Northern Catawba Basin Protection & Restoration Plan

Catawba Riverkeeper

Northern Catawba Basin

Northern Catawba Basin Facts

  • ~35% protected forest.
  • 2,673 miles of streams.
  • Watershed spans 6 counties (Alexander, Avery, Burke, Caldwell, Catawba, & McDowell).
  • 135.1 miles of impaired streams.
  • 3 watersheds are eligible for 319 funding, Hunting Creek, Lower Creek, & Corpening Creek.
  • 4 Major Lakes- Lake James, Lake Rhodhiss, Lake Hickory, & Lookout Shoals Reservoir.

Water Quality Issues

Poultry Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)

  • The number of broilers produced doubled since 2002 (60,000,000 in 2020).
  • 15.6% increase in production since 2017.
  • Slider shows growth. 2015 through 2020 (left to right).
  • North Carolina is now #1 producer of broilers.

Poultry CAFOs Continued

  • All of the waste is collected in piles and spread onto fields often near streams.
  • Lack of transparency about where these facilities are and the land application of waste.

Cattle in the Stream

When cattle access the stream they cause damage to the riparian vegetation and contribute to fecal contamination. A healthy riparian vegetation is crucial for filtering out pollutants and reducing stream bank erosion and the resulting sedimentation.

Stormwater Runoff

  • Active construction can cause sedimentation if stormwater control measures aren't properly implemented and maintained.
  • Impervious surfaces do not allow the water to seep into the ground. Instead, water quickly makes its way to streams bringing with it any pollution while increasing the erosive powers of streams.

Changes in Landuse

  • Lack of riparian buffers and existing agriculture practices are leading to the loss of riparian buffers.
  • Incised streams from historical draining of fields and channelization of streams.

Our Approach: Addressing Water Quality Issues

A Focus on Restoration:

Catawba Riverkeeper recently incorporated restore into our mission statement. We recognize protection efforts alone will not address areas previous of degradation.

Northern Catawba River Basin Protection and Restoration Plan:

North Carolina Land and Water Fund grant to identify potential projects to improve water quality in each lake's watershed and prioritize those projects.

What We Prioritized:

1) Impact- does this improve water quality.

2) Funding- where are opportunities for funding a project?

3) Feasibility- is the project supported by stakeholders and viable.

Phases of the Grant:

1) Outreach and relationship building.

2) Project Identification.

3) Project Planning.

4) Project Prioritization.

Project Suitability Map

This map displays areas with the greatest potential for projects (shown in red). This was created through rasterizing and summarizing data based on: funding availability and potential improvement to water quality. This serves as a guiding document for projects not yet identified. Last, areas that are green can also indicate areas either lacking data or funding sources.

Lake James Watershed


Loom Creek Riparian Vegetation Restoration

We are proposing a 25-50 foot riparian buffer to be live staked along with the removal of invasive species. Catawba Riverkeeper will partner with Lake James Environmental Association and Mountain Valleys RC&D. The plan is to have the landowner enter the Shade Your Stream Program offered by Mountain Valleys RC&D.


Old Fort Finishing Dam Removal

The Old Fort Finishing dam is a barrier to fish passage and a danger to recreation. Removal of the Old Fort Finishing Dam would allow the state threatened Brook Floater (Alasmidonta varicosa) increased habitat range. This is the only dam on the main stem of the Catawba River between Lake James and the small relic dam at Catawba Falls.


White Creek Restoration

White Creek is a 303(d) listed watershed. There are 3 possible options for this project.

a) Replace perched culvert- this will reduce the bank erosion and erosive power of a small tributary at its confluence with White Creek.

b) Stream restoration to combat incision- below the Highway 126 bridge is incised with some signs of severe bank erosion.

c) Riparian vegetation replanting- at the location of the new bridge for the Fonta Flora State Trail, there is a lack of a riparian buffer that would benefit from replanting.


Black Bear Shoreline Stabilization

This project is a shoreline stabilization and replanting of an eroded point near the Black Bear Boat Ramp Access. A proposal will be submitted to Catawba-Wateree Habitat Enhancement Program (HEP) in 2022 to reduce erosion and provide wildlife habitat.


Bradley Creek Restoration

Bradley Creek is a tributary to Crooked Creek with highly eroded streambanks. This project would involve stream bank regrading to reconnect the floodplain to reduce erosion and sedimentation. Additionally, replanting of a healthy riparian buffer would follow with invasive species control.


Old Fort Trash Trout

Trash Trout was installed on 05/16/2022 on Mill Creek near Hillman Beer. This will alleviate some of the trash that is making its way into the Catawba River and eventually into Lake James. Cleanout of trash will occur after rains or when it is full. Information about the type, condition, and brand of trash will be collected following EPA's Escaped Trash Assessment Protocol (ETAP: ).


Crooked Creek Watershed

Crooked Creek is a large subwatershed of the Catawba River above Lake James. We have identified this as a watershed of concern due to high amounts of stream bank erosion and sedimentation. Currently, this would be a good candidate for creating a Watershed Action Plan in partnership with Lake James Environmental Association.


Paddy's Creek Cattle Fencing

Foothills Conservancy of North Carolina (FCNC) has conserved this previous cattle field along Paddy's Creek. The goal of this project is to restrict the access of the cows to the stream from the adjacent parcel. Currently, FCNC has removed cattle and creating fencing on their parcel along Paddy's Creek. The opposite bank landowner still allows cows to access the stream. Further engagement is needed with the landowner to pursue fencing out of cattle.

Lake Rhodhiss Watershed


Beaver Dam Analog Restoration On Unnamed Tributary of Canoe Creek

We applied for an NCLWF this year to pilot a restoration project using beaver dam analogs on a small stream. If successful this would be a cheap alternative to natural channel design for small streams near heavy agricultural areas. Potential benefits could be improved water quality, reduced sedimentation, and floodplain reconnection.


Hunting Creek Restoration

We submitted a 319 grant proposal (FY 2022) to create a Conceptual Restoration Design to allow for stakeholder input/buy-in to restore a large reach of 303(d) listed Hunting Creek. The Conceptual Restoration Design would incorporate future planned greenways and educational opportunities along Hunting Creek. This is a highly problematic stream and a priority for restoration activities moving forward.


Canoe Creek Restoration

Canoe Creek was identified as a major contributor of sediments to the Catawba River. Canoe Creek suffers from severely incised banks and severe bank erosion. Future efforts would likely take place on the Oak Hill Community Park and Forest owned by FCNC.


Unnamed Tributary of Canoe Creek Culvert Repair

A collapsed culvert is causing severe sedimentation as the creek is diverting through an access road. This is located upstream of the BDA project. We are proposing to replace with a buried culvert or ford to adress this problem.


JD Pitts Mill Dam Removal

The JD Pitts Mill Dam is located along Canoe Creek just upstream of the bridge crossing of Watermill Road and Canoe Creek. First built in 1890 and rebuilt after the flood of 1916, and made of stone, the dam is likely a source of sedimentation and causing bank erosion below the dam. The dam is a barrier to aquatic species passage. The dam's structural integrity is not known it is not regularly inspected.


Valdese Lakeside Park Shoreline Replanting

A cove at Valdese Lakeside Park on Lake Rhodhiss has a shoreline erosion and shoreline litter problem. This would be a possible HEP (Habitat Enhancement Program) grant for a project that would include shoreline replanting and invasive species removal. This is needed to mitigate wave induced erosion contributing to the erosion. A cleanup would be coupled with replanting efforts to remove litter from the shoreline.


Fiddlers Run Restoration

Fiddlers Run is a 303(d) listed stream in the Hunting Creek Watershed and is eligible for 319 grant funding. The area identified is mostly on public land, mostly owned by Burke County. The City of Morganton is working to restore portions of Fiddlers Run on their Bethel Park property downstream of this area. Given the area is mostly on publically owned land and the work being done downstream, this would be a good candidate for a restoration project to address serious issues along Fiddlers Run.


McGalliard Creek Falls Restoration

McGalliard Creek Falls is a 303(d) listed stream and is a 319 eligible watershed. Some work has been completed by the Western Piedmont Council of Governments to estimate costs for restoration. Upon a site visit, there were ample signs of beaver activity above the falls with moderately incised banks. The reach below the falls remains to be investigated for current conditions for restoration.


Wilson Creek Streambank Replanting

Wilson Creek is a Federally Designated Wild & Scenic River. This is one of the first areas where Wilson Creek loses its riparian buffer. The parcel is a single owner and extending a riparian buffer along this property would further protect Wilson Creek's exceptional water quality.


Celia Creek Streambank Replanting

Celia Creek has a large portion that was straightened in the past and is lacking a riparian buffer. This parcel is located close to Tuttle Educational Forest where the buffer is regained. A stream buffer on Celia Creek would reduce bank erosion and help keep sediments from reaching Lower Creek.

Lake Hickory Watershed


Riparian Restoration  Program

The Riparian Restoration Program is a stream bank live staking initiative to improve riparian habitat throughout the basin. It is purposefully modeled after the highly successful River Builder Program created by the New River Conservancy. This will help address stream bank erosion that is currently plaguing many of the streams near agricultural areas. The program applies to the entire Catawba Basin but the Lake Hickory watershed will be the area of focus in the Northern Basin given the density of agricultural practices in the area.


Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Stream Health Initiative

There are a lot of streams that are degraded but are not eligible for funding sources as they are not listed as impaired. To address this we propose using aquatic macroinvertebrates to identify impaired waters and get them listed on the 303(d) list. This will create increased opportunities for restoration. We are currently, testing this in the South Fork of the Catawba. A focus of this is on the Lake Hickory watershed due to the lack of information about stream condition in the watershed.


Cattle Fencing Pilot Program

Cattle accessing streams is ubiquitous in the Northern Basin. Not only do cattle cause water quality issues but it is also dangerous for cattle to traverse steep streambanks and flooded rivers. We propose to pilot a program using volunteer labor to decrease the financial barriers to entering local Soil and Water Districts Cost Shares Program for fencing cattle out of streams.


Silver Creek Watershed Restoration

This project involves establishing riparian conservation easements to protect water quality and mitigate flooding along Silver Creek. The goal would also be to complete future restoration projects along conservation easements. The project would require significant amounts of funding but is currently the best solution to reducing sedimentation into Silver Creek.

Lookout Shoals Reservoir


Alspaugh Dam Removal

One of several legacy dams on the Lower Little River. This one seems to be in the most degraded state. See photos of the poor condition of the dam. This is a barrier to fish passage and a danger to recreation.


Upper Liledoun Dam Removal

This is the upstream most of a series of 5 dams along the Lower Little River. A danger to recreators and a barrier to aquatic species passage, this project would be a good candidate for removal. The interest of the owner in dam removal is unknown.


Liledoun Dam Removal

One of several legacy dams on the Lower Little River. This is located near the Carolina Glove Company which sits at the former Liledoun Mill. There is poor signage at all of these dams for recreators. Additionally, there is a dangerous hydraulic on the river left created by the dam.


Millersville Dam Removal

The Millersville Dam is one of the tallest dams on the Lower Little River, and at over 30 feet high, it is a significant danger to recreators. It is not known who owns the dam or if they are interested in removal. The plan is to pursue all removals along the Lower Little River and see if there is a willing owner.


Unnamed Dam Removal (North State Lake)

A name could not be found for this dam currently. This legacy dam is the last before the Lower Little River flows into the Catawba River below Oxford Dam. More time will be spent to uncover an owner and engage on interest in removal.

Projects Map

ArcGIS Web Application


For questions comments or concerns please reach out to:

Catawba Riverkeeper Staff and Interns 2022

Story Map Created By: Grant Buckner Watershed Manager - Northern Basin

Special Thanks: Stuart Wine, Jake McLean, Geoff Smith, Ryan Sparks, Greg Nance, Diana Daniels

Catawba Riverkeeper Staff and Interns 2022