Holistic Integration of Knowledge and Experience in Science

What is HIKES?

HIKES is a for credit, project based, experiential learning summer program that teaches Wilderness Backpacking, Navigation, Leadership, Ecology, Scientific-Methodologies, & Field Based  Geospatial Information Science . It is based out of the  Central Wyoming College Alpine Science Institute  in partnership with the United States Forest Service.

Students on previous HIKES Expeditions

Purpose of HIKES

Hikes is comprised of three parts: Expedition Preparation, The Expedition, and Data Analysis. Collectively this experience will allow students to integrate project-based GIS ( Geospatial Information Science ) work, scientific field studies, leadership, and wilderness backpacking into a fun, skill building, educational opportunity.

Expedition Preparation:

Example of a GIS data collection tool that students will learn to build before going on the HIKES Expedition.

Before heading into the mountains students will spend time in town preparing food and gear and preparing for the research and geospatial data collection component of the expedition. Students can expect to spend time in the GIS lab building real world data collection applications, and at the ASI learning the key components of wilderness trip prep.

The Expedition

After preparing food and gear, and developing key GIS and outdoor skills, students will depart on a two-week backpacking trip in the Wind River Mountains where they will learn the fundamentals of wilderness backpacking and use the GIS tools they developed to collect data to help support the United States Forest Service in its Wilderness monitoring efforts. Students will also participate in ecological field research projects. And, we will also try and make time for fun! (swimming, hanging out around the campfire, playing games, fishing, and maybe even climb a peak!?)

Data Analysis

Students in the field using the data collection applications they built to record the location of campsites.

After the ‘in-the-mountains’ portion of HIKES, students will take the data they collected in the field and start to analyze results using online maps and other geospatial analysis tools. We encourage students to take the work completed in this process and carry it forward into a presentation at the  University of Wyoming Undergraduate Research Day  in the Spring of 2025.

The Big Picture:

Above all- the goal of the HIKES program is to provide small classroom spaces, experiential learning, and hands on experiences that will be fun, help students earn college credit, and give them real world skills that will help them get jobs in the fields of outdoor education, GIS, environmental science, or land management.

Students hanging out in Camp on the HIKES Expedition

College Credit-

Students in the HIKES Expedition will receive college credit for two different classes (enrollment in both classes is required for scholarship eligibility):

GEOG-2000-LB: Professional GIST: Wilderness Monitoring (3 credits)

After the expedition, students will learn to create maps to tell the story of the data they collected.

  • This course gives students experience building a real-world-GIS data collection tool that will be used on students’ phones to collect geospatial data for the United States Forest Service
  • Expect full days that will involve extensive work with GIS systems on computers
  • This class will involve lots of trouble-shooting, creative thinking, and teamwork
  • After the expedition, students will return to the lab to identify, summarize, and correct any errors in the geospatial data collected during the expedition
  • Students will generate reports and maps from the data collected to be shared with the USFS
  • Students are encouraged to build upon their work in this course to develop research posters that they can present at Undergraduate Research Day at the University of Wyoming in the spring

OEAC-2030-ASI: Wilderness Backpacking (4 credits)

Students briefing for their day of work Wilderness Monitoring

  • A full intro to backpacking skills, including: cooking, tent set up, campsite selection, backpacking, risk management, navigation, & LNT
  • Outdoor leadership: communication, feedback, teamwork, and different leadership roles and strategies
  • Expedition Science: Collecting data using GIS tools for the USFS to monitor the quality and attributes of both water and campsites
  • Students will be asked to design and engage in an additional ecological research project
  • Students will be on their feet, hiking, carrying heavy packs, cooking and sharing tents with others and engaged in activities for long days in a remote environment, far away from roads and cell-service

Where is HIKES?

HIKES takes place at our two Lander CWC Campuses: The Lander Center, where we will use the GIS lab to build tools and analyze data from the expedition, The Alpine Science Institute where we will prepare our outdoor gear to go into the field, and in the Wind River Mountains at a location to be determined.

Locations of the HIKES Expedition. Click on a point for more information.

The Wind River Range - So Beautiful!

When is HIKES ?

The dates for HIKES 2024 are:

In-town Preparation: July 6th - 10th

  • 8:00 am - 12:00 pm at the Lander Center (in the GIS Lab)
  • 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm at the Alpine Science Institute (in Fremont Hall)
  • Students are expected to stay flexible and available for the duration of this expedition

Field Expedition: July 11th - 21st

We will depart for the mountains from the Alpine Science Institute on the morning of July 11th and return the afternoon of the 21st.

Post Expedition Clean-Up and Data Analysis:

July 23rd and July 24th at the Lander Center

*students are required to participate in all portions of the expedition*

Tentative 2024 HIKES Schedule

How do I enroll?

To enroll: Please email or call Kathryn Primrose (Education Coordinator) at the CWC Lander Center: 307- 332-3394 or kprimros@cwc.edu.

Scholarships & Housing

  • Scholarships are available for ALL students who enroll in both OEAC-2030-ASI AND GEOG-2000-LB
  • Scholarships will cover AT LEAST the equivalent of in-state tuition and fees for both courses
  • Scholarships are contingent upon participation in both courses and you must read and follow directions in your email to receive them
  • Housing at the ASI may be available for an additional fee on a first-come-first-serve basis, please contact Jenni Poor (307- 332-3394, jpoor@cwc.edu) ASAP to reserve housing
  • An additional small stipend will be awarded to all students who successfully complete all components the full HIKES program (up to $1,000 pre tax)
  • Please contact Kathryn Primrose (307- 332-3394 or kprimros@cwc.edu) with questions about scholarships

What do I need?

The most important thing you need to participate in HIKES is a good attitude, a willingness to work with other people, and enthusiasm to learn. You do not need to have any previous GIS, science, or backpacking experience. Your instructors are here to support your learning at whatever skill level you come in with.

Expect to spend a lot of time working with your peers on HIKES.

Getting in shape for HIKES

HIKES will be a whole lot more fun, and a whole lot easier, if you get in shape well before the expedition. Any form of exercise or training is great, but if you are looking for a great and simple training plan, start doing the following at least 2 months before HIKES:

  • Go for a hike, walk or run at least every other day, for at least 30 mins (and ideally longer)
  • AND, at least once a week, go for a long hike/walk/run (at least 3-4 hours)
  • Please also break in your hiking shoes for this expedition well before we start so you are comfortable with them!

Required Gear for HIKES

Click the button below for a list and description of required gear. You will meet with your instructors to go over gear before we head into the mountains, and we can help you answer any questions about gear you have.

In addition to the required gear above, I highly recommend checking out my personal list of favorite items to bring into the mountains:

Finally, backcountry hygiene can be a little intimidating if you haven't done it before. Check out this great resource and associated video for tips on staying clean and going to the bathroom in the backcountry:

Oh, I forgot to mention. We'll also hike to some pretty amazing places while we're on HIKES!

That's all! I hope you can join us on HIKES, and please, please reach out if you have any questions!

Mara Gans Instructor of GIS and Expedition Science mgans@cwc.edu Phone (Call or Text): 307.855.2332

of Central Wyoming College

Example of a GIS data collection tool that students will learn to build before going on the HIKES Expedition.

Students in the field using the data collection applications they built to record the location of campsites.

Students hanging out in Camp on the HIKES Expedition

After the expedition, students will learn to create maps to tell the story of the data they collected.

Students briefing for their day of work Wilderness Monitoring

Tentative 2024 HIKES Schedule

Expect to spend a lot of time working with your peers on HIKES.

Oh, I forgot to mention. We'll also hike to some pretty amazing places while we're on HIKES!

of Central Wyoming College