UK Sea Fisheries 2020

Photograph of harbour


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Marine Management Organisation logo

Each year the MMO publishes an annual report on UK sea fisheries. This year we have produced this StoryMap to present our geographic data in an interactive way. 

The data presented comes from our two underlying datasets, published here: 

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Landings by Sea Area

This is the geographic data the MMO collects on the activity of vessels at sea - where the UK fleet catches their fish.  

Quantity of Landings by Area of Capture

Click on the map to discover more about the proportions of species groups caught.

Fish are commonly split into three groups of similar species.

Demersal fish inhabit the bottom of the ocean. Key demersal species fished by the UK fleet include cod and haddock. 

Pelagic fish inhabit the water column (not near the seabed or shore). The two main pelagic species fished by the UK fleet are mackerel and herring.

Shellfish include various species of molluscs (e.g. scallops, whelks) and crustaceans (e.g. crabs and nephrops). 

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Landings of Fish Species Groups by ICES Rectangle

What is an ICES rectangle?

The International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES) standardise the division of sea areas for analysis. Each ICES statistical rectangle is 30 min latitude by 1-degree longitude, which is approximately 30 nautical miles by 30 nautical miles. Note that the area of ICES rectangles varies because the Earth is a sphere.

ICES rectangles are amalgamated to create ICES areas. 

Landings by Port and Country

This is the geographic data the MMO collects on where vessels land the fish they have caught. 

Landings by UK Port

Landings data is collected for all ports in the UK. The Top 20 Ports for landings by the UK fleet are reported here in further detail.

These are the Top 20 Ports in the UK by quantity of landings by the UK fleet in 2020.

Click on each port to see a breakdown of the catch by species group.

And here we have the Top 20 Ports in the UK by the value of landings.

Landings by Country

Landings abroad by the UK fleet in blue. Landings into UK ports by foreign vessels in orange. Click the map for more details.

We want UK Sea Fisheries Statistics to better serve its audience by being more accessible and insightful. Let us know what you think about this StoryMap by contacting

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Contains Marine Management Organisation, Collins Bartholomew and Department for Transport data © Marine Management Organisation, Collins Bartholomew and Department for Transport copyright and database right 2021 

© ICES Statistical Areas dataset 2015. ICES, Copenhagen

Photograph credit @Istock