Most Hartford residents have likely either seen or heard of the Connecticut State Armory. However, the building's history is relatively unknown. A history which includes a rally led by one of America's most renowned presidents.
Located on 360 Broad Street, The State Arsenal and Armory, as it's more formally known, was erected in 1909. It was designed by Benjamin W. Morris, who is probably best known for his creations in New York City. Such creations include the Cunard Building and Morgan Library & Museum.
Construction on the Armory. The Park River can be seen in the immediate foreground. 1909.
The colossal feat of architecture is the largest Armory in the state, measuring 325 feet by 275 feet across. It was commissioned to be built in 1906 by the State of Connecticut. Hartford's Park River once flowed directly past the building via Capitol Avenue before being buried in the mid-20th century. The Armory is also adjacent to the Connecticut State Capitol in downtown Hartford.
The Park River is seen flowing in the foreground with the the State Capitol in the background and the Armory to the right. 1925.
The building has two parts: a three-story office section that's in a U-shape, known as the "head house" and a five-story, 100-foot high, drill shed with a gabled roof. It was built in what's known as Classical Revival style architecture. The exterior was built using granite and limestone. There is also a basement level that is used for weapons storage and previously had a firing range. At the time of its creation, it was the largest public building in Connecticut. It cost $869,000 to build and was dedicated to President William H. Taft.
Construction on the drill shed.
Construction model for the Armory.
Prior to the Civil War, armories were built to serve local militia. It housed their weaponry and served as a meeting ground where soldiers could train. It wasn't until the early 20th century that many of the armories that exist today, including the Connecticut State Armory, were built with the purpose of serving the National Guard. The National Guard, which is jointly administered by both the state and federal governments, serves as a military reserve force. Today, the Connecticut State Armory is the headquarters of the Connecticut Military Department, of which the Connecticut National Guard is its major part.
Men in National Guard uniforms resting inside the Armory during the Flood of 1936.
Theodore Roosevelt's Speech
On November 2nd, 1917, then-former president, Teddy Roosevelt arrived in Hartford via Union Station. That same night he would deliver what has been coined the "Roosevelt War Rally" to more than 15,000 people inside the Armory. The rally's purpose was to garner support for the United States' involvement in World War I, a war that the U.S. had only entered earlier that year. The rally was sponsored by the Connecticut Council of Defense. Before arriving at the Armory, Roosevelt dined at the Mark Twain house.
In what today we would think of as a long-winded speech, Roosevelt said "... [t]he deeds for which we rightfully declared our independence and went to war in 1776 are utterly trivial compared to the infamous cruelty and wrong inflicted upon us by Germany today. And the wrongs she has done to us are utterly trivial compared to the wrongs she has done to other peoples. … She counted upon the cowardice of the rest of mankind.”
The Armory just before Roosevelt addressed the crowd.
The major premise of his speech was to call out the "cowardice" of American pacificists who did not support the war effort. He was met with thunderous applause. Roosevelt would once again visit Hartford in 1918 to deliver a lecture at Trinity College. His son Quentin was killed in action just a few weeks later.
Did You Know?
When visiting Hartford on August, 22 1902, Roosevelt became the first U.S president to ride an automobile out in public.
The Armory Today
The Armory was restored and modernized in 1996. It was rededicated to former Connecticut governor William A. O'Neill in 2008. The Connecticut Pride, a minor league basketball team that existed from 1993 to 2000, had their homecourt located inside the Armory. The Hartford FoxForce, a co-ed professional tennis team, also played inside the Armory from 2000 to 2006. Despite the building's large indoor space, it is not frequently used for any major events.
What the Armory looks like today.