Redlining, Gentrification, and Resilience in New Orleans
A Mellon Grant Project
A Mellon Grant Project
In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, a stark reality emerged in New Orleans, one that laid bare the enduring marginalization of people of color. As floodwaters receded, the spotlight illuminated the neglected Black neighborhoods, underscoring the persistence of historical injustices amidst the narrative of progress heralded by the Civil Rights Movement. This essay delves into the complex web of factors perpetuating the marginalization of people of color in New Orleans, despite the strides made in the past. Through examining the legacies of slavery, discriminatory housing practices, and economic disenfranchisement, this work elucidates the multifaceted nature of systemic oppression. Furthermore, it explores the contemporary manifestations of marginalization, particularly evident in the ongoing displacement fueled by gentrification. By synthesizing historical context with present-day realities, this essay aims to shed light on the persistent challenges faced by communities of color in New Orleans. Overall, I argue that despite gains made during the Civil Rights era, historical legacies of slavery, discriminatory housing practices, and economic disenfranchisement continue to marginalize people of color in New Orleans, a reality exemplified by the post-Katrina neglect of Black neighborhoods and the ongoing displacement through gentrification.
In the antebellum era, Louisiana stood as a microcosm of the brutal realities of slavery, perpetuating a system of oppression that deeply entrenched racial inequality. The institution of slavery, characterized by its brutality and dehumanization, inflicted profound and lasting wounds upon Black communities. Enslaved individuals endured unimaginable suffering, subjected to harsh labor conditions, physical violence, and the wholesale denial of their humanity. The legacy of this exploitation reverberates through generations, shaping the socio-economic landscape of Louisiana and perpetuating systemic disparities that persist to this day.
Central to the structure of oppression in antebellum Louisiana was the Code Noir, a legal code established in 1724 that regulated the lives of free people of color, even amidst their nominal freedom. As Alice Moore Dunbar-Nelson describes in “People of Color in Louisiana”,
“a person of color was now, in Louisiana, part of its social system, a creature to be legislated for and against.”
Despite being technically liberated, free people of color faced a myriad of restrictions imposed by the Code Noir, which sought to maintain the racial hierarchy of the time. These restrictions encompassed various aspects of life, including marriage, property ownership, and mobility, serving to curtail the autonomy and rights of free people of color. Thus, while the Code Noir ostensibly recognized their freedom, it simultaneously erected barriers that perpetuated their marginalization within society.
The Code Noir est. 1724
Within this context of oppression, the development of Creole identity emerged as a complex phenomenon, reflecting the intricacies of racial hierarchies in Louisiana. The term “Creole” encompassed a diverse spectrum of individuals, ranging from enslaved Africans and their descendants to free people of color and those of mixed-race heritage. The Creole community occupied a unique position within the racial hierarchy, navigating between the polarities of whiteness and Blackness, often straddling the boundaries of both worlds. Furthermore, the Code Noir established a legal hierarchy based on race and ancestry, placing Creoles in an ambiguous position between enslaved people and free whites (Dunbar-Nelson). Free whites were determined, by these laws, to be the “purest” and superior race/class, which all others were to aspire to be. This legal framework denied Creoles full social and political rights, leaving them in a constant state of identity crisis and struggle for recognition. This complex identity formation was shaped by a myriad of factors, including cultural influences, socio-economic status, and legal categorizations, underscoring the fluidity and ambiguity inherent in racial identities in Louisiana. However, in the face of legal limitations, free Creoles engaged in various forms of political resistance, using petitions, protests, and strategic legal navigation to challenge their legal status and gain limited rights, often “held a class apart” and distinguished from both free black people and people with less white ancestry (Dunbar-Nelson 8). By exploiting loopholes in the Louisiana Black Code and submitting petitions to the French colonial government, they actively fought for recognition and social mobility (Dunbar-Nelson)
In addition to the systemic oppression faced by men of color, it is crucial to acknowledge the unique struggles experienced by women of color during the antebellum period in Louisiana. Women of color confronted intersecting forms of discrimination based on both race and gender, resulting in a profound lack of rights and agency within society. Denied access to education, economic opportunities, and legal protections, women of color were relegated to the margins of society, their voices silenced and their experiences erased (Rice). Moreover, the patriarchal structures of the time often forced women of color into roles of subservience and exploitation, including the coercive practice of concubinage or "Placage". As concubines, these women were subjected to sexual exploitation and violence, their bodies treated as commodities to be bought, sold, and traded at the whims of their owners (Rice). This dehumanizing practice not only perpetuated the objectification of women of color, but also reinforced the broader systems of power and domination that underpinned antebellum society. Thus, in examining the history of people of color in Louisiana, it is imperative to center the experiences of women, recognizing their resilience in the face of intersecting forms of oppression and their indispensable contributions to the ongoing struggle for liberation and equality.
Women of Color and "Placage" in Antebellum New Orleans
Redlining, a discriminatory practice pervasive throughout the 20th century, served as a potent tool for perpetuating and continuing racial segregation and economic disparities in cities like New Orleans. This insidious practice involved the systematic denial of services by the Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC), including access to housing and financial resources, based on the racial composition of neighborhoods (Aaronson et al.). By delineating certain areas as “high risk” for investment due to their racial demographics, lenders and policymakers effectively condemned communities of color to cycles of poverty and marginalization (Aaronson et al.). In New Orleans, redlining was particularly pronounced during the post-World War II housing boom, a period marked by rapid urban expansion and demographic shifts (Woodward). Through the delineation of neighborhoods into color-coded zones on maps, lenders systematically denied mortgage loans and insurance to residents of predominantly Black neighborhoods, effectively locking them out of the American dream of homeownership and economic mobility.
The legacy of redlining in New Orleans is deeply intertwined with the broader history of racial segregation and inequality in the city. Following World War II, as returning veterans sought to establish roots and build families, the federal government initiated expansive housing programs aimed at providing affordable homeownership opportunities (Aaronson et al.). However, these initiatives were marred by racial bias, as federal agencies actively promoted segregation through the implementation of redlining policies. In New Orleans, the effects of redlining were starkly visible, with predominantly Black neighborhoods systematically excluded from the benefits of these programs. As a result, white families gained access to coveted suburban homes and government-backed mortgages, while Black families were left to languish in under-resourced urban areas, perpetuating cycles of poverty and disinvestment.
Congo Square and Tradition, New Orleans (2024)
On a tour in New Orleans, our driver noted that the interstates that exist today were built through Black neighborhoods, as they had been undervalued by government agencies. He noted that this led to many historically prominent Black-owned businesses moving out of these areas, or closing. Furthermore, with the power of eminent domain, the government aimed to demolish gathering places for the Black community in New Orleans in areas that had been historically undervalued due to the presence of people of color. Another guide on a walking tour of New Orleans noted that the city had even tried to demolish Armstrong Park, now a prominent tourist attraction as well as a historically significant gathering place for people of color in the city known as Congo Square. At the 9th Ward Cultural Living Museum, a display noted that “industries deemed undesirable (dumps, sewage treatment plants, and slaughterhouses) were located in [...] the Lower Ninth Ward” which is a predominantly Black neighborhood. This neighborhood, marked almost entirely in red on HOLC (Homeowners Loan Corporation) maps, was deemed the most “high risk”, perpetuating an endless cycle of disenfranchisement of people of color in New Orleans.
Armstrong Park & Congo Square, New Orleans (2024)
Furthermore, recent studies have underscored the enduring effects of redlining on contemporary patterns of segregation and economic inequality in New Orleans. Modern research findings highlight how the discriminatory practices of the past continue to reverberate through the present, shaping access to housing, educational opportunities, and economic resources for communities of color (Nardone et al.). Scholars have also documented the persistent disparities in homeownership rates, wealth accumulation, and neighborhood quality between predominantly white and predominantly Black areas, illustrating the lasting legacy of redlining on the spatial organization of the city (Woodward). Furthermore, people of color, due to these practices, are more at risk for a variety of environmental and health risks, which was extremely evident throughout our visit to the city as some residential homes are mere feet from the busy interstates (Nardone et al.). By integrating my own research findings with historical analysis, the enduring impact of redlining on the lives of people of color in New Orleans was made prominent, highlighting the urgent need for equitable policy interventions to address historical injustices and foster inclusive urban development.
New Orleans Demographic and Environmental Data
Gentrification, a process often hailed as urban revitalization, entails the influx of affluent residents and investment into historically marginalized neighborhoods, leading to rising property values and the displacement of longtime residents, particularly communities of color (Zukin). This phenomenon results in the forced relocation of vulnerable populations as housing costs soar beyond their means, disrupting social networks and eroding the fabric of established communities. Gentrification operates as a mechanism of spatial injustice, exacerbating existing disparities in access to housing and resources, and perpetuating cycles of marginalization and exclusion (Zukin). New Orleans is not exempt from this process and many residents were willing to discuss with me both their own experiences with displacement in the city as well as general trends they had seen throughout their lives, with special emphasis on the impact of Hurricane Katrina.
Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans (2005)
The devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina in 2005 catalyzed a wave of gentrification in New Orleans, further exacerbating the plight of Black communities already reeling from the storm's aftermath. Cara, a museum curator at the Backstreet Cultural Museum in New Orleans, noted that she “didn’t think the city would come back” after Katrina. She additionally said that she lived in the “oldest black neighborhood in America” which had been a strong and tight-knit community before the hurricane hit. However, she described that after the hurricane,
“families had to sell their houses for pennies” and most “moved on and never looked back”
which has now resulted in many homes being turned into AirBnBs. Furthermore, she noted that as transplants moved into the city, community spaces for people of color vanished and even more people of color have now been forced to relocate as property taxes and values have spiked. Cara, and her coworker Iris, emphasized the longing they feel for these historic and “cultural places of gathering”, stating that if the community, and the city, feel that this culture is important, they “must work to preserve it”. Later, during a visit to the 9th Ward Cultural Living Museum, located in the Lower 9th Ward of New Orleans which was hit hardest by Katrina, these sentiments were continued. On display is an exhibit dedicated to the residents of the 9th Ward which details the historic and contemporary disenfranchisement of this predominately Black neighborhood. Residents here were left stranded for days when Katrina hit, and “neighborhoods with more white residents experienced less damage, and were rebuilt more quickly, and received more federal funds as a percentage of damage incurred” (9th Ward Cultural Living Museum).
Abandonment and Gentrification, New Orleans (2024)
A wide array of research supports this notion, indicating that post-Katrina reconstruction efforts disproportionately favored affluent white neighborhoods, while neglecting predominantly Black areas, thus exacerbating pre-existing disparities (Lavelle & Feagin). The influx of investment and redevelopment initiatives in the wake of the disaster accelerated the process of gentrification, displacing long-standing residents and reshaping the socio-economic landscape of the city. Through examining the nexus between post-Katrina reconstruction and gentrification, it becomes evident that the purported revitalization efforts served to further marginalize communities of color, perpetuating cycles of displacement and dispossession (Cutter). Beyond the economic ramifications, gentrification exacts a profound toll on the cultural and social fabric of affected communities, particularly historically Black neighborhoods. The displacement of residents, emphasized by those I talked to during this trip, disrupts longstanding social networks and erodes the sense of belonging and identity that characterize these communities. Moreover, the influx of affluent newcomers often heralds the imposition of cultural norms and values that are alien to the existing residents, leading to the erasure of longstanding cultures and traditions. The destruction of historically Black neighborhoods not only entails the loss of physical spaces but also the erasure of collective memory and heritage, perpetuating a cycle of cultural erasure and marginalization (Lavelle & Feagin). Thus, the social and cultural costs of gentrification are immeasurable, exacting a toll that extends far beyond the realm of economics.
Protests and Impacts of Hurricane Katrina on the Lower 9th Ward (2015)
Throughout history, New Orleans has been marked by a cycle of marginalization that perpetuates systemic inequalities for people of color. From the brutal legacies of slavery and the constraints of the Code Noir to the discriminatory practices of redlining and the disruptive forces of gentrification, a complex web of historical and contemporary factors has converged to create enduring patterns of marginalization. Despite the gains made during the Civil Rights era, the structural barriers erected by centuries of oppression continue to shape the socio-economic landscape of the city, relegating communities of color to the margins of society. The interplay of historical injustices and present-day realities underscores the entrenched nature of systemic racism in New Orleans, highlighting the urgent need for comprehensive solutions to address these enduring disparities.
9th Ward Living Museum, New Orleans (2024)
Addressing the cycle of marginalization in New Orleans requires a multifaceted approach that tackles both the root causes and the immediate manifestations of systemic inequality. One key solution lies in implementing affordable housing initiatives aimed at preserving and expanding access to safe and affordable housing for marginalized communities (Wallace). By prioritizing equitable development and housing policies, policymakers can mitigate the impacts of gentrification and displacement, ensuring that all residents have the opportunity to thrive in their communities (Wallace). Additionally, community empowerment programs that center the voices and experiences of marginalized residents are essential for fostering grassroots mobilization and collective action. Through initiatives that prioritize community-led development and equitable decision-making processes, residents can reclaim agency over their neighborhoods and shape a more inclusive future for New Orleans.
Thus, as I have studied and reflected on the enduring challenges faced by communities of color in New Orleans throughout this course and research, we must be willing to recognize that the fight against racism and marginalization is ongoing and requires sustained commitment from individuals, institutions, and policymakers alike. Whether through advocating for policy reforms, supporting grassroots organizing efforts, or amplifying the voices of marginalized communities, each of us has a role to play in building a more just and equitable society. By confronting the legacies of oppression and working towards systemic change, we can create a future where all residents of New Orleans have the opportunity to thrive, free from the constraints of systemic racism and inequality, and where we can preserve these communities that have been continuously disenfranchised and marginalized. As one New Orleans resident I spoke to passionately stated,
“we celebrate life and death in the same way and we’ve tried to hold that same identity even when outside people come in and try to take it away.”