High-Quality, Publicly Funded Pre-Kindergarten, 2023
Data from October 2022


2023 Pennsylvania Pre-K for PA Fact Sheet
Of the 153,210 eligible children age 3-4 living in Pennsylvania, only 43% have access to high-quality pre-kindergarten.
This means an additional 4,364 pre-k classrooms are needed to serve the remaining eligible children.
Pre-K for PA defines high-quality, publicly funded pre-k as: - Head Start (state- and federal-funded); - Pre-K Counts; - School district pre-kindergarten; - Philadelphia pre-k (PHLpreK); and - Child care provided in Keystone STAR 3-4 centers and group child care homes participating in the Child Care Works subsidized program for preschool-age children.
Four types of high-quality providers are eligible to receive Pre-K Counts funding to support their pre-kindergarten program: - Head Start; - Keystone STAR 3-4 child care centers/groups; - private academic nursery school; and - school districts.
County Maps/Fact Sheets
The interactive map provides access to county fact sheets, high-quality pre-k locations receiving public funds, and eligible provider locations not yet receiving Pre-K Counts funding or not yet serving eligible preschool-age children through Child Care Works. Using the Layers menu in the top left, add eligible high-quality providers and those receiving public pre-k funds to the map. Click here to open the map in a new window.
School District Maps
The interactive map provides access to unmet need by school district, high-quality pre-k locations receiving public funds, and eligible provider locations not yet receiving Pre-K Counts funding or not yet serving eligible preschool-age children through Child Care Works. Using the Layers menu in the top left, add eligible high-quality providers and those receiving public pre-k funds to the map. Click here to open the map in a new window.
Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children is committed to ensuring each child in Pennsylvania has the opportunity for affordable and accessible high-quality early childhood education. PPC is a principal partner of Pre-K for PA.
The Pre-K for PA campaign believes that all children should have the opportunity to enter school ready to succeed. The coalition advocates for increased access to high-quality pre-kindergarten for every 3- and 4-year-old living in Pennsylvania.