Capital Connector

Charleston, West Virginia

About Capital Connector

The City of Charleston (City), in partnership with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (WVDOH), is developing plans to enhance the Kanawha Boulevard Walk and Bikeway; this includes sections of US Route 60 (Kanawha Boulevard and Greenbrier Street) in Charleston.

The purpose of this project is to expand pedestrian and cyclist zones along the roadway and better connect the West Side to Downtown and East End, and the Greenbrier Street gateway to the community. The project also aims to increase safety and accessibility through the use of signal modifications and intersection upgrades, such as enhanced crosswalks, parking delineation, signage, and lighting.

Federal RAISE Grant Program

June 28, 2024 - U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito announcing the successful Federal RAISE Grant to the City of Charleston for the Capital Connector Project

The Capital Connector Project is the result of a successful grant award obtained by the City of Charleston through the Federal RAISE Grant Program. In 2021, the City applied for a Planning and Design Grant to help fund the completion of shovel-ready design documents for future implementation of the project. The successful grant award of $1.75 million was a first for the state, as Charleston became the first municipality in West Virginia to directly receive funding through this program. As planning began under the first grant, the City applied for an Implementation Grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation through the Federal RAISE Grant Program. With tremendous support from U.S. Senators for West Virginia Shelley Moore Capito and Joseph Manchin III, the City of Charleston was, again, successful in receiving an additional $25 million to make the project come to fruition.

The City thanks our U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, our U.S. Senators for West Virginia, the West Virginia Department of Transportation, the West Virginia Division of Highways and everyone who contributed to the development of these successful grant applications for their hard work and commitment to this transformative infrastructure project.

Preferred Alternative

The project will enhance the Charleston waterfront and provide recreational and alternative commuter trails along the Kanawha Boulevard Walk and Bikeway. This includes reducing four to five 12-ft traffic lanes to allow for expansion of the existing 4- to 6-ft pedestrian pathway. Other enhancements include intersection signal modifications for pedestrian and bicycle safety, stormwater management, as well as lighting and utility upgrades.

Project Area

The project begins at Magic Island on Charleston’s West Side and continues east to the base of the 35th Street Bridge for approximately 3.25 miles to allow for better connectivity between the West Side and Downtown and East End. Additionally, 0.25 miles of Greenbrier Street will receive safety upgrades to allow for better connectivity between Charleston’s East End community and the State Capitol complex.  

Capital Connector Project Area

Community Input & Project Schedule

The initial phase of the Capital Connector Project is occurring on a 12-month schedule that began in Spring 2024. As part of this phase, the City is using public input to identify project goals and design elements to be implemented for the redevelopment of Kanawha Boulevard and Greenbrier Street. Residents and stakeholders can provide their input through a series of in-person community workshops and public meetings. Public input will also be gathered via an online survey (completed June 2024) and interactive map — which can be accessed on this webpage. The timeline below outlines the general milestones and when public input will be requested throughout the master plan update process.

Get Involved

The Capital Connector project is envisioned to enhance the overall character and quality of the Kanawha Boulevard and Greenbrier Street gateway. This effort will preserve the riverfront scenery and improve livability throughout Charleston.

At this time public input has concluded.

Contact Us

Have more questions about this project? Contact us via e-mail below.

  • Project Manager – James Yost
  • Public Engagement Coordination – Terri Cutright
  • Charleston City Manager – Ben Mishoe

City of Charleston Project #:


State Project#: 


Federal Project#: 


June 28, 2024 - U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito announcing the successful Federal RAISE Grant to the City of Charleston for the Capital Connector Project