The life of Nobel Prize winner Gerhard Herzberg
Early Life and Career/ Jeunesse et début de carrière
Escape from Germany to Canada/ Fuite de l’Allemagne vers le Canada
Working at the University of Saskatchewan/ Poste de professeur à l’Université de la Saskatchewan
Working at Yerkes/ Travaux à l’Observatoire Yerkes
Working at the NRC/ Travaux au Conseil national de recherches du Canada
Winning the Nobel prize and the Post-Nobel World Tour/ Obtention du prix Nobel et tour du monde subséquent
Luise Herzberg
Babcock, Harold D., and Luise Herzberg. “Fine Structure of the Red System of Atmospheric Oxygen Bands.” The Astrophysical Journal 108, no. 1 (September 1948): 167. https://doi.org/10.1086/145062.
Curry, James, and Gerhard Herzberg. “Extension of the Visible Absorption System of NO2 to Longer Wave-Lengths.” Nature 131, no. 3319 (June 1, 1933): 842–42. https://doi.org/10.1038/131842c0.
Douglas, A. E., and Gerhard Herzberg. “The Nuclear Spin of He3.” Physical Review 76, no. 10 (November 15, 1949): 1529–29. https://doi.org/10.1103/physrev.76.1529.
Herzbeg, Gerhard. “Remarks Made at the Sakharov Demonstration.” January 1983.
Herzberg, Gerhard. “A New Band System Probably due to a Molecule CP.” Nature 126, no. 3169 (July 26, 1930): 131–32. https://doi.org/10.1038/126131b0.
———. “Convocation Address at the University of Western Ontario.” June 10, 1976.
———. “Forbidden Transitions in Diatomic Molecules: II. The Absorption Bands of the Oxygen Molecule.” Canadian Journal of Physics 30, no. 3 (May 1, 1952): 185–210. https://doi.org/10.1139/p52-019.
Interview of Gerhard Herzberg by Brenda P. Winnewisser on 1989 February 28, Niels Bohr Library & Archives, American Institute of Physics, College Park, MD USA, www.aip.org/history-programs/niels-bohr-library/oral-histories/5029-1
Interview of Gerhard Herzberg by Brenda P. Winnewisser on 1989 March 2, Niels Bohr Library & Archives, American Institute of Physics, College Park, MD USA, www.aip.org/history-programs/niels-bohr-library/oral-histories/5029-2
———. “In Pursuit of Excellence: Convocation Address, University of Manitoba, 24 May, 1973.” May 24, 1973.
———. “Inauguration of the France-Canada-Hawaii Telescope.” September 28, 1979.
———. “Nobel Prize Banquet Speech.” presented at the 1971 Nobel Banquet, December 10, 1971.
———. “Photography of the Infra-Red Solar Spectrum to Wave-Length 12,900 A.” Nature 133, no. 3368 (May 1, 1934): 759–59. https://doi.org/10.1038/133759a0.
———. “Predissociation of the Phosphorus (P2) Molecule.” Nature 126, no. 3172 (August 16, 1930): 239–40. https://doi.org/10.1038/126239a0.
———. “Presentation in Honour of Harry Thode.” presented at the Celebration of Harry Thode’s 40 years of Research at McMaster’s University, June 8, 1979.
———. “Remarks at Official Opening of Addition to Chemistry Building.” June 10, 1976.
———. “Science and Society.” November 8, 1974.
———. “Spectroscopic Studies of Molecular Structure.” presented at the Nobel Lectures, December 11, 1971.
———. “Speech given by Dr. G. Herzberg at Dinner in His Honour at Government House, Ottawa, Tuesday, 30 November, 1971.” November 30, 1971.
———. “The Spectra and Structures of Free Methyl and Free Methylene.” presented at the Bakerian Lecture, November 17, 1960.
Herzberg, Gerhard, and A.E Douglas. “Note on CH+ in Interstellar Space and in the Laboratory.” Astrophysical Journal 94, no. 1 (1941): 381.
Herzberg, Gerhard, and Douglas A. Ramsay. “The 7500 to 4500 Å Absorption System of the Free HCO Radical.” Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 233, no. 1192 (December 6, 1955): 34–54. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspa.1955.0244.
Herzberg, Gerhard, and G. Scheibe. “On the Absorption Spectra of Methyl Halides and Some Other Methyl Compounds in the Ultra-Violet and in the Schumann Region.” Transactions of the Faraday Society 25, no. 1 (September 9, 1929): 716–17. https://doi.org/10.1039/tf9292500716.
Herzberg, Gerhard, and J.W.T Spinks. “Absorption Bands of HCN in the Photographic Infra-Red.” Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series a - Mathematical and Physical Sciences 147, no. 862 (December 1, 1934): 434–42. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspa.1934.0226.
Herzberg, L., and G. Herzberg. “Fine Structure of the Infrared Atmospheric Oxygen Bands.” The Astrophysical Journal 105 (May 1947): 353. https://doi.org/10.1086/144910.
Herzberg, Luise. “A New Band System of Beryllium Oxide.” Nature 129, no. 3261 (April 1, 1932): 653–54. https://doi.org/10.1038/129653b0.
Herzberg, Paul. Luise Herzberg, Astrophysicist: A Memoir. Toronto: York University Bookstore, 2010.
National Film Board of Canada. Gerhard Herzberg in Lab Coat at Blackboard, Photo 1. February 4, 2019. National Research Council Canada.
National Research Council of Canada. Dr. Gerhard Herzberg, Director of the Division of Pure Physics, National Research Council of Canada, Portrait, 1964, (Preferred Pose). February 4, 2019. National Research Council Canada.
———. Gerhard Herzberg on Steps of NRC, 100 Sussex Drive, February 1985, Photo 3. February 4, 2019. National Research Council Canada.
———. Gerhard Herzberg with Family in Saskatoon C.1939. February 4, 2019. National Research Council Canada.
———. Gerhard Herzberg with M. Oliphant, C. J. MacKenzie C.1949. February 4, 2019. National Research Council Canada.
———. The Spectroscopy Group. February 4, 2019. National Research Council Canada.
Popa, Denisa. “Introducing Gerhard Herzberg.” Defining Moments Canada, 2021. https://definingmomentscanada.ca/herzberg50/introducing-gerhard-herzberg/.
“Remembering Paul Herzberg (1936 - 2015) - WUSC (World University Service of Canada).” wusc.ca, March 10, 2016. https://wusc.ca/in-memoriam/remembering-paul-herzberg-1936-2015/.
Rogers, Dave. University of Bristol Arms. October 11, 2008. Flickr.
Staro1. Front View the Realgymansium Des Johanneums. May 6, 2006. Wikimedia.
Stoicheff, B.P. Gerhard Herzberg : An Illustrious Life in Science. Ottawa: NRC Press, 2002.
ThomasGP. View of the Front of TU Darmstadt. May 10, 2007. Wikimedia.
Unknown. Dr. Gerhard Herzberg in Spectroscopy Lab. February 4, 2019. National Research Council Canada.
———. Gerhard Herzberg and Luise Herzberg on Tour C.1967, Photo 6. February 4, 2019. National Research Council Canada.
———. Gerhard Herzberg with Governor General Léger C.1971. February 4, 2019. National Research Council Canada.
———. Gerhard Herzberg’s 80th Birthday Party 1984, 3.16A. February 4, 2019. National Research Council Canada.
———. Gerhard Herzberg, Honorary Degree, Photo 2. April 2, 2019. National Research Council Canada.
———. Gerhard Herzberg, Nobel Award, Certificate, Dec. 1971. February 4, 2019. National Research Council Canada.
———. Gerhard Herzberg, Sagami Chemical Research Centre, March 24, 1976, Photo 4. February 4, 2019. National Research Council Canada.
———. Hin Lew with Gerhard Herzberg, Spectrum of H2O+ (1976). February 4, 2019. National Research Council Canada.
———. Study of Spectra Explosives, Saskatoon C.1944. February 4, 2019. National Research Council Canada.
———. Weizmann Dinner, Gerhard Herzberg, Monkia H., Prof. Robert Bell (Principal of McGill University) and Mrs. Bell 1972. February 4, 2019. National Research Council Canada.
W., Roger. Göttingen - University. March 4, 1961. Flickr.