Turkish Arts

Museums, historical sites, and book arts

Description of project (purpose/question)

Given the historical implications many of Turkey's artworks, my goal for this project is to study how modern Turkish museums choose to explain the historical and artistic implications of art, book art, and calligraphy through a modern lens. I would ask who and what is included in the exhibitions and why, examining the priorities of the museum itself, as to why they made the choices they did. For instance, I will see how many book art and calligraphy pieces they exhibit as compared to other works of art, where they place them in a museum, and how the different museums choose to analyze the works. Do they choose historical analysis or modern interpretation? How does the text vary in length and content? What kind of opportunities do they present for public feedback and engagement, if any at all? 

blown up image of illustration from a miniature

Description of methodology

My methodology included visiting many well-known museums, such as the Topkapı Palace and the Turkish and Islamic Art Museum. I found multiple representations of Turkish Miniatures, calligraphy, and other arts that shed some light on how the museum's might be framing their objects as a means to educate the public while also showcasing Turkish ancient and recent history as a means to encourage a proud national identity.

I investigated how the museums reflect the historical context of 16th-18th century attitudes, as well as questions about the modern reception of the pieces. Moreover, I took notes and analyzed the art from the perspective of the museum studies field, such as how the objects are placed and the curatorial decision within their display, and from the perspective of history, questioning society’s shifting impact on the works, to investigate the changes in art styles and subject matter to historical evolutions in society. The portrayals of these historical evolutions then are able to be analyzed as potential political tools. To support this, I also observed the museum visitors in my field notes to better ascertain the modern perceptions of the various forms of art. 

Academic findings/results/impact

Through exploring the museums and taking time to analyze the way in which they are framed, it became apparent that Turkish book arts and ancient texts are held in high regard by the people. Extrapolating this helps us recognize how museums hold a high and trustworthy position in the minds of guests, as well as how they might be used as sites for political validation. Here, it would not be a stretch to say that the current conservative government finds these objects and sites useful in asserting their legitimacy, such as by converting the  Hagia Sophia from museum to mosque.  In particular, emphasis on and interpretations of Islamic texts in these museums reflects the turn towards religion within politics, at the same time it shows pride in national and cultural heritage which can then be legitimized in the tourists and viewers of the objects. Historic manuscripts are often shown in museums via digital representations or wall text which are able to showcase Turkish religious, political, and cultural history. Here, Turkish people find pride in their history and tradition, a pride which the government can play off of to validate their goals.

Various texts exhibited

Personal impact for student

 This opportunity not only helped me research my interests, but it had a tremendous impact on my college and future careers in Museum Science. It was an invaluable learning opportunity for skills I will need for that field because of the on-the-ground research skills it helped develop, as well as the opportunity to see and analyze how international museums function and what decisions they make according to their culture and current politics. I was able to apply the skills and knowledge I have learned in my major and minor because historical research depends on understanding primary documents, and museum studies is dependent on the collaboration of museums internationally to better the field. It would benefit my study of international art history, as I attempt to build more tangible skills that are valued in museum work.

example of book art

Next steps/further implications

Next steps for me include continuing research on how museums and the content within them are often used as ways to cultivate a national identity. This is a phenomenon which appears in many countries throughout history and today. I hope to apply this research project to my future endeavors in museum studies.

blown up image of illustration from a miniature

example of book art