A user guide to new features of Project Tracker
This user guide will explain how to use the new features of Project Tracker, as well as provide definitions for the various phases and terms that are used to organize and describe a project’s development.
Data for Project Tracker is directly sourced from one internal source of all construction project related information, TxDOT Connect.
By utilizing the single source of data, TxDOT brings together all the most up to date information without any lag of information display.
At this time, project locations are updated on a weekly basis.
1. Open the Project Tracker website.
2. Search by:
a. Panning the map and selecting a project on the map.
b. Use the Pick a Field drop down to locate the information you seek.
3. Select a project by clicking on the linear feature in the map.
4. Detailed information is shown in the pop-up window.
5. Scroll down in the pop-up window to view all associated project information.
Map Controls
Pan: left-click and hold while moving the mouse around Map Viewer.
Zoom: click the plus and minus icons in the upper left of the Map Viewer to zoom in and out. Additionally, zooming may also be accomplished by double clicking in the Map Viewer or using the scroll wheel of your mouse.
Basemap Options
Click TxDOT text to view the TxDOT basemap. Options for Street, Aerial and Google are also available.
Map Legend
Shows the color classes in the map and their corresponding project phase. Descriptions of each project phases below.
Construction underway or begins soon – Projects that are let to construction, which means the construction contract has been awarded. It includes projects that have been scheduled for or currently under construction.
Construction begins within 4 years – Projects scheduled to let within the next first four years or are listed under the CONSTRUCT Authority in the UTP. This level of authority authorizes the TxDOT district to complete the construction plans, perform the utility adjustments, and award a construction contract for the project if selected and approved for the 24-month letting schedule.
Construction begins in 5 to 10 years – Projects that could potentially begin in five or ten years or in DEVELOP Authority in the UTP. This level of authority authorizes TxDOT districts to prepare the construction plans, acquire the necessary right of way, and perform utility adjustments on projects with environmental clearance.
Planning, 10+ Years - These projects are 10+ years in planning and are not part of any UTP.
Feasibility Studies – Studies of possible future corridors; these are not construction projects. Studies can be programmed within the 10-year UTP with the estimated let date as the anticipated year the study will be completed and associated "construction costs" representing the cost of the study.
Project Search
Search for project by panning the map and selecting a line.
You can also use the Pick a Field to locate certain categories of information such as City, County, Highway, Congressional or Legislative District, Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO),TxDOT District, or Project ID. Once you filter the information, the map will automatically display on the the information that fits your criteria.