Sonoran Desert
This story map will show and tell you about the the Sonoran Deserts problem of endangerment.
This story map will show and tell you about the the Sonoran Deserts problem of endangerment.
This story map will show and explain many wonders of the Sonoran Desert.
To first now why there could be endangerment we need to look at the geography of the Sonoran desert. The Sonoran Desert region covers 100,000 square miles in total, it cuts into Arizona, California, Baja California, and even Mexico. Subdivisions of this hot dry region include the Tonopah and Yuma Desert. The Sonoran Desert is the only place that has the Saguaro Cactus. The Saguaro Cactus is a huge cactus that can live for more than 100 years at times. Due to the climate of the Sonoran desert it has very little humidity and is very dry. The Sonoran Desert is right nearby the hottest place on Earth, death valley is home to only 300 people and gets as hot as 134 degrees Fahrenheit. The climate has become drier over the year and it has changed the distribution of the cold intolerant plants in the Sonoran.
The Gila Monster and the Saguaro Cactus
This map shows how long and large the Sonoran desert is. Covers around 120,000 square miles. The red zone shows where many of the endangered animals live. Inside the blue outline there are also 4 sub deserts. They are the Yuma desert, Tonopah desert, Lechuguilla desert, and the Gran Desierto de Altar. Putting in a restricted sanctuary in the red area would make it easier for the endangered species to grow there population and not die off. Works could set up a monitored area in red and keep track of the habitat. People visiting the sanctuary can be restricted to designated parks and trails. The points shown are the outlines of the sanctuary and where the boundaries will be. This area would be approximately 34,000 square miles.
In Sonoran Desert there are many unique and beautiful creatures. But many of these creatures population has been going down and are becoming endangered. Some animals that are endangered are the Gila monster, the Mexican gray wolf, Jaguar, Lesser Long- Nosed Bat. The best way to fix this is to put in place laws to protect animals from poachers and other dangers. We can also have a sanctuary for animals in the Sonoran desert that takes in endangered species and makes it a safe place for them to grow and reproduce.
Many of these animals could be placed in zoos to help increase population again, but a wildlife preserve must be established in the natural Sonoran Desert to maintain the various species.
"Zoos primarily deal with three aspects of conservation – practice, advocacy and research. Conservation practice entails captive breeding, species reintroduction programs, Species survival plans and the use of zoo revenue for conservation programs in the wild."
As zoos are a good thing for many different animals. Some species are taken from danger but also their home, making a safe place for the animals in there natural habitat would cause less stress and fear for the animals.
Population Growth, Yuma and Prescott.
This chart shows how much the population of Yuma and Prescott has grown over the years. This is a crucial piece of information for the wildlife management of the Sonoran Desert because the population growth requires that more of the natural desert be used for housing and other urban development.
Information cites: 2F4b3ed1b456fa14107fee38913747fdc9 .jpg&