The Palouse Ecoregion
A synthesis of definitions and maps of the Palouse.
The Palouse Prairie is an endangered ecosystem spanning Eastern Washington, Western Idaho, and Northeastern Washington (Noss et al. 1995). Different sources have a variety of historical ranges throughout this region. The most widely accepted historical range was created by Black et al. 1998. Black’s map displays the extensive loss of the Palouse Prairie’s range due to agricultural land conversion. Many of these maps are fairly old paper maps. Interactive, online maps of this region are lacking and needed.
Caldwell, 1961
Caldwell synthesized historic ranges of the Palouse prairie through Washington and Idaho on this paper map. This map is an old drawn map that needs to be digitized. This map is confusing with multiple lines for the proposed area region. When digitized, different outline patterns or fills should be used to clearly show the multiple proposed areas.
Caldwell synthesized historic ranges of the Palouse prairie through Washington and Idaho on this paper map. This map is an old drawn map that needs to be digitized. This map is confusing with multiple lines for the proposed area region. When digitized, different outline patterns or fills should be used to clearly show the multiple proposed areas.
Sims and Risser, 1998
Map of grassland regions in North America. This map is difficult to read, in part due to the fill pattern. There is also no reference points on the map so it is difficult to orient yourself. This map would be strengthened by adding state boundaries to help orient the reader. This map would be more clear with different colors for the different regions along witht the pattern fill.

Black, 1998
Black et al. is one of the most used maps to demonstrate how the Palouse has reduced in size. There is an overview map used earlier in the paper, but this map showing land use is generally referenced by Palouse practitioners. This map would be strengthened by adding more reference points such as cities or counties. Additionally, this map would be more useful as a digitized online map. A slider could be used to show the historic and current range.
Wyffels, 2009
This map shows the range of the Palouse Prairie adapted from Olson, 2011. The area in green is the researcher's interpretation of the Palouse range and the black area is the Zumwalt Prairie restoration site. Both areas are clearly labeled and distinguished. The map would be strengthened by adding more reference cities near the polygons to help orient the reader.
Bowlick, 2015
Bowlick et al. synthesized definitions for the Palouse Prairie Region and created a map where the darker regions are locations where the definitions overlap the most. This map is incredibly useful but difficult to view. The gray shading is difficult to see for the regions with 1-3 overlapping definitions. I would add a more clear outline or different colors to distinguish between these different groups.
Looney and Eigenbrode, 2012
This map is adapted from Looney and Eigenbrode 2012. The interactive link is provided above through USGS and the Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative . This map clearly displays the largest Palouse range and is user-friendly. I love the concept of this map. It would be strengthened by adding points of interest and connecting datasets for research in the Palouse. Also, adding locations for currently intact remnants would enhance this map.
Photography Points of Interest on the Palouse
This map was made to display popular points of interest for photographers throughout the Palouse. The pictures used for points are creative but cluttered. I would group them and have the pictures displayed when you zoomed in on specific regions. A point with a number containing the quantity of sites can be used when viewed from far away.
What is needed in this region? John Nelson has developed a way to alter symbology to give a 3D appearance to maps. The ESRI Illumination Map uses hillshade, slope, and elevation features to give a 3D appearance to maps. This mapping technique would improve visuals and could explain microtopography more clearly.
More online and interactive maps are needed for the Palouse Prairie. Maps could be strengthened by adding 3D components and digitizing previous maps. Also, maps in this region need more points of reference such as local cities or counties.
Digitized: converting key features of paper map to a digital map
Elevation: the height from the surface
Fill: Color or pattern used to distinguished features on a map
Hillshade: 3D representation of the surface in grayscale
Raster: pixellated cells arranged in rows and columns. These images are usually used from aerial surveys or satellite imagery for topographic maps amongst others.
Slope: steepness of each raster cell