Helen and Arthur E. Johnson GIS Lab at Colorado College
-For more information, contact the GIS lab - gislab@coloradocollege.edu 719-389-6130
What we do
- Assist students, faculty, and staff with all things geospatial
- Half Block and Summer Block B course: EV127:Intro to GIS
- Provide student adjunct opportunities
- Drone GIS mapping for research sites
- Drone videos and GoPro360 data collection
- Train students to be GIS Lab employees and student mentors
- Story Maps
- Host classes that want to utilize geospatial technologies
- Provide research design consultations
- Support GIS use in faculty and student research projects
- Assist and train faculty to integrate GIS in classes and research
- Training on data design, data collection, and data visualization
- Digital Liberal Arts (DLA) and Digital Humanities (DH) projects
- Host GIS Conferences to promote local and regional collaboration
- Provide continuing education for alumni
- Installation and licensing of GIS software on CC student's, faculty's, and staff's computers
GIS Mapping Products
Hi resolution orthoimagery (2cm)
CC Yampa Field
Hi resolution Digital Elevation Models
CC Yampa Field DEM
Hi Resolution 3D Mesh
Drone videos
Hayman Burn Area
MEF Trout Creek South
GoPro 360 videos
Click and drag as the video plays to experience 360 video
Marsh Quarry - GoPro Fusion 360