Neighborhood Enhancement Team

Building Community Partnerships in The American Dream City

Code Compliance in the City of Arlington, Texas has a  Neighborhood Enhancement Team  that partners with residents to improve curb appeal, connect neighbors and build community pride across The American Dream City. The Arlington City Council approved the creation of the Neighborhood Enhancement Team, which launched in January 2019, as a part of its priority to Champion Great Neighborhoods.

Building Trust

The Neighborhood Enhancement Team collaborates with residents and hosts cleanup days to improve the appearance and quality of life in neighborhoods.

One of the first efforts was in the Phillips Park neighborhood, a part of the Heart of Arlington Neighborhood Association (HANA) in Downtown Arlington.

On August 24, 2019 Phillips Park neighbors, property owners, volunteers from the nearby Greater Community Missionary Baptist Church, HANA, and city employees worked together to beautify the neighborhood.

Code Compliance Officer's (CCO's) Victor Alfaro and Supervisor Sergio Erazo removing tree debris from a Phillips Park backyard

Code Compliance and Republic Services removing low-hanging tree limbs that were blocking pedestrian and motorists right-of-way

Arlington Police Sergeant Powell providing hands-on assistance

Teamwork with Residents and Republic Services removing trash and debris from Phillips Park neighborhood

Arlington, Texas Code Compliance officer visiting the home of Phillips Park residents.
Arlington, Texas Code Compliance officer visiting the home of Phillips Park residents.

Code Compliance is growing partnerships and building trust with the community. Resident giving a high-five for the help provided by the Neighborhood Enhancement Team with cleanup of their property.

Supervisor David Wyatt with Phillips Park Resident

Grateful Fish Creek Residents that recieved assistance with property cleanup

Happy Resident in NY Meadows/Brandyridge/Brittania Gardens neighborhood who received assistance with fence repair and property cleanup

“The time and effort the city has spent on this is wonderful,” said Sandy Godwin, a Lake Arlington Highlands resident for more than 34 years. “I love to keep our neighborhood neat and inviting and I think this is wonderful!”

“What a wonderful, inspiring experience,” said Shirley Patterson, resident of Parkview for over 55 years. “I know the neighbors are so impressed Neighborhood Enhancement came to our community, and worked so hard, and so dedicated to helping us. We love our neighborhood.”

“It was such a blessing for the city to help us out, and they did a wonderful job,” said Mr. Kelly, a grateful resident on Kilkenny Drive.

"This is the first time I've seen anything like this and I've been here since 1977," said Ms. Myra Galbiati. "You've done a wonderful job."

Fish Creek resident and U.S. Air Force Veteran, Ronald Bryant expressing appreciation for the assistance with tree trimming in his front yard.

“This event helps strengthen the community and teaches leadership for future generations and the importance of doing good and helping people,” said Samantha Horwitz, former United States Secret Service agent and DFW Chapter Leader, Travis Manion Foundation. “Our participation in this project is in honor of the life and legacy of Major Megan M.L. McClung, USMC.”

Resident on Newbury Drive in the NY Meadows/ Brandyridge/ Brittania Gardens community thankful for the assistance provided with property cleanup by Neighborhood Enhancement Team Volunteers from Church of the Good Shepherd United Methodist.

"This is a great way to connect with your neighbors while taking advantage of the resources provided by the City and community partners to cleanup your property and neighborhood," said Neal Lucas, Code Compliance Services field operations manager.

“My shirt was born out of the quandary of which volunteer shirt to wear,” said Angel Carter, resident of Fish Creek and U.S. Marine Corps veteran. “It’s always my hope that someone else may be inspired by what is going on and how much fun it looks like we’re having."

Volunteer Partnerships

Thank you to each and every Volunteer dedicated to making Arlington a better place to live, work, learn, and play! Your partnership as a Neighborhood Enhancement Team member and participation in cleanup events is making a difference in peoples' lives and making the community cleaner, safer, and more attractive.

NY Meadows / Brandyridge / Brittania Gardens Community Cleanup

A total of 45 Volunteers gave back to the community by participating in this cleanup event in October 2021.

Council member Rebecca Boxall attended in support of the Neighborhood Enhancement Team.

NY Meadows / Brandyridge / Brittania Gardens Community Cleanup

Special appreciation to Lowe's Home Improvement for their contributions and support. Their partnership is making a positive impact in the community!

NY Meadows / Brandyridge / Brittania Gardens Community Cleanup

Much appreciation to Leadership Arlington and all that volunteer their time and energy to help the community.

A total of 23 tons (46,000 pounds) of debris was removed from the NY Meadows / Brandyridge / Brittania Gardens neighborhood during the cleanup event.

NY Meadows / Brandyridge / Brittania Gardens Community Cleanup

A total of 12 residences were provided property cleanup assistance by awesome Volunteers.

NY Meadows / Brandyridge / Brittania Gardens Community Cleanup

The result of the Neighborhood Enhancement Team's efforts and the community partnership was an 88% decrease in code violations.

NY Meadows / Brandyridge / Brittania Gardens Community Cleanup

A total of 20 tools were checked out from the Tool Sharing trailer to assist Volunteers during the cleanup.

Turf Club Estates Community Cleanup

On October 22, 2022, more than 75 volunteers and community partners united to join the Neighborhood Enhancement Team.

A total of 7.5 tons (15,000 pounds) of trash and debris was removed from this neighborhood on cleanup day.

Turf Club Estates Community Cleanup

Special appreciation to Leadership Arlington, Junior League of Arlington, Good Shepherd United Methodist Church, Arlington Clergy (ACAPP) and everyone that volunteered.

A total of 10 residences in this community requested help from volunteers.

Low-hanging tree limbs over sidewalks and streets were removed providing clearance for safe passage for neighbors walking or driving in the neighborhood.

Community partner, Republic Services collected trash and debris from the residential properties.

"This is an excellent program - something for the people and giving back to the people," said Cindy Solis, a resident on Polo Club Drive. "We appreciate it so much."

Berkeley Square Community Cleanup

The Berkeley Square cleanup event was held in December 2019. This neighborhood, with 178 residences, had five properties that requested and received assistance with cleanup.

Berkeley Square Community Cleanup

Former Council member Marvin Sutton and wife Raquel Gair Sutton (pictured with Code Compliance staff) pitched in at this event helping with litter removal along Webb Ferrell Road.

Berkeley Square Community Cleanup

A total of two (2) tons (4,000 pounds) of debris was removed at this cleanup event.

Berkeley Square Community Cleanup

Multiple City departments, Residents and Volunteers were hands-on in the cleanup as the Neighborhood Enhancement Team.

Berkeley Square Community Cleanup

This neighborhood cleanup and partnership resulted in an 83% reduction in code violations.

Fish Creek Community Cleanup

Fish Creek Community, including Webb Britton Estates, Briarhill, and Britton Place had a Neighborhood Enhancement Team cleanup event in October 2020.

Fish Creek Community Cleanup

A total of 13 households (of 756) requested and received assistance with property cleanup.

Fish Creek Community Cleanup

A total of 20 volunteers, including former Council member Sutton and his wife partnered in the cleanup.

Special appreciation to all of the military Veterans that participated in this event. Members of the Travis Manion Foundation and The Mission Continues were present, continuing to give back to the community.

Fish Creek Community Cleanup

Special appreciation to Lowe's Home Improvement for their partnership and assistance at this event.

Arlington Lowe's #520 Store Manager and U.S. Army Veteran Jonathan Batten helped with the cleanup.

Fish Creek Community Cleanup

A total of 8.85 tons (17,700 pounds) of junk and debris was removed from the neighborhood.

Code violations decreased by 93%.

Volunteers are the heartbeat of the Neighborhood Enhancement Team and the program would not be a success without their partnership and dedication.

Volunteers from Church of the Good Shepherd United Methodist regularly attend cleanup events as an important part of the Neighborhood Enhancement Team.

These wonderful Volunteers are familiar with city resources offered such as the Tool Sharing Program, and share information with Residents in need.

Much appreciation to Church of the Good Shepherd United Methodist for their contributions to helping the community.

Special appreciation to First United Methodist Church of Arlington for their ongoing partication and hard work giving to the community.

Meadowbrook Park Community Cleanup

This community had four residential properties out of 491 that requested assistance with cleanup from the Neighborhood Enhancement Team in March 2022.

Meadowbrook Park Community Cleanup

A total of 33 Volunteers joined the Neighborhood Enhancement Team at this event.

Thank you ELITE™ Roofing and Remodels for volunteering at this cleanup.

Meadowbrook Park Community Cleanup

A total of 10.49 tons (20,980 pounds) of trash and debris was removed during this cleanup.

The result was a 90% decrease in code violations.

Meadowbrook Park Community Cleanup

A total of 10 tools - plus 12 sets of gloves and safety goggles were checked out from the Tool Sharing Trailer to help with this event.

Briar Meadow Community Cleanup

The Briar Meadow cleanup event was held in April 2022.

Of the 329 single-family properties in this neighborhood, a total of 10 residences requested and were provided assistance.

Briar Meadow Community Cleanup

A total of 16 tools / equipment were checked out from the tool sharing trailer along with 46 sets of gloves and safety equipment on the day of the event.

Briar Meadow Community Cleanup

A total of 23 Volunteers participated in the cleanup.

Special appreciation to the Arlington Hispanic Citizen Police Academy and all that volunteered for their hard work and participation.

Briar Meadow Community Cleanup

A total of 12 tons (24,000 pounds) of debris was removed on the day of the event.

Community Partnerships Map

Data such as code compliance complaints and police calls for service are used to strategically select neighborhoods where additional city resources and assistance will be offered over a 12-month period.

"The information helps us identify neighborhoods where this innovative collaboration is most likely to provide an immediate and lasting change for the better," former Mayor Jeff Williams said. "By proactively engaging with our residents and providing these targeted city resources, we are continuing our efforts to create safe, stable and attractive neighborhoods that our families are proud to make their home."

Zoom-in to the map and click on neighborhoods to learn more about partnerships and accomplishments.

The Tool Sharing Program

The  Tool Sharing Program  launched in February 2021 offers a variety of tools and equipment that Arlington residents may check-out free of charge to assist with property cleanup and improvement.

CCO Robert Rodriguez showing resident features of the mower

This resident also borrowed a wheelbarrow

Community partner Lowe’s Home Improvement Store of Arlington offered discounts and donated some tools and equipment to kick-start the initiative to contribute to its success.

Lowe's Home Improvement Supervisor and U.S. Navy Veteran Mark Cashion powerwashing a Residents front porch and driveway area

Lowe's Home Improvement employee powerwashing a Resident's driveway

The mobile tool trailer is stocked with 57 varieties of tools and equipment to provide Arlington residents free use of lawn equipment, painting kits, tool kits and more for home and property improvement.

Resident on Shady Hill Lane receiving drop-off of edging tools for yard maintenance

Residents simply choose a category that fits their needs, and submits a reservation request, and we are in touch within three (3) business days to schedule drop-off of tools or equipment at the residence for performing cleanup, lawn maintenance or home repair tasks.

CCO's Jones and Rodriguez with Resident that borrowed painting equipment

Happy Resident borrowing a mower, blower, and extension cord for yard maintenance

The tool sharing trailer is present at Neighborhood Enhancement Team community events filled with equipment and tools to promote the program and help residents and volunteers perform property cleanup.

Resident borrowing a mower at a cleanup event - CCO Rodriguez in background

CCO Rodriguez checking out tools from trailer at Fish Creek cleanup event

Volunteers with borrowed tools and equipment heading out to assist the community with cleanup and yard maintenance

As of May 29, 2024, a total of 122 tools were used at 12 community cleanup events.

“I’m very excited to see a Tool Sharing Program being established for the residents of Arlington,” said Linda Finley, resident of Fish Creek community. “Not everyone has a vehicle large enough to transport a lawn mower or power washer, or the funds to purchase/rent these items. The best part is being able to reserve the equipment, know it will be delivered and picked up without having to leave the house.”

CCO's Curtis Jones and Robert Rodriguez with Tool Sharing Trailer

CCO Rodriguez handing off tools to Residents to do yard maintenance

This Volunteer borrowed tree trimming equipment at the Fish Creek cleanup event

Message to the City of Arlington (just before completion of a project) from happy Residents whose Arlington family borrowed a powerwasher to clean their driveway

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work!

Phillips Park Community Cleanup Event

Neighborhood Enhancement Team with a happy Resident

CCO Jones sharing a high-five with a Phillips Park Resident at the conclusion of cleanup on the resident's property with CCO Alfaro looking on.

Fish Creek Community Cleanup Event Volunteer teamwork removing huge net from a back yard.

All ages actively Volunteer with the Neighborhood Enhancement Team.

Parkview youth participating in their Neighborhood Enhancement Team cleanup event.

Families worked together to help cleanup a community garden and the neighborhood

Youth helping at Meadowbrook Park cleanup event

Teenager at Briar Meadow community event assisting in cleanup

Youth participating in NY Meadows/Brandyridge/Brittania Gardens cleanup event

“It is really great to see the city involved, and how these events restore pride in neighborhoods,” said former Deputy Mayor Pro-Tem and Council member Helen Moise. “It is eye-opening how much of a difference you can make in peoples’ lives.”

Arlington Code Compliance Officers giving a high-five as they enjoy a moment, sharing a great sense of accomplishment at a cleanup event.

CCO Alfaro raking up debris, with CCO Nick Wirsdorfer and Police Sergeant Powell in the background working

CCO Leslie Mills removing tree debris from property at Phillips Park cleanup event, with Resident in background also assisting

Supervisor Wyatt and Team loading Parkview debris for removal

Arlington Fire Rescue providing assistance with cleanup between calls.

Special appreciation to Republic Services for their partnership.

Supervisor Erazo with Republic Services Team

Republic Services participating in the Parkview Community cleanup event in March 2021

Block Party Celebrations

The Neighborhood Enhancement Team block parties provide residents and volunteers a fun social setting to celebrate the day's cleanup event accomplishments.

Turf Club Estates Community Block Party following cleanup event

Arkansas Heights Block Party

District 3 City Council Representative Nikkie Hunter touring the Tool Sharing Trailer at a Block Party event

Neighbors meeting neighbors at Lake Arlington Highlands event

Residents registering attendance at a block party and getting information about City programs and services provided

Military Veterans representing the  Travis Manion Foundation  and  The Mission Continues  partnered with the Neighborhood Enhancement Team at the Fish Creek community cleanup and block party

Each cleanup event concludes with a block party. Food, snacks and beverages are provided for the community.

CCO Jones offering refreshments to Phillips Park youth

Code Compliance staff preparing hot dogs at event

Multiple city departments participate, offering opportunities for residents to learn about services provided while building relationships with the community.

Deputy Chief Tarrick McGuire with South Hampton Residents

Supporting Youth and Families

Community partner Community Advocating for Prosperity and Opportunity (CAPO) has provided over 1,200 free books to the community at block parties hosted by the Neighborhood Enhancement Team through July 2024.

Happy recipient of free books from CAPO

Hundreds of free book choices provided by community partner CAPO

The CAPO table loaded with free books draws lots of attention and creates interest and happiness at each event. Connecting youth and families with educational resources helps Support our Youth and Families, another City Council Priority.

A total of 40 free books were handed out at the Turf Club Estates block party

CAPO representative, David Jackson assisting Residents with book choices

Supporting Youth and Families with free book giveaways' provided by CAPO for the community.

During this same period, Arlington Public Library issued 22 Library cards to Arlington residents at block party events.

Libary staff engaging with Resident

Fun and games!

Games of Giant Jenga, corn hole and more provide family entertainment.

Celebrating the results of the team effort!

City of Arlington, TX, Senior CCO Jones

The  Neighborhood Enhancement Team , headed up by Senior CCO's Curtis Jones and Robert Rodriguez, continue visiting communities after cleanup events. Planned outreach efforts include providing educational resources and materials to residents, working with property owners to promptly address new code violations, and continuing to develop new relationships with residents.

Positive Results

The collaboration producing positive results.

The Neighborhood Enhancement Team (NET) initiative is growing community partnerships, building public trust, and helping Arlington Residents with property cleanup and maintenance.

Since its launch, through October 2024, NET partnerships produced more than 400 volunteers at over 25 neighborhood cleanup events resulting in 161 tons (321,900 pounds) of trash/debris removed, inspiring community pride, cleaner properties, and a growing trust in Code Compliance.

As of May 31, 2024, the Tool Sharing Program (established in February 2021) provided a total of 965 door-step deliveries, and tools were used at 12 community cleanup events, with a total of 3,295 individual tools utilized. Based on the types of tools checked out, 1,021 potential code violations were corrected.

Code Compliance is making positive advancements in The American Dream City with its programs and initiatives designed to increase education, awareness, and community engagement while providing resources to help neighbors and the community.

Special thanks to volunteers and collaborative community partners: Greater Community Missionary Church, HANA, Leadership Arlington, Church of the Good Shepherd United Methodist, First United Methodist Church of Arlington, Junior League of Arlington, Arlington Hispanic Citizen Police Academy, Community Advocating for Prosperity and Opportunity (CAPO), Arlington Clergy and Police Partnership (ACAPP), Lowe's of Arlington, UT Arlington Chapter of Circle K International (CKI), and all that work together to Champion Great Neighborhoods in Arlington, TX.

Residents can help the City keep neighborhoods clean and safe by reporting concerns to the Action Center at 817-459-6777 or through the  free Ask Arlington app .

  • Is help needed? A webpage is dedicated to providing residents information about resources to help such as free graffiti removal, free use of tools for property cleanup and maintenance, home repairs and more. Visit .

City of Arlington, TX  Code Compliance  Services | February 2025

Special thanks to volunteers and collaborative community partners: Greater Community Missionary Church, HANA, Leadership Arlington, Church of the Good Shepherd United Methodist, First United Methodist Church of Arlington, Junior League of Arlington, Arlington Hispanic Citizen Police Academy, Community Advocating for Prosperity and Opportunity (CAPO), Arlington Clergy and Police Partnership (ACAPP), Lowe's of Arlington, UT Arlington Chapter of Circle K International (CKI), and all that work together to Champion Great Neighborhoods in Arlington, TX.

City of Arlington, TX  Code Compliance  Services | February 2025

City of Arlington, TX, Senior CCO Jones

Code Compliance Officer's (CCO's) Victor Alfaro and Supervisor Sergio Erazo removing tree debris from a Phillips Park backyard

Code Compliance and Republic Services removing low-hanging tree limbs that were blocking pedestrian and motorists right-of-way

Arlington Police Sergeant Powell providing hands-on assistance

Teamwork with Residents and Republic Services removing trash and debris from Phillips Park neighborhood

Supervisor David Wyatt with Phillips Park Resident

Grateful Fish Creek Residents that recieved assistance with property cleanup

Happy Resident in NY Meadows/Brandyridge/Brittania Gardens neighborhood who received assistance with fence repair and property cleanup

Low-hanging tree limbs over sidewalks and streets were removed providing clearance for safe passage for neighbors walking or driving in the neighborhood.

Community partner, Republic Services collected trash and debris from the residential properties.

CCO Robert Rodriguez showing resident features of the mower

This resident also borrowed a wheelbarrow

Lowe's Home Improvement Supervisor and U.S. Navy Veteran Mark Cashion powerwashing a Residents front porch and driveway area

Lowe's Home Improvement employee powerwashing a Resident's driveway

Resident on Shady Hill Lane receiving drop-off of edging tools for yard maintenance

CCO's Jones and Rodriguez with Resident that borrowed painting equipment

Happy Resident borrowing a mower, blower, and extension cord for yard maintenance

Resident borrowing a mower at a cleanup event - CCO Rodriguez in background

CCO Rodriguez checking out tools from trailer at Fish Creek cleanup event

Volunteers with borrowed tools and equipment heading out to assist the community with cleanup and yard maintenance

As of May 29, 2024, a total of 122 tools were used at 12 community cleanup events.

CCO's Curtis Jones and Robert Rodriguez with Tool Sharing Trailer

CCO Rodriguez handing off tools to Residents to do yard maintenance

This Volunteer borrowed tree trimming equipment at the Fish Creek cleanup event

Message to the City of Arlington (just before completion of a project) from happy Residents whose Arlington family borrowed a powerwasher to clean their driveway

Families worked together to help cleanup a community garden and the neighborhood

Youth helping at Meadowbrook Park cleanup event

Teenager at Briar Meadow community event assisting in cleanup

Youth participating in NY Meadows/Brandyridge/Brittania Gardens cleanup event

CCO Alfaro raking up debris, with CCO Nick Wirsdorfer and Police Sergeant Powell in the background working

CCO Leslie Mills removing tree debris from property at Phillips Park cleanup event, with Resident in background also assisting

Supervisor Wyatt and Team loading Parkview debris for removal

Supervisor Erazo with Republic Services Team

Republic Services participating in the Parkview Community cleanup event in March 2021

Turf Club Estates Community Block Party following cleanup event

Arkansas Heights Block Party

District 3 City Council Representative Nikkie Hunter touring the Tool Sharing Trailer at a Block Party event

Neighbors meeting neighbors at Lake Arlington Highlands event

Residents registering attendance at a block party and getting information about City programs and services provided

Military Veterans representing the  Travis Manion Foundation  and  The Mission Continues  partnered with the Neighborhood Enhancement Team at the Fish Creek community cleanup and block party

CCO Jones offering refreshments to Phillips Park youth

Code Compliance staff preparing hot dogs at event

Deputy Chief Tarrick McGuire with South Hampton Residents

Happy recipient of free books from CAPO

Hundreds of free book choices provided by community partner CAPO

A total of 40 free books were handed out at the Turf Club Estates block party

CAPO representative, David Jackson assisting Residents with book choices

Supporting Youth and Families with free book giveaways' provided by CAPO for the community.

Libary staff engaging with Resident