2019-2023 Strategic Plan Report Card
How are we doing so Far:
As of April 2021, there are 119 Goals divided into two broad categories known as Passive Goals and Actionable Goals.
Passive Goals are goals that uphold the Mission, Vision and Values of the Town of Huntsville. These Goals are continuous. One example is Goal No. GOV 3.2: Continuously review all by-laws and administrative requirements to ensure they are appropriate and necessary.
There are currently 52 Passive Goals in the Strategic Plan.
Actionable Goals are goals that require a specific action be done to meet an objective. These goals are either not started, started, or complete. An example of an Actionable Goal is goal No. Env 3.1: Conduct a Town-wide Stormwater Drainage Study.
There are currently 67 Actionable Goals in the Strategic Plan
Strategic Pillar Legend
Economic Development = EcDev
Culture & Wellness = CW
Natural Environment & Sustainability = Env
Roads & Infrastructure = RdInf
Governance = GOV
Communications = COM
From October 2019 to December 2020, the Town has presented 320 Staff Reports that refer to goals in the Strategic Plan 813 times.
Strategic Plan Goal Status List
Strategic Plan Goal Tally
Reports Related to COVID-19 and how they Support the Strategic Plan
Reports from Development Services Division and how they Support the Strategic Plan
Reports from Corporate Services Division and how they Support the Strategic Plan
Reports from OPS Division and how they Support the Strategic Plan
Reports from Community Services Division and how they Support the Strategic Plan
Reports from Human Resources and how they Support the Strategic Plan
Reports from Municipal Heritage Committee and the Townhall Working Group and how they Support the Strategic Plan
Reports from the CAO and how they Support the Strategic Plan