Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

A Bird's-Eye View of Spatial Data Analysis, Mapping, & More

WebGL Globe


A spatial system that creates, manages, analyzes, and maps all types of data


A Map of Coastal Bathymetry

Is GIS All About Maps?

No, it's not. Maps are a major part of the Geospatial System, but, maps are really just the best way to present data. It's like how an essay is the best way to present your language skills but your language skills are not essays.

A 3D Model of Coastal Bathymetry

The Data That is Created, Analyzed, and/or Modified is What's Really Important

...GIS is not what's on the screen, It's what's out there.

-David C. Smith

Jimmy's Water Hole Fire

We can use GIS to determine the Spatial Extent of Natural Disasters. This can help Emergency Response teams and planners during and after hazardous events.

A Selection of Imagery from USGS Landsat-8 Used for Burn-Area Analysis

Tools of The Trade (Physical)

Drones are cool.

Captures From a Drone Demo

But, they're also incredible useful for geospatial data.

  • High Quality Aerial Imagery
  • Elevation Data
  • 3D Data
  • Image recolors
  • Utility Inspections
  • Feature Extraction


Image of GNSS Receiver Operation

GNSS Does The Mapping For Us

A setup like shown allows technicians to quickly and easily map features from the field.

The locations on the map are tied to the real world with sub-foot accuracy. Depending on the project you can collect up to sub-centimeter.

MCPS Utilities Overview

Tools of The Trade (Virtual)

Esri Makes it Easy to Make Web Apps

But, that doesn't mean coding isn't useful, or in some cases, necessary.

A React (JavaScript) Snipped From a Custom Widget Made for Experience Builder

import { React, AllWidgetProps } from 'jimu-core'
import { IMConfig } from '../config'
import { versionManager } from '../version-manager'
import { ChartRuntimeStateProvider } from './state'
import Chart from './chart'

const Widget = (props: AllWidgetProps<IMConfig>): React.ReactElement => {
  const { outputDataSources, useDataSources, config, id, enableDataAction } = props

  const webChart = config?.webChart
  const tools = config?.tools
  const defaultTemplateType = config?._templateType

  return (
    <div className='jimu-widget widget-chart'>

A Python Snippet from our Auto-Updated NOAA Data Tracker

df_temp.to_csv(r'W:\Groups\Planning Board\GIS\Scripts\Live_Weather_Data\2023_Temps.csv',
               )'Data Exported')

newestData_csv= r'W:\Groups\Planning Board\GIS\Scripts\Live_Weather_Data\2023_Temps.csv'

##Append Active Layer
#set vars
currentStation_itemID= 'b88d68e59369427ab9fbefa8db0e3dcd'
#Get item and item table
currentStation_item= gis.content.get(currentStation_itemID)
hLyr= currentStation_item.layers[0]
#run overwrite
wStation_flc= FeatureLayerCollection.fromitem(currentStation_item)
wStation_flc.manager.overwrite(newestData_csv)'Newest Data Added!')

#Share Public
#Delete Protect
currentStation_item.protect(enable=True)'Shared & Protected')

An HTML Snippet for the Scrolling Banner on Our GeoHub

            .marquee {
                height: 50px;
                overflow: hidden;
                position: relative;
                background: transparent;
                color: white;
            .marquee div {
                position: absolute;
                width: 100%;
                height: 100%;
                margin: 0;
                line-height: 50px;
                text-align: left;
                -moz-transform: translateX(100%);
                -webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
                transform: translateX(100%);
                -moz-animation: scroll-left 2s linear infinite;
                -webkit-animation: scroll-left 2s linear infinite;
                animation: scroll-left 20s linear infinite;
            .marquee div:hover {
            @-moz-keyframes scroll-left {
                0% {
                    -moz-transform: translateX(100%);
                100% {
                    -moz-transform: translateX(-100%);
            @-webkit-keyframes scroll-left {
                0% {
                    -webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
                100% {
                    -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
            @keyframes scroll-left {
                0% {
                    -moz-transform: translateX(100%);
                    -webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
                    transform: translateX(100%);
                100% {
                    -moz-transform: translateX(-100%);
                    -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
                    transform: translateX(-100%);
        <div class="marquee">
            <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-bullhorn" id="glyph"></span>
            <span> &ensp; Web Apps will be permanently replaced with modern Experience Builder apps. Please visit <strong> <a href="">Web Applications</a></strong> page.</span>


The Monmouth County GeoHub

The GeoHub is how we disseminate data and map products to the public.

MCGIS Public Facing Experience Builders:

Other Aspects of GIS

Thank You

Web Apps


Web Maps


Watershed & Water Pollution Awareness

MC Division of Planning

ArcGIS Indoors Image


A Map of Coastal Bathymetry

A 3D Model of Coastal Bathymetry

Image of GNSS Receiver Operation

The Monmouth County GeoHub