Years

Click the Play button on the bottom right of the map to see when and where neighborhood traffic calming projects have been implemented. Drag the Slider below to see the projects implemented by year. Type in an address in the search box inside the map to zoom to a specific project.

See the progression of projects as they start and end over the last 10 years

Explore the Projects

Click on an image on the left side of the map to highlight the related project or click on a project Pin on the map to highlight the image for that project. To skip through to the next section use the Header Navigation bar above.

Before and After

Move the Slider to the Left and Right to see the Before and After of some Traffic Calming Projects throughout Vancouver below.

N Grand Before and After

E 22nd Street and F Before and After

Fruit Valley Road and Firestone Before and After

NE Countryside Drive / 155th and 12th Street Before and After

In Memoriam

The Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program could not have achieved so much success and positively impacted the safety and mobility of numerous neighborhoods throughout Vancouver without the advocacy and hard work of Chair of the NTSA, Ross Montgomery. Ross passed away in April 2023. Thank you to Ross for all his hard work; he will be missed.

Ross Montgomery's work on the Neighborhood Traffic Safety Alliance and in his community has had a tremendous impact.

Speed tables on a neighborhood street

A Check Your Speed yard sign is displayed in a resident's front yard

A marked and raised crossing in a school zone

N Grand Before and After

E 22nd Street and F Before and After

Fruit Valley Road and Firestone Before and After

NE Countryside Drive / 155th and 12th Street Before and After