Northern Utah Medusahead

exceeding treatment goals

This project is located in northern Utah (Cache and Box Elder Counties). We monitored an area near the Cherry Creek Ski Resort. We measured along 3, 100 ft., transects in an area that is about 15 acres.

Species of interest

Medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae) is the primary species of interest and is an annual grass. Also, Dyer’s woad (Isatis tinctoria) and leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) were found on site. Dyer’s woad is a winter annual, biennial, or short lived perennial. Leafy spurge is a perennial forb.


We monitored this project in July of 2018. At this time, many of the plants were dried out and difficult to identify. We will monitor again earlier in the year for a final time in 2019.


After this site was treated, we took landscape photos and ground cover photos. Ground cover photos were analyzed using SamplePoint.


This area has been treated multiple times with little success, but in 2018, they treated the site with Esplanade for the first time.


Although we did not predetermine quantitative goals, we would consider the following successful:

project goals

Site photos


Summary report

Utah Department of Agriculture

UDAF funds projects on a SIIPA score method

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Utah Department of Agriculture

Aaron Eagar

Mapping and reporting

project goals

Summary report

Utah Department of Agriculture