Food Insecurity Landscape in Guatemala's Export Regions

Logan Houpt

The three locations this project was based in, Guatemala City, Antigua, and El Paredón


This project was a qualitative assessment based on interviews, conversation, and surveys to understand some of the important features of the agro-food system in Guatemala. It goes without saying that a well functioning agricultural sector is crucial to ensuring food security in developing nations. It is also well known that many developing nations are deeply embedded in global agricultural markets, commonly taking the form of commodity crop production for high value export goods. In Guatemala, agricultural exports are a very important part of the economy. Comprising over 1/8th of national GDP and employing over 1/3 of the population, trading agricultural goods is a crucial feature of their economy. 

This project attempts to understand Guatemala’s “green hunger”: a paradoxical situation in which food insecurity and malnutrition persist in a nation historically categorized for its mild climate, consistent temperatures, heavy rainfall, and nutrient-rich volcanic soil.

(1) How can a nation with such high agricultural potential experience such high rates of food insecurity and malnutrition, especially in the highest producing regions of the nation? (2) What is hindering growth in food security rates and stability among the local population? (3) What can we, as consumers, do to support food security efforts in Guatemala?

These three questions drove my project, and helped me understand the difficulties and opportunities on the path toward a more food secure Guatemala.


This project attempted to gain an understanding of the impacts of global trade on local populations in Guatemala. To answer the three questions listed above, I performed the project in three different locations in Guatemala, each with a similar methodology. Guatemala City, Antigua, and El Paredon were the three sites where I performed my research. Guatemala City was chosen as the base case. Based on its position as the largest population center in Guatemala, it was assumed to be representative of the food security and food access status of the average Guatemalan. Antigua is a region dominated by coffee production. Its high elevation and volcanic rich soil make it a prime place for coffee production facilities by multinational corporations from around the world. El Paredon is a coastal town; its hot, humid climate is perfect for banana production. 

From right to left: Coffee production in Antigua, fruit stand in Guatemala City, banana storage facility near El Paredón


To try to answer the driving questions of my project, in each region I would gather information by going to the local market to interview both vendors of different foods and customers. The questions asked were:

  • Where do you acquire this food to sell?
  • Do you know where is it grown?
  • How long have you been selling (buying) food here?
  • Have you noticed changes in food prices in the past 20 years?
  • Have you noticed any changes in food availability?
  • Has the agriculture production around this area changed in the past 20 years?
  • What have been the biggest challenges of selling (buying) food here?
  • Has there been any changes in the specific food that you sell (buy)?
  • In terms of the changes of food prices in the past 20 years, what do you think some of the causes are?

Another portion of the research was to speak with industry professionals who are involved in the food production and distribution in Guatemala. This included talks with farmers, small farm cooperatives, and professionals in the supermarket industry in Guatemala. In particular, I spoke with a coffee farmer named Edgar near Antigua Guatemala, the cooperative of which he is a member, De La Gente, and a former business development manager for the largest grocery store chain in Guatemala, Paiz Supermercado. I also spoke briefly with a representative from One Banana, a group working towards sustainable, fair trade banana production in Guatemala.

On top of this, I also unveiled an online survey to Facebook and Instagram channels in Guatemala. Over 50 people responded, providing further insights into food security challenges throughout the nation. Below is a comparison of three maps to show where survey respondents are from and where banana and coffee agriculture is geared toward exports in Guatemala.

Images from Right to Left: (1) Highest coffee producing areas; (2) Highest banana producing areas; (3) Survey Respondents


The results from my interviews, survey responses, and conversation with industry professionals were emblematic of the issue of food security, complex and very elaborate. The results can be arranged as insights into several key inquiries behind my research.

Has food access gotten worse in your experience, and if so what do you think are the causes?

Across the board, food has gotten more expensive for Guatemalans.

  • 90% of respondents agreed with the statement that food has gotten more expensive in the past 20 years.
  • A fruit vendor in Guatemala City noted: "Es mas dificil conseguir frutas al mismo precios que antes" - "It's is harder to get fruits at the same price as before"

There were many different opinions regarding the causes of food access difficulties. I have listed major ones mentioned below.

  • La Clima
    • Intense drought has affected large portions of Guatemala's agricultural industry
    • Crop disease has decimated many coffee plantations, which has had trickle down effects on the livelihoods of many local communities
  • Corporations and chemical fertilizers
    • Use of chemical fertilizers by corporations, plantations, and large export oriented farms was listed as a cause of lower productivity on agricultural facilities for local consumption.
  • Politics
    • A rice, bean, and pantry goods vendor in Guatemala City mentioned discontent with the current president. President Alejandro Giammattei has been the center of multiple large protests over food and fuel prices rising the past few years.

The grocery store industry has grown in the past 20 years. In 2010, only ~30% of Guatemalans used grocery stores. The largely upper and upper middle class option has grown to incorporate less well-off segments of the nation. Of the survey respondents, over 50% of respondents reported that they purchase some of their food in supermarkets. Supermarket industries have also extended their range to more remote places in Guatemala that are harder to get to. By utilizing local food supply chains, they can provide grow their business and supply quality food to more of the population.

Have you become more or less aware of where your food comes from?

Overall, vendors have grown less aware of where their food is grown than before.

  • In El Paredón, a fruit vendor with bananas, mangos, limes, and plums mentioned that he used to have a cousin who grew a variety of fruit on a small plot of land that he would then sell. Drought and "mal clima" have driven him off of his farm and to Guatemala City to search for work. The vendor purchases the food he sells from the state capital Escuintla.
  • In Antigua, a vegetable vendor explained that nobody in the entire market knew where the food was grown. Each vendor purchased food from one single source, "El Señor".

What are the difficulties related to food access?

Difficulties related to food access that were uncovered are listed below.

  • Income issues
    • From the survey, 95% of respondents mentioned that they spend over half of their income on food.
  • Low food security and energy levels
    • ~40% of respondents mentioned having low energy levels and rarely feeling full after meals

What helps? What options do Western consumers have to improve the situation?

To answer this question, I drew from conversations from De La Gente and OneBanana, two models of agricultural export that are sustainable and non-exploitative to the local workers and community.

It is clear that there are lots of steps in the Banana and Coffee value chain. Farming, packing, transporting, and distribution all have incredibly complex steps with many different operations. The money that ultimately gets back to the farmer is a fraction of the value of the entire crop. Groups like De La Gente and OneBanana are working to streamline these operations, allowing for more profits to be shared locally within the communities of the farmers.

(1) Information of the standard banana value breakdown (2) Image of De La Gente's operations

  • What we can do as consumers is to spend more consciously. This can be done by having awareness of common certifications:
  • Purchasing from Fair Trade Certified suppliers for goods such as bananas, among many other fruits, vegetables, nuts, dairy, and meats
  • Rainforest Alliance Certification
  • Coffee certification that entails proper land use management and non-exploitative partnerships between farmers and distributors
  • Trace supply chains whenever possible
    • The least steps the better

Personal Impact

The personal impact of this project was incredible. Having the opportunity to go into a new place and try to uncover answers and understand a situation that is deep and complex with real implications was a great experience. Having to work around difficulties that I had not anticipated was also a fun challenge. Thank you to the Keller Venture Grant fund for providing me the tools to investigate a topic that deeply interests me.