Pennsylvania Hunter-Trapper Education Programs
All first-time hunters and trappers must complete Basic Hunter-Trapper Education before they can purchase a PA hunting or trapping license.

What Course Do I Need?
Individuals may complete the Pennsylvania Basic Hunter-Trapper Education course either by attending an in-person course or by completing an online course. Pennsylvania will accept hunter education certification obtained from other states, and other states will accept Pennsylvania's Hunter-Trapper Education certification as it pertains to firearm hunting. Although Pennsylvania's Basic Hunter-Trapper Education course discusses archery and trapping, completion of this course may not be accepted in states that require an archery (bowhunter) specific or trapper specific certification.
The following states currently require an archery (bowhunter) specific certification: AK , CT , ID , ME , MD , MT , NE , NH , NJ , NY , RI and VT . Some states may require separate certification for hunting with crossbows or muzzleloaders, or for trapping. Hunters and trappers should always check a state's certification requirements when planning to hunt or trap there. The Pennsylvania Game Commission offers additional classroom and online courses covering archery safety, bowhunting skills, fur-taking and cable devices. A certificate of completion is provided for some of these courses. The Successful Bowhunting course certificate is accepted throughout the US in those states requiring archery (bowhunter) specific certification. See course descriptions for details.

Basic Hunter-Trapper Education
In order to receive a Pennsylvania Basic Hunter-Trapper Education certificate, students must successfully pass a multiple choice/true-false exam with a score of 80% or higher. Curriculum for both the in-person course and the online courses covers ethics and responsible hunting behavior, basic firearm safety, basic shooting skills, wildlife conservation and management, basic firearm and archery hunting techniques, outdoor preparedness and fur-taking basics. The in-person course is offered free of charge. Some online courses are fee-based.
Course Options
The Basic Hunter-Trapper Education In-Person Course is offered free of charge to anyone age 11 and older. Please note - Some independent study is required prior to attending the course. Students will need to prepare by reading Chapters 1, 4, 5 and 9 in the Today's Hunter and Trapper in Pennsylvania student manual . To request a copy of the Today's Hunter and Trapper student manual by mail, please contact the PGC Hunter-Trapper Education and Outreach Division at:
This interactive online version of the Basic Hunter-Trapper Education Course is offered to Pennsylvania residents, age 11 and older. Younger students may find this International Hunter Education Association approved interactive format more conducive to their learning style. The fee for this course is $49.95
You must be a Pennsylvania resident age 16 or older to take this Basic Hunter-Trapper Education Online Course. Students who successfully complete this course, which includes an exam, will be able to print a temporary Hunter Education Certificate. A permanent certificate will be mailed to the student. The fee for this course is $34.95
This Basic Hunter-Trapper Education Online Course is also offered in Spanish. Simply click the language toggle at the top of the course homepage to switch from English to Spanish. Basic Hunter-Trapper Education Online Course in Spanish
This NRA Hunter Education course is offered to Pennsylvania residents, age 11 and older. This online course is free of charge.
HTE Course Map
Upcoming Pennsylvania Hunter Trapper Courses
Bowhunting & Archery Safety
Be a better bowhunter! Improve your skills, stay safe and increase your chance of success with one of our Bowhunting and Archery Safety courses.
These Bowhunting and Archery Safety courses do not replace the Basic Hunter-Trapper Education Course requirement for all first-time hunters and trappers before purchasing a general PA hunting or tapping license. Although a bowhunter education certificate is not required to hunt with archery equipment in Pennsylvania, bowhunters may need a certificate to hunt in other states. Both the in-person and online Successful Bowhunter courses provide a certificate of completion.
Course Options
This classroom version of the Successful Bowhunting Course is offered to anyone age 11 and older. Successful Bowhunting Certificate Courses expand upon the National Bowhunter Education Foundation's International Bowhunter Education Program curriculum and provide students with a certificate accepted by states that require bowhunter education. There is a fee for this course. Curriculum covers safe, ethical, responsible bowhunting, big game anatomy and shot placement, distance estimation, treestand use and safety, shooting basics, and big game recovery and care. The course also includes a 3-D field exercise followed by an exam. The classroom session for this course is 8 hours. Before attending the classroom session, students must complete an independent study portion using the Today's Bowhunter student manual. To complete the independent study requirement, download a copy of the Today's Bowhunter student manual. To request a copy of the Today's Bowhunter student manual by mail, please contact the PGC Hunter Education and Outreach Division to request at: The fee for this course is $20
If there are no Successful Bowhunting Certificate Classroom Courses listed in your area, please contact the Pennsylvania Game Commission Region Office serving your county to inquire about upcoming courses.
The online Successful Bowhunting Course is offered to anyone age 16 or older. Successful Bowhunting Certificate Courses expand upon the National Bowhunter Education Foundation's International Bowhunter Education Program curriculum and provide students with a certificate accepted by states that require bowhunter education. There is a fee for this course. This online course covers the same curriculum as the in-person course with the obvious exception of the 3-D field exercise. After successfully passing the course exam, students may print a temporary certificate of completion. A permanent bowhunter education certificate will be mailed to the student. The fee for this course is $30
The Pennsylvania Archery Safety Online Course is specifically designed for those new to archery hunting. This is a free, informational program. It does not meet certification standards for any state requiring specific archery/bowhunter certification. This course provides the student with safety information on the use and inspection of elevated stands, selecting a stand location, using fall-arrest systems and haul lines, essential crossbow safety, proper shot placement, practicing and perfecting your skills, and Pennsylvania specific laws and regulations for bowhunting. This online course is offered free of charge.
Furtaking & Cable Restraints
Improve your skills and increase your chances for success in trapping with these courses based on the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies' standards for trapper training and Best Management Practices (BMP's) . Courses include instruction on furtaking ethics and responsibility, laws and regulations, tools for successful furtaking, cable devices/restraints, trapline basics and both land and water sets. Participants who successfully complete any of these courses are permitted to use cable devices to take foxes and coyotes in Pennsylvania. Certification enables you to purchase a PA fur-taking license to "trap" furbearers, however, it does not replace the Basic Hunter-Trapper Education requirement for "hunting" furbearers with a PA hunting license.
Before trapping in a state other than Pennsylvania, be sure to check that state's requirements for trapper education and licensing, as there may be state specific training required. For additional information on trapping in PA, visit our PGC Trapping and Furbearers page or check out the Pennsylvania Trappers Association website.
If there are no Successful Furtaking or Cable Device Certification Classroom Courses listed in your area, please contact the Pennsylvania Game Commission Region Office serving your county to inquire about upcoming courses.
Course Options
This in-person Successful Furtaking Course is offered to anyone age 11 and older and includes cable device certification. Before attending the classroom session, students must complete an independent study portion by reading chapters 1 through 13 of the Successful Furtaking student manual. The time it takes to complete this independent study requirement will vary with each individual. To complete the independent study requirement, download a copy of the Successful Furtaking student manual or contact the PGC Hunter Education and Outreach Division at to request a manual by mail. The fee for this course is $15
This 4-hour classroom course offered to anyone age 11 or older, focuses specifically on the safe and humane use of cable restraints. Cable Restraint Certification is required for any trapper using cable devices to capture foxes or coyotes in Pennsylvania. The fee for this course is $15
The Cable Restraint Certification Online Course is offered to anyone age 11 and older. Completion of this course provides certification for trappers to use cable restraints to capture foxes or coyotes in Pennsylvania. A temporary certificate of completion may be printed by the student at the end of the course. A permanent certificate will be mailed to the student. The fee for this course is $34.50
Become an Instructor
Why Be An Instructor?
- Share your love of the outdoors with the next generation
- Promote safe and responsible hunting and furtaking
- Serve your community
- Make new friends and hunting companions
- Recieve a complementary subscription to "Pennsylvania Game News"
- Receive discount offers from industry leaders through IHEA
Help keep the PA woods safe!
With more than 2 million students certified since 1959, statistics show hunting fatalities and injuries from firearms have declined by more than 80 percent. Hunter education is working!
Help Secure Funding for Wildlife Conservation
Funding for Pennsylvania Game Commission Hunter-Trapper Education Programs comes from the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Program (originally known as the Pittman-Robertson Act). This program has a 25% cost share requirement. This means, for the total funds received, the recipient agency must provide a 25% match. The PGC 25% match is derived by using the value of the services provided by our certified volunteer instructors. The Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Program (PDF) is funded by the excise tax paid by sportsmen on rifles, handguns, ammunition and archery equipment. All states are eligible to apply for this grant. Distribution of funds is based upon the land area of the state and the number of licensed hunters within the state.
Conservation Stewardship and the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program
There is always a demand for in-person instruction. The PGC needs knowledgeable and experienced individuals to teach both basic and advanced Hunter-Trapper Education programs. Volunteer instructors receive certification training, all necessary teaching aids, and materials including the easy-to-use, standardized curriculum. Instructors must be at least 18 years old and have a high school diploma or GED.
What's the commitment? Volunteer instructors should have the ability to donate 12 to 16 hours of their time each year. Courses vary in length depending on the subject and format. Brief annual instructor training is also required.
How to Become an Instructor
If carrying on the great tradition of safe, responsible, ethical hunting is important to you, please consider becoming a Certified Hunter-Trapper Education Instructor. All applicants must pass a criminal background check and child abuse clearance check. Follow the steps below to get certified:
- STEP 1: Download and review the Introduction and HTE Policy information. Then download and complete the PGC Hunter-Trapper Education Instructor Application forms:
- STEP 2: Submit the above forms. There are three ways to submit the forms:
- If you complete and sign the forms electronically, you can use the SUBMIT FORMS button at the bottom of the application.
- If you complete the forms online, but can't sign them electronically, you can print, sign, scan and email to:
- If you are unable to complete the forms online, print them complete them in ink, scan and email to the email address above or mail them to: PA Game Commission, Hunter Education & Outreach Division, 2001 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110
- STEP 3: You'll be contacted by PGC staff and/or your local State Game Warden after your clearances have been received with additional instructions.
- STEP 4: Complete new Instructor Orientation and Training, online or in-person.
- STEP 5: Begin teaching with other Certified Instructors.
Instructor Resources
- Become a Mentor
- Instructor Activity Report Form (PDF)
- Fillable Class Poster/Flyer (PDF)
- HTE Program Overview (PDF)
- HTE Policy (PDF)
- HTE Teaching Techniques (PDF)
- HTE Curriculum (PDF)
- HTE Skills Stations (PDF)
- Post a HTE class on Kalkomey Event Manager (Instructor Login)
- Hunting Heritage License (PDF)
- International Hunter Education Association Homepage
- IHEA Instructor Resources
- Instructor Discounts through IHEA
- Hunting Related Shooting Incident (HRSI) Annual Report
- Pennsylvania Youth Hunter Education Challenge (YHEC)