What Does the Frog Say?
"Dog goes woof
Cat goes meow
Bird goes tweet
And mouse goes squeek
Cow goes moo
Frog goes croak...?
(The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?), 2013)"
Croak? Really?

There are over 6,300 recorded species of frogs all around the world, each specie has their own distinct frog call.
But what are they saying?

They are CRYING for HELP!!!
There is a huge decline in amphibian population since late 1980. There are over 2,000 species of amphibian are facing extinction, and over 40% of amphibian are in danger (Woodward, 2019).
But how does that matter?
The Earth DEPENDS on FROGS!!!
It might sound unrealistic, but sadly, it is true...
Frog plays a big role in the ecosystem, it is a crucial part of the food chain. Frog feast on a range of insects and gets eaten by snakes and other predators...
Frog's skin has various anti-bacteria elements which can be made into medicine...
Frog eats various pests such as mosquito, which decease the chances of human getting effected by mosquito-borne viruses...
Most importantly, frogs habitats directly represent the environment that we live in. Most of the frogs live in slightly polluted dams, ponds and moist locations around residential area. If frogs start disappearing in our neighborhood, it means the area is highly contaminated...
We don't find them by looking for them, we find them by hearing them...
Introducing FrogID.
FrogID is an app that allow users to collect and record certain frog calls anytime, anywhere. The data recorded will then be uploaded for scientists to analyze and study. The final data will be uploaded to online FrogID Map including its species, location and time at where it has been recorded.
Case Study:
The aim of this study is to use data provided by FrogID to further analyze the frog population density in a 10km x 10km study area in Sydney.
The overall frog density distributes more around major roads, residential areas and parks. It’s mainly because of the frog’s survival habits and the data collection method of Citizen Science. Most species of frogs in Sydney are highly adaptable, they are capable of surviving in any humid environment such as minor polluted ponds and ditches; which are located near roads, residential areas and parks.
The Species' Common Name Count in Study Area Bar-Chart indicates that the most common species counted within the study area are Pearson’s Tree Frog and Striped Marsh Frog, followed by Common Easter Froglet and Green Steam Frog. The rest of the species are not as popular as the others.
It's your turn to save frogs!
Download the FrogID App and start recording !
Download link: https://portal.frogid.net.au/get-involved
2013. The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?). [Online] Dplay Norge. Available at: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jofNR_WkoCE> [Accessed 9 November 2020].
Meme Generator, n.d. What Does The Frog Say?. [image] Available at: <http://memegenerator.net/instance/43053990/foul-bachelor-frog-what-does-the-frog-say> [Accessed 9 November 2020].
IA Sqrog, 2017. Animal Sounds Around The World – What Does The Fox Say?. [image] Available at: <https://www.iasprog.dk/en/animal-sounds-around-world-fox-say/> [Accessed 9 November 2020].
AvadhootTople, n.d. With The Help Of The Following Organisms Of Food Web. [image] Available at: <https://brainly.in/question/4470663> [Accessed 9 November 2020].
Elocinyreva_, 2018. Help Me GIF. [image] Available at: <https://tenor.com/view/help-me-faint-frog-gif-12502949> [Accessed 9 November 2020].
Woodward, A., 2019. Frogs Are Dying Off At Record Rates — An Ominous Sign The 6Th Mass Extinction Is Hitting One Group Of Creatures Hardest. [online] Business Insider. Available at: <https://www.businessinsider.com/frogs-amphibians-dying-6th-mass-extinction-photos-2019-6> [Accessed 9 November 2020].
Australian Museum, 2018. How To Use The Frog ID Mobile App. [video] Available at: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sl73oSP1MjE> [Accessed 9 November 2020].
The Endangered Wildlife Trust, 2016. Frogs And Their Calls. [video] Available at: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1Sc78-TOFs> [Accessed 9 November 2020].
TEDx Talks, 2013. The Survival Of The Earth Depends On Frogs: Jean-Marc Hero At Tedxsthildasschool. [video] Available at: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugvnxpYnsPQ> [Accessed 9 November 2020].