Digi Geo
Transferring contact, technology- and field-based education to digital: methods and tools for geosciences training
After the sudden approach of COVID-19 pandemic to our lives during spring 2020, we have had to adjust daily routines following nation-wide anti-epidemic measures. Schools, including universities, were almost immediately closed. Impossibility of having ordinary lectures and practices led to substitution of contact-based education by various forms of online, virtual, or digital teaching. This project, supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, aims to innovate the way of online/digital/virtual Geosciences training. Specifically, DigiGeo project focuses on transferring contact, technology- and field-based education that usually inevitably requires physical attendance of teachers and learners. We explore and innovate practices in such learning tasks with the use of digital technologies, which will help to maintain the quality of the learning process in Geosciences. Even more specifically, we focus on the digital transformation of three aspect of Geosciences education: 1) contact training in terms of hands-on lectures & practical exercises that need supervision; 2) contact training requiring demonstrations on physical equipment & device training; 3) field- and place-based geography education (field mapping and excursions).
Digi Geo teaser
Project activities & Timeline
The project is designed as a two year-cycles with short-term physical mobilities of staff and blended mobility of students and staff. During the face-to-face project team meetings, we discuss and experience state-of-the-art of digital education methods, tools and practices at hosting institutions. Blended mobility aims at and involves motivated students (40 in total). In its virtual part, students experience e-education practices at partners’ institutions to share them during a physical part. The physical part (a summer school) serves as a platform for exchanging ideas among students and between students and staff leading to a design of fully digital thematic lectures (yet still practical) to be used elsewhere.
Digi Geo project timeline
Project outputs are available via the button below:
The project has ended!!!
DigiGeo is over! It has been fantastic 2 years with more than 15 staff members and total of 43 students' participants. Thank you all for your great job. Thanks the EU for the Erasmus+ programme and support. All the project OUTPUTS are now freely available for download here . Enjoy :-)
DigiGeo Final Conference - date is set!
The final event opened to all interested colleagues, students, teachers, and other stakeholders... for free. We now have confirmed conference day - 24 May 2023 - and the place - Fort Science ( https://what3words.com/cafe.reward.inferior ) in Olomouc. You are welcome to join us at the event, bringing fresh and open minds. Scroll down the webpage to know more. Or register directly now on this link.
DigiGeo SummerSchool 2023 (Olomouc)
The second cycle of the project main activity - DigiGeo summer school - is taking place in Olomouc from 24 to 28 April 2023. Together with 24 students, we'll be exploring and experiencing modern tools and techniques for GIScience teaching in digital/online/e-environment. You can have a taste of the programme here.
January/February 2023
The last of the project's "Best Practices" workshop was organized in Bochum (Germany) from 31 January to 2 February. We experienced fourth demonstration and show-case on how online/virtual teaching has been conducted at one of the partners' institution. During fruitful three days of the workshop, we were also informed about various teaching projects ran at RUB, which gave us a lots of inspiration for future collaboration of the consortium. We also started planning the DigiGeo virtual exchanges, summer school, and final conference.
September 2022
The second cycle of the project started with a project meeting and workshop in Turku (Finland) from 26 to 30 September. In addition to planning upcoming project events and project management, a workshop on geoscience education topics was organised at the University of Turku (UTU). Furthermore, the project team visited Lounaistieto (Regional Geographical Information Network) funded by Regional Council of Southwest Finland and other stakeholders. This was followed by an intensive multi-day project team meeting in Seili island, which focused on the Intellectual Outputs of the project.
April 2022
As a conclusion of the first cycle of the DigiGeo project, we organized 5-days summer school in Olomouc (Czechia) from 25 to 29 April. All staff team members together with 20 student participants explored methods and tools for digital transition of geospatial learning and teaching. During a series of workshops and training sessions, participants learned about the possibilities of digital tools that can be used to design lessons and, of course, to deliver them. Then, under the guidance of the team members, the students created their own design for an optimal lesson in geoinformatics and related disciplines in a hackathon. Everything was finally documented in the form of a compendium with a detailed description of the activities.
April 2022
We were able to organize workshop for staff members, in Vienna (21-23 April), where our Austrian colleagues shared the best practices of digital/online/virtual teaching during covid-19 times. Moreover, we were informed how TUWeL (TUW e-learning system based on Moodle platform) is implemented and used even after return to physical teaching. Right after the worshop, the whole team moved to Olomouc for the DigiGeo summer school.
February 2022
Students are welcome to join the project activities. We look for four highly motivated students from each university (20 in total) to participate on virtual exchanges and then enjoy the summer school in Olomouc (late April 2022).
February 2022
Unfortunately, we had to postpone workshop in Vienna to April due to the pandemic situation.
September 2021
Workshop in Trondheim (Norway). Our colleagues from NTNU hosted the first "Best practices" workshop, showing us how they teach online/digital, what can be done in virtual reality, and most importantly how to use various tools to create virtual excursions. Here is a small taste of one virtual excursion in the topic "sensory mapping" we created during the workshop (ideally using VR glasses) - https://www.thinglink.com/video/1497879983077457922
June 2021
Virtual Kick-off meeting. The very first moment where all team members met each other. We set up roles and responsibilities, plan future events, and discuss project content. Very productive online meeting.
The Team
We are 14 academics from five different European countries and universities: - Palacký University Olomouc (Czechia) - UPOL - Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Germany) - RUB - University of Turku (Finland) - UTU - Technische Universität Wien (Austria) - TUW - Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway) - NTNU
Photos and media
Workshop in Trondheim (September 2021)
Students' section
(Olomouc, 24 May 2023)
DigiGeo Final Conference
About the conference
Preliminary programme
Plenary session details
Digi Geo 2022