The Prozor-Rama Project
Embracing Italian Architectural Innovation in Prozor-Rama's Medical and Educational Evolution
Embracing Italian Architectural Innovation in Prozor-Rama's Medical and Educational Evolution
Through this Venture I aimed to explore educational and medical architecture of Northern Italy, in order to apply it for my building designs in the Prozor Rama Project. My project goal was to investigate how design of built spaces contributes to health, healing, learning and education. The intention was to learn from Northern Italian design hospitals, rehabilitation centers, universities and libraries in order for this knowledge to be applied to my thesis project. In my thesis project I am designing a Rehabilitation Center for Cancer Patients, and a Public Library in my hometown of Prozor in Bosnia and Herzegovina. As an aspiring architect and designer, I explored these architectural spaces in order to apply my knowledge in my own community.
I. Interior of Politecnico Milano University building II. Entrance to Humanitas Research Hospital, Rozzano III. Politecnico Milano Building
The research methodology for this project involves a visual and physically immersive exploration of selected buildings catered towards learning and medical recovery/healing in Northern Italy. The primary method for conducting the research were sketching, documentation of the buildings and the knowledge and instructions scripted into their build. The project's visual documentation of the chosen buildings in both cities allowed for a comprehensive understanding of the architecture and its features.
The process involved an iterative approach, with consecutive analysis informing each round of analog and digital documentation, and design of the Prozor-Rama Project. This approach allowed for nuanced and comprehensive observation and analysis. The sketches and documentation of buildings and facilities were comparatively analyzed, considering their design, function, and architectural success. This methodology produced valuable insight and architectural protocols integral to the Prozor-Rama Project.
I. Walk from Humanitas Research Hospital to Humanitas Medical University, Rozzano II. Politecnico Milano
As a result of this research, I felt increasingly more inspired and equipped to design the two buildings included in the Prozor Rama Project. I found that elements such as wood finishes, pastel colors and clear, relaxing lines in a space, aid in the focus and relaxation of hard working students. The simplicity of the design of Humanitas University study spaces, provides a place of pure focus and little to no distraction. Students enjoy togetherness and group-oriented design in parts of their university, as well as isolated and individual study spots. During the summer and warmer months of the year, many students have the opportunity to study outside as well. All of the positive aspects of design at Humanitas which I noticed, I intended to include in my Prozor Library design.
Humanitas Medical University, Rozzano
When it comes to medical architecture, I noticed similarities with educational architecture. The medical spaces that I visited and researched were designed to calm the patient, as well as give the most efficient spaces for doctors and nurses to work in. It is important in medical architecture to accommodate both the patient, as well as the doctor/nurse that will be treating and taking care of the patients. The calming effect was seen in the color and material choices for the design of the Humanitas Research Hospital in Rozzano. The outside area of the hospital is simple, yet clearly inviting and accommodating to visitors, family of patients, and anyone who visits the hospital complex for any of the variety of reasons. The waiting room area produces this effect as well. The creation of a simple, inviting, warm and calming environment for employees and patients optimizes productivity, healing, as well as overall impact of the built space of the hospital on the people that come in touch with it. The Humanitas Research Hospital is only a short walk away from the Humanitas Medical University complex. One of the main distinctions of the Humanitas Medical University is its proximity to the hospital, and the learning experience of students who start their participation in the hospital already in the 3rd year of their medical education. Compared to US American Medical Universities, Hunimed students spend much more time in the hospital, making it a top choice for students from all over the world. The layout of the campus and hospital complex accommodates this incredible feature seamlessly. The University was designed by architect Filippo Taidelli.
Humanitas Research Hospital, Rozzano
One of the buildings that stood out to me was the Biblioteca Parco Sempione in Milan. This is a small library and study space in the middle of the big central park of Parco Sempione. The brutalist building makes use of its position in greenery with inclusions of continuous fenestration among all sides of the building, that seems to have been inspired by origami. The texture concrete ceiling of the half-arch shape building, brings layers of space into the library, making it more cozy, inviting and visually interesting. The amount of light and views of greenery adds to the calm atmosphere of the small library. The study spaces consist of a few single seating and desk spots scattered randomly but harmoniously across the library. The front part hosts a book shop adjacent to the airy study space. The basement level hosts the bathrooms. Biblioteca Parco Sempione illustrated to me the importance of natural light and fenestration, as well as presence of greenery, which explains my site choice for the Prozor Library, its fenestration design and overall feel of the designed building.
Biblioteca Parco Sempione, Milano
Personal Impact
Reflecting on my childhood in Prozor-Rama, I recollect the absence of a library, or an independent study, learning and reading space. As of now, the schools in the Prozor-Rama Municipality do not have independent study spaces, so students can only study at their homes, which can be distracting environments for learning. The Prozor Library, as a space of learning and education, could provide the students in the area with immense intellectual wealth, just as the library envisioned in the Prozor Project intends to do. Personally, visiting libraries and hospitals in Northern Italy and experiencing the transformational power of such spaces was profoundly enrichening to me as a Design and Architecture student. It added an important dimension to the research, fostering the understanding and insights that is being applied to the Prozor Project.
The other dimension of the Prozor Project is the “Bruse Rehabilitation Center”, which emerges as a dedicated sanctuary for cancer patients in Prozor-Rama and the surrounding regions. The increases in cancer incidence rates in Bosnia have left patients with limited access to specialized healthcare services. Bosnia and Herzegovina has some of the highest brain drain in the world, much of which comes from medical professionals. This project aims to be patient-oriented and provide optimized working environments for doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals. The vision for the rehabilitation center is not for it to be just a facility; it aspires to be a holistic healing and work environment. The architectural significance of the rehabilitation center is reflected in its design, which aims to enhance the physical and emotional well-being of patients, acting as a catalyst for the healing process and as an overall improvement of the quality of life. The center will seek to create spaces that will address not just the healthcare crisis within the community but also the broader goal of optimizing healing environments. I believe that this project is very important for the physical wellbeing and healing of my community in Prozor-Rama.
This Venture was a vital opportunity for my academic growth and provided me with valuable, firsthand experience and knowledge to be directly applied to my thesis project.
This Project greatly informed my senior thesis project, which will be exhibited in May 2024 as part of the Colorado College Senior Art and Design Student Thesis Show. I am honored to display the work that was produced as a result of the research I conducted in Northern Italy. The thesis work which I have produced is a culmination of my education as an Integrative Design and Architecture Major at Colorado College.
Final thesis work inspired by The Prozor-Project Venture Grant