South Corvallis Area Plan
Project Timeline
Phase 1 - Community Connections: Bicycle and Pedestrian Connections, Planned Collector Streets and Multi-use Pathway Connections
Adopt Plan and Implement Preferred Alternatives - Adoption will occur with opportunity for community comments at Planning Commissions / City Council / Board of Commissioners public hearings (date TBD)
Land Use Alternatives Scenario 1
As noted in the timeline above, the City has conducted a number of outreach efforts over the years in order to identify changes in land use designations that facilitate the community's vision. To facilitate productive discussions, staff has relied on form-based descriptions, providing community members descriptions of land use types and mixes, building types, heights, and general form. Separating the area into ten subareas allows for the distillation of ideas on a smaller and more detailed level, taking stock of block by block opportunities for changes that will reflect the needs and desires of the community.
Many subareas within South Corvallis contain well-established neighborhoods and land use patterns that are not identified for change. As the established low density neighborhoods age and redevelop, opportunities for greater variety in building types will be available for developers due to changes in the mix of uses that are permitted in low and medium density residentially zoned areas.
Following the collection of community feedback from the outreach efforts and discussions with the project's advisory committees, a "Scenario 1" preferred land use map was generated, as described in detail below.
This scenario focuses on 22 specific locations for potential change. The project team is looking for feedback on Scenario 1 for purposes of creating a final, preferred land use scenario for South Corvallis.
Community Connections
South Corvallis Transporation Elements
The map above contains all of the South Corvallis existing and proposed connection types. The map also shows some barriers that do not allow community members to travel through the neighborhood without using South Third Street/Highway 99
TSP Streets and Projects
Corvallis Transportation System Plan (TSP)
This map shows all of the planned connections in the Transportation Systems Plan. Those include:
- Arterial Streets
- Collector Streets
- Neighborhood Connectors
- Multi-modal paths for alternative transportation
These streets lay the foundation for transportation and pedestrian connectivity to neighborhoods and services.
Through area planning and development proposals, some of the future alignments may shift or change in response to the current and future needs of the neighborhood.
South Corvallis Planned Connections
Bike and Pedestrian Paths
This map shows the planned future bike and pedestrian pathways. It includes enhanced bicycle lanes and future connections to other parts of the city.
Local Street Connections
Future Local Streets
The pink dashed lines on this map show some possible local street connections. These connections would:
- Make it easier and safer to travel from one neighborhood to another without using South Third Street/Highway 99
- Provide a low-stress environment for drivers, riders, and walkers
- Allow neighbors to access South Third Street/Highway 99 at signalized intersections
Highway 99W/South 3rd
ODOT has recently concluded a OR 99W South Corvallis Facility Plan. The plan provides for short- and long-term improvements to Highway 99W/South Third Street. The City has acknowledged the Plan and it will be incorporated into the Transportation System Plan
You can view the Facility Plan here :
What's Next?
Group Input Session 2020
Scenario 1 Potential Land Use Changes / Community Connections - Open House
On Thursday, November 21st, a community open house occurred at Lincoln School, to discuss the changes proposed in this Storymap. Staff collected community feedback at the open house, and additional opportunity for public input is occurring at this time. Please submit your feedback on this draft Scenario 1 land use and transportation plan using the following questionnaire:
Community Input Questionnaire
You can provide your input about the information you have gathered in this Storymap now, by taking the Community Input Questionnaire
If you want to stay informed of the project and opportunities to be involved, please sign up for notifications on the South Corvallis Area Plan project webpage .