US Military Bases Based on Population and Geography

This story map is written by Walter and Punar. The map shows different types of military bases and their locations within the United States

Trends Seen

  • More bases near densely populated zones
  • Less near mountainous terrain
  • More bases near the coasts and the southern border

Army Bases (Yellow)

Most of the army bases seem to spread from the east coast to the midwest. While there is a lot less there is still some on the west coast. There seems to be more army bases in more densely populated areas.

Small amount of military bases on the west coast

Army bases spreading from the east coast to the midwest

Big group of army bases on the east coast

Army bases on Hawaii

Air Force Bases (Red)

The location of air force bases sees to be more random than all the other branches. We believe the reason for this is because the air force has many lanes which can travel high distances. On the map The biggest cluster of bases is near/ in colorado which is the home to not only the air force academy but also the Cheyenne mountain complex which is the base for NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command). The United states air force and its air mobility command operates 479 Kc-10s and KC-130 which are capable of air to air refueling. The reason why most air force bases are spread out is because the air force has the logistics needed to maintain the separation. Most air force bases are located in population areas which are not super populated but also not scarce. The color scheme if you take a look at the ap is either light purple or a darker light pulrple. All the bases are on flat land no matter what terrain is surrounding it. Finally the farther distance between 2 bases is about 219 miles which is well under most air force planes range capacity.

This is where NORAD and USAFA is located

This is a USAF KC-10 refueling a Navy FA-18 Hornet

This is a USAF KC-130 Tanker refueling 2 F-35's

Navy Bases (Blue)

The United States Navy’s bases are mostly located next to the water (of course) The navy's bases are mostly in densely populated zones and cities such as Jacksonville, San Diego, and San Francisco. The only exception to this is the bases near Carson city and Washington DC which are both inland. Due to the fact that 95% of the navy is sea based they have their bases next to and near the water. The ports are designed to hold ships that are the size of a patrol boat or giant Aircraft Carriers.

This is one example of an inland Navy base

This is an example of an cluster of Naval stations based in a large populated city

This is an image with a bunch of USN Aircraft Carriers at port in San Diego

This is a USN patrol boat in port

Marine Corps Bases (Green)

The Marine Corps bases are concentrated in three areas, which are hawaii, north carolina, and california. They seem to be in less densely populated areas

Group of Marine Corp bases in North Carolina

Group of Marine Corp bases in California

Group of Marine Corp bases in Hawaii

Small amount of military bases on the west coast

Army bases spreading from the east coast to the midwest

Big group of army bases on the east coast

Army bases on Hawaii

This is where NORAD and USAFA is located

This is a USAF KC-10 refueling a Navy FA-18 Hornet

This is a USAF KC-130 Tanker refueling 2 F-35's

This is one example of an inland Navy base

This is an example of an cluster of Naval stations based in a large populated city

This is an image with a bunch of USN Aircraft Carriers at port in San Diego

This is a USN patrol boat in port

Group of Marine Corp bases in North Carolina

Group of Marine Corp bases in California

Group of Marine Corp bases in Hawaii