CWC BIKES 1000 miles of Science and Adventure on Two Wheels

Not your ordinary college outing. Broadening Inclusion Knowledge & Experience in Science (BIKES)




This project was completed in part with gracious support from the Rocky Mountain Power Foundation.



BIKES is an expedition science project developed by Central Wyoming College's Alpine Science Institute with funding support from the National Science Foundation (NSF) through ESPSCOR Wind River Microgrants CO-WY AMP program and the NASA WY Space Grant Consortium; and in collaboration with BIKES friends and sponsors.

Aidan Hereford, Tara Jorgenson, Jada Antelope. Photo by Stacy Wells

Wyoming trails and two-track are perfect terrain for training for the Great Divide Mountain Biking Route (GDMBR). The route has miles and miles of remote gravel roads and several hundred miles of the route passes through Wyoming

The BIKES team at the Alpine Science Institute.

The light is low, the shadows are long, and the temperatures chilly training in Wyoming in November. Tara Jorgenson trains for an event months away by putting in time on the bike far in advance.

BIKES originates from the hearts and imagination of CWC students and staff, and is backed by friends and supporters of the Central Wyoming College Alpine Science Institute in Lander, Wyoming.

Winter is a great time to start training if you've got fat tires on your bike! Tammy Green, one of our BIKES participants is a natural story teller - see her story  here .

The goal of BIKES is to increase diversity and inclusion in science and outdoor recreation by combining a student-resarch program with an ultra-distance cycling adventure. BIKES fostered cultural awareness while advancing skills in scientific research design, personal and group leadership, and wilderness travel during a spectacular 1000 mile journey on two wheels.


The BIKES research and ride teams measured and mapped air quality along the continental divide of the US using portable air quality sensors. These sensors were linked to location and the air quality data they collected was stored on a phone app.

We needed something affordable and lightweight that would allow us to map and analyze air quality data from two wheels. We opted for the PLUME Flow 2 Air quality Sensor and equipped each rider with one of these units.


BIKES is a model for inclusive experiential learning that fostered a welcoming and diverse community; expanded scientific literacy; developed skills in wilderness travel and leadership; and introduced students to the sport of ultra-distance cycling.

The Great Divide is a both an iconic symbol and the quintessential location for measurable action that will increase diversity and inclusion in science, cycling, and adventure travel.

Jada Antelope prepares for her 2021 summer of travel on two wheels. Photo: Stacy Wells

BIKES provided the infrastructure to enable students plan an academic research project, launch a major backcountry cycling adventure and work together as a team to support each other.

And Where the Mountains Begin - Wide Open spaces as far as the eye can see. Jada and Tara training near Ethete, Wyoming on the Wind River Reservation at the base of the Wind River Mountains

BIKES will use the power of place, cultural connection to landscape, physical challenge, and adventure, to teach science, leadership, and adventure travel skills. Scientific, logistical and physical preparation starts in November 2020. The team will require eight full months of engagement to gain the skills to be successful in their 1000 mile scientific exploration and cycling adventure.

A common experience, particularly a very challenging one, is one of the finest ways to embrace, and bridge our differences, and to find common ground. Simply completing the training and preparation required to launch the ride is noteworthy, and finishing the ride is not a given. The distances, the weather and the terrain are grueling. For those who love to ride, and love the thrill of learning, and of adventure - this is the journey of a lifetime.

Aidan Hereford training for BIKES, Out for a ride with CWC faculty and Mountain Bike coach Stacy Wells

CWC student Ryan Towne has participated in every science and adventure related program opportunity that CWC has to offer. This summer he hopes to race the route and finish within 30 days.


Preparation will begin in November 2020. By June 11, 2021, the BIKES team will be ready to start their science, cycling and cultural exploration adventure in Roosville, Montana.

BIKES will foster teamwork and communication while building a new community of academics, outdoor adventurers, and long distance cyclists.

Students will participate in pre-expedition college courses, engage in a scientific research project, and receive mentorship and fitness coaching. The team will embrace cultural diversity and includes a wide range of students and riders from different backgrounds.



Jada Antelope

Jada is no stranger to adventure or to collecting scientific data in extreme environments. She is a former graduate of the partnered CWC, University of Wyomin and Nols expedition in Tanzania.

Academic Program: CWC  Expedition Science 

Jada on the flanks of Kilimanjaro

Scientific exploration, adventure, and good old fashioned hard work on the  Tanzania Research Expedition .

Marcela Fernandez

Marcela is invested in the advance of climate change awareness and is the Director of  Cumbres Blancas  in Columbia, South America and GLACIER NATION in the US.

Tammy Green

Tammy LOVES most everything, but she really LOVES to ride bikes, her family and her husband. A student, a mother, a grandmother and a practicing cosmetologist - Tammy approaches all she does with hear, energy and delight. Read her story  here 


Academic Program:  Expedition Science 

Tammy DREAMS of heading into the next phase of life in the healthiest state she can, and dreams of happiness for her family, friends and community.

WHY BIKES? "Biking is my therapy and was my salvation in managing the grief of losing my father."

Aidan Hereford

Aidan is a blossoming academic and has a rigorous academic schedule in addition to BIKES.

Academic Program: CWC  Psychology 

LOVES: Music, running, my two pet dogs, carne asada burritos, water, tea.

DREAMS: To become a Clinical Social Worker.

WHY BIKES? New experience, adventure, Spending time with nature.

Alex Minge

Alex is interested in merging his interest in geographic information systems with being outside, and being active. HIs time in the military has taught him discipline and organization.

Will Joca

Having hiked close to 4000 miles on the Appalachian Trail and Pacific Coast Trail, Will is ready to try a new form of long distance travel.

Will has a reputation for getting things done

From work, to academics, and knowing the right way to eat a pizza - Will knows how to make things happen.

Tara Jorgenson

Working for Montana Conservation Corps, Tara can show any chainsaw who is boss. The boss.

Program of Study: CWC  Expedition Science 

Tara getting the biking bug

Ryan Towne

Ryan is an experienced at hand and all things backcountry, adventure, and science. He has played a pivotal role in several CWC expeditions. Ryan will race the route this summer!

PROGRAM OF STUDY: CWC  Expedition Science 

LOVES: Riding my bike/splitboard/skateboard, science, tacos. 

DREAMS: To help bring awarenessto/action on climate change, spend as many nights under the stars as possible. 

ACADEMIC PROGRAM: Expedition Science, Geographic Information Systems Certificate, Wilderness First Responder, AIARE I.

WHY BIKES: Freedom, function, FUN! 


The Great Divide Mountain Bike Route goes from Banff, AB to Antelope Wells, NM. Our riders will travel from Roosvile MT to Lander, WY making key stops along the way and completing a scientific research project.

The Great Divide Mountain Bike Route (GDMBR) traverses the Continental Divide of North America from Canada to New Mexico. The GBMBR both a magnet for adventurers and a symbol of the challenges students face in gaining access to education, opportunity and outdoor recreation.

The BIKES ride and research expedition will begin in Roosville, Montana on June 9, 2021

BIKES participants will learn about the landscape, its history and cultural relevance, and will have the adventure of a lifetime!

BIKES includes students from several fields of study and a mix of new and experienced cyclists. For some participants the greatest meaning will be found in the ride itself - the challenge, the adventure, the camaraderie. For others, the cycling is secondary to learning about each other and about the cultural and historic significance of the MT and WY landscapes.

Sleeping outside, traveling through amazing country, and waking with the sunlight provide the rhythm for this adventure.

For students wishing to develop scientific research skills, BIKES will provide a solid tool kit for asking good scientific questions and organizing data. For students who wish to pursue careers in the field of Outdoor Education and Leadership, BIKES will provide an opportunity to practice peer and group leadership in backcountry environments. For students wishing to connect culture, community and history, the power will be in the landscape itself. For all students, the physical challenge is guaranteed to be satisfying, demanding and rewarding.

Wyoming - the Finish


The Finish

Atlantic City, Wyoming


Jacki Klancher

CWC Environmental Science Faculty  Alpine Science Institute  Director of Instruction and Research

I LOVE riding, laughing, teaching and planning. I DREAM of sharing wonderful experiences with people.

WHY BIKES - Because riding, far, and thinking about complex topics along the way lights my brain on fire, and I want to invite others to have that opportunity.

Rory Tendore

CWC American Indian Student Services Coordinator; Cultural Framework and Tribal Liaison

Marcela Fernandez

I LOVE traveling and hanging out with Fito - my dog.  Being in nature. Learning about local cultures wherever I go. Family and friends, and of course my country, Colombia. 

My DREAM is to foster empowered teams give voice to rapidly disappearing glaciers across the globe.


Why BIKES ? BIKES presents a once in a lifetime opportunity for me.  Having the chance to meet amazing people, hear their stories and learn about their traditions, their ancestors and sacred lands is an experience I would not get to have otherwise.  I see this as an opportunity to challenge myself physically while building mental endurance as well. BIKES is a project worth sharing. 

Kyle Nicoloff

Story teller


Stacy Wells

CWC Faculty Trail Lead Alberta Sections

Marten Baur

Marten graduated from the University of Wyoming in 2019 with a Bachelor's degree in Kinesiology and Physiology. He is a certified strength and conditioning specialist and a USA weightlifting sports performance coach.

Marten enjoys weightlifting, eating good food, spending time outdoors, playing games with friends, and reading books. He is headed to graduate school in applied sports science and coaching in the Fall. Marten is looking forward to broadening his coaching to endurance and adventure athletes. He hopes to find a career that sustains his lifestyle of eating good food and lifting weights while helping others reach their goals.

Loves, Dreams and WHY BIKES

LOVES: Weightlifting, hiking and backpacking, reading, playing games with friends

DREAMS: To compete at Senior Nationals for weightlifting; to help people reach their athletic potentials and live healthy lifestyles; to make enough money to not live in a basement apartment and take fun trips now and then.

WHY BIKES: I love working with people with big athletic goals! BIKES gives me the opportunity to work with awesome people and broaden my expertise as a coach.

Jalen Bazille

Jalen will provide inspiration, apply some of his life coaching skills and share his perspective as the lone person of color on the route in 2019. Jalen will be racing in 2021, but hopes to catch up and ride with our riders after completing his race.

Ryan Towne

Gannett Peak Sports Rep; CWC student in Expedition Science; Rider

Darran Wells

CWC Faculty; Trail Lead MT

Mountain Bike Coach and Professor of  Outdoor Education and Leadership 

Gigi Holley

Logistics Coordinator and CWC Alpine Science Institute graduate and Living and Learning Assistant

ACADEMIC PROGRAM: 2014 Graduate. Environmental Science and Leadership. Biology.

LOVES: Continuously challenging myself by being comfortable with the uncomfortable in the wilderness. Adventures with my Rem-hound (the dawg).

DREAMS: To create a permaculture community to better sustain the local environment and initiate conditions for healthy microbiomes. To experiment with passive solar architecture. To live in a continuous state where my circadian rhythms are in sync with nature. To be constantly aware of my impact on the environment and always give back as much as I take from the land.

WHY BIKES: Logistical experience in preparation for a solo-circumnavigation of Lake Superior by kayak.

Keppy LaClair

Assistant logistics coordinator

CWC student of Outdoor Education and Leadership

LOVES: Rock climbing; traveling; hiking and backpacking; music.

DREAMS: Working with kids to introduce them to and get them comfortable in the outdoors.

WHY BIKES: I won't be riding but part of the support team, and I look forward to having a leadership and support position in this adventure. This will be a good experience for me as I transition away from school and more into the world of working in outdoor education and I think it will be a lot of fun.


For non-riding supporters, giving to this project will provide funds to purchase bikes, touring gear, cycling clothing, camping gear, and to cover travel costs associated with this undertaking.

During the ride, participants will continue to raise funds for The Bridging the Divide Scholars fund. This role of this scholarship is to create more opportunities to improve access to both educational and outdoor adventure activities. Supporters are invited to share details of the event with their friends, families and communities, follow the riders online, and offer support and encouragement for this team and the change they wish to bring.


Please share this link and spread the word!

On June 11, 2021, starting in Banff, Alberta, Canada the CWC BIKES team will start their tout alongside more than 200 riders from all over the world. Some riders will race, some will tour - all will have the adventure of a lifetime!

This team will ride the ride for themselves, their Tribes, their community, and their college. They will ride to advance their education, and to help foster a more inclusive, more equitable tomorrow.

Give to BIKES

To support this project please contact Beth Monteiro at the CWC foundation

BIKES: Learning. Sharing. Exploring.

BIKES is sponsored thorugh programs funded by the National Science Foundation Funding and the Wyoming NASA space grant consortium


Rocky Mountain Power




CWC Foundation


Betty Jane Ryan Fund

This project was completed in part with gracious support from the Rocky Mountain Power Foundation.

Winter is a great time to start training if you've got fat tires on your bike! Tammy Green, one of our BIKES participants is a natural story teller - see her story  here .

Jada Antelope prepares for her 2021 summer of travel on two wheels. Photo: Stacy Wells

CWC student Ryan Towne has participated in every science and adventure related program opportunity that CWC has to offer. This summer he hopes to race the route and finish within 30 days.

Sleeping outside, traveling through amazing country, and waking with the sunlight provide the rhythm for this adventure.

BIKES is sponsored thorugh programs funded by the National Science Foundation Funding and the Wyoming NASA space grant consortium