Santa Fe Neighborhood Street Safety Study
A neighborhood transportation safety pilot project
Streets should be safe for all modes, including pedestrians, bikes and cars. The design should match the intended max speeds, so a 25 mph street should not have straight wide car lanes, but should present enough of a visual obstacle course such that the natural speed for cars is 25 mph.
Neighborhood Resident
The Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and the City of Santa Fe have partnered to conduct a road and street safety study to assess the feeling of safety by the residents of the neighborhood in comparison to safety data. These perceptions are recognized to be contributing factors to livability.
Neighborhood Transportation Safety Pilot Project
Roadside memorial at Yucca St and Zia Rd intersection
The study area was selected based on its residential context and identified street safety needs derived from traffic crashes in the area and the presence of schools, parks, and multi-modal trails. The methods included gathering residents’ unique experiences and pairing them with a technical analysis. The study found that residents have a variety of needs and concerns that are unmet by the system as it exists today. Many of the expressed concerns were corroborated by existing condition data. Using these data, we were able to identify possible design solutions for key locations. Our conclusions are that design elements of street safety could enhance the livability of the neighborhood, the feeling of safety in the residents, and the safety of its transportation system.
We present the study in the form of this story map to illustrate our findings and remain transparent in our work to the public. We hope that it may simultaneously serve as a tool for use by decision makers. Included is a list of recommendations that resulted from the comparative analysis between public input received from the community for this effort and the existing conditions and safety analysis performed. If implemented, these future street safety enhancements could retro-fit the transportation system into one more closely aligned with the needs of the residents in the context of a neighborhood system.
This study is intended as a pilot project to address areas where an outdated street design within Santa Fe’s transportation system may be negatively affecting the quality of life of its residents. Street design elements that result in slower speeds or otherwise enhance safety are detailed for decision makers and the public with the recognition that there are very few easy and simple remedies that can occur quickly or without thoughtful analysis and financial resources.
Please note that all improvements must follow the processes put in place by the City of Santa Fe, and cannot occur without following these processes.
In the mid-20th century, there was a strong focus on designing cities and streets to accommodate automobile traffic. Many Americans moved out of urban areas and into newly developed suburban communities.
This move led to the construction of highways, wide roads, and fast-moving traffic that prioritized cars over other modes of transportation, leaving street safety as a secondary concern. Meanwhile, cities continued to densify, and the original context of the system changed from suburban to urban. How people use the system, and their needs evolved.
Today, we are still grappling with the legacy of urban policies that are influencing the creation of infrastructure that is out of context. Many cities and communities are still designed around the needs of transporting vehicles rapidly through a space without recognition of the variety of human mobility needs of the people who live there. This prioritization of personal vehicles has made it difficult for people walking or biking, people with other mobility needs, and people trying to use transit to navigate safely
However, there is a growing recognition that street design is a primary consideration regarding livability. The redesign of our streets using traffic calming strategies and other measures can help mitigate the risks associated with high-speed traffic and improve street safety.
Self-Enforcing Street Design and Traffic Calming
The Federal Highway Administration defines "Self-Enforcing Street Design" as a self-enforcing road, also called a self-explaining roadway, which is planned and designed to encourage drivers to select operating speeds consistent with the posted speed limit.
Self-enforcing street design including the utilization of traffic calming strategies are designed to slow traffic and improve street safety for all street users. Implementing self-enforcing street design concepts and traffic calming strategies can help to create a more livable and walkable community. By prioritizing the needs of all modes, we can create more sustainable, equitable and safe urban environments that benefit everyone.
The neighborhood area under study is located southwest of the city of Santa Fe but still within city limits. It is an established residential neighborhood with commercial land uses on Cerrillos Road. The study area is bound by Cerrillos Road and Siringo Road to the north, Yucca Street to the east, Governor Miles Road to the south, and Richards Avenue to the west. It includes various important public parks and assets including several parks and schools, a community center, county fairgrounds, and one of the longest multi-modal trails systems in the city. Further, it is adjacent to the Midtown Campus and Santa Fe High School.
Existing Conditions
The development of an existing conditions assessment was a crucial step in formulating a comprehensive neighborhood street safety plan. This assessment involved a detailed analysis of the current state of the streets, considering factors such as street characteristics, traffic volume, speed, transit, pedestrian and cyclist facilities, and existing safety measures. By thoroughly assessing the existing conditions, the safety analysis, and the public perception, the street safety plan can be tailored to address specific challenges, prioritize areas of concern, and lay the foundation for effective safety interventions.
The following maps include most of the information gathered for the area. Scroll to the right to review all maps developed for the neighborhood area.
Public Experience
Mailer front side
An online survey and an open house were conducted to gather public perceptions on safety needs and concerns in the neighborhood. The survey aimed to engage residents and provided guidance on the concept of street design.
It covered street concerns in the area, travel patterns, existing traffic calming measures, and demographic information.
Mailer back side
Survey Comments
The public comment period commenced on December 20, 2022, and concluded on February 3, 2023. To notify the public about the start and end of the comment period, various tools were employed, including social media releases, postcards, and flyers. The survey included 19 questions and took approximately 10 minutes to complete.
The effort received more than 250 responses from the community, resulting in a high confidence level (90 percent) and a low margin of error (5 percent) survey. Comments related to traffic safety can be seen in the comparative analysis dashboard below. A visual representation (word cloud) of the comments shows speeding, traffic, and specific streets as common concerns across respondents.
Word cloud
Street Safety
The Santa Fe MPO has recently implemented a Safe System approach for the region, through the Local Road Safety Plan . The Safe System approach is based on the principle that humans make mistakes and those mistakes should never lead to death and requires a supporting safety culture that places safety first and foremost in road system investment decisions. In implementing such an approach, street design and management should encourage safe speeds and manipulate appropriate crash angles to reduce injury severity. The safety section focuses on a speed analysis and a crash analysis to inform the recommendations, together with the public input.
Speed Analysis
Speed Analysis Research has demonstrated that faster vehicular traffic increases both the risk and severity of collisions with those vehicles. The following graphic demonstrates the increasing likelihood of a pedestrian fatality as vehicles speeds increase.
Therefore, it is critical that road safety interventions focus on the most effective method of preventing deaths and serious injuries on the road network: reducing vehicular speeds. The Urban Design Guideline from the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) reports that for every additional 3.3 feet of width added to a lane, speeds are predicted to be 9.4 mph faster. The project team conducted a speed analysis based on data from the City of Santa Fe and Urban SDK, a technology provider that aggregates location-based service (LBS) data from cellphones and other devices to understand mobility patterns.
The speed analysis developed used the 85th percentile speed and compared it to current posted speed limits. This approach retroactively allowed for a comparison of the actual speeds most people are driving at (85 percent of drivers) to the posted speed limits by segment, resulting in a map of the primary areas of vehicle speeding. The following map shows the speed differential (where drivers are speeding) compared to survey comments on concerns and where traffic calming improvements are needed.
Move the arrows right or left to compare the neighborhood comment density with the speed differential map (it shows where vehicle speeds are high compared to posted speed limit).
Swipe left or right to compare Survey Comments to Speed Differential
Crash Analysis
The available crash data collected from official crash reports compiled by the NMDOT consists of the most recent rolling 10-year data, covering the period from 2011 to 2019. To analyze crash data effectively, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) recommends collecting 3 to 10 years of historical data from previous years.
The map displays information on fatalities, injuries, and property damage-only crashes throughout the region. Additionally, it includes data on poverty levels based on census block information and transit routes, providing a comprehensive overview of relevant factors for the planning and analysis of road safety measures due to crashes.
Comparative Analysis
The comparative analysis process entailed a thorough examination of community-identified concerns and the existing conditions and safety analysis data to identify correlations and patterns in need of improvement from the residents’ perspectives. As a result, detailed information was obtained for each corridor, providing valuable insights into the unique experience residents have on each street.
The dashboard tool below was developed to facilitate the exploration of this information. Within the tool, you can select specific corridors and review relevant details, such as comments from the community, speeding characteristics, corridor attributes, and general information.
Dashboard for comparing corridor information (Select the corridor and compare speeds, corridor characteristics and specific corridor comments)
Study Recommendations
The recommendations were derived through a comparative analysis that involved examining community input from the street safety survey alongside the existing conditions and safety analysis data. This thorough analysis provided detailed insights into the unique needs of each corridor. As previously mentioned, these recommendations are presented on a corridor basis, considering their role within the broader street network and the importance of continuity throughout the region. The findings indicate that many public perception concerns were validated by the existing conditions and safety data.
The recommendations, depicted in the figure below, encompass various aspects, including multimodal connectivity, addressing missing infrastructure, implementing traffic safety improvements, and incorporating typical traffic calming strategies (refer to the traffic calming toolbox). It is important to note that all recommendations are included as part of a comprehensive traffic calming safety strategy, as traffic calming plays a crucial role in enhancing street safety for all road users. The aim is to create a complete street system that prioritizes safety within the overall street safety framework.
It should be noted that few of the recommendations can be implemented without engineering studies to determine recommendation feasibility through corridor studies, crosswalk studies, and the use of the Traffic Calming Guidelines. These studies could involve more detailed traffic counts, level of service (LOS) analysis, and/or further speed data collection to compare against the volume counts, warrant studies, etc. These could also include additional countermeasures to help improve neighborhood livability and safety.
Within the City of Santa Fe, the work of making a more multi-modal and livable city is already underway. Current major City street projects to improve the pedestrian and cyclist environment are in progress on Harrison Rd., Bishops Lodge Rd., Henry Lynch Rd., Guadalupe St., and at the Rail Trail as it crosses St. Michaels Drive. Additionally, what was formerly known as the “Traffic Division” has been renamed the “Complete Streets Division” and a Complete Streets Resolution was adopted by the City of Santa Fe in 2022. Current major NMDOT projects include improving pedestrian and bicycle facilities along Cerrillos Rd. between St. Michaels and St. Francis, and the overpass of St. Francis and St. Michaels.
Additionally, a study of Agua Fria between Siler and Osage revealed a possible new design that balances the need for it to function as an important thoroughfare while simultaneously serving as a residential street with space for safe walking and biking.
Precedence for the type of improvements recommended here are widespread throughout the city and widely supported. The recommendations of this study vary in extent from major redesigns and reconstructions to minor restriping.
It is recommended that the City of Santa Fe and Santa Fe MPO coordinate on how to best prioritize the following recommendations and to use temporary demonstration projects for implementation. High speed differentials, crash rates, and severity of crashes should be considered in the prioritization of recommendations.
Temporary demonstration projects of street safety infrastructure improvements is a valuable tool because it allows for quick and cost-effective experimentation and prototyping of design interventions. By using temporary materials and low-cost solutions, the City of Santa Fe can test out different street safety measures and gather real-world data on their effectiveness (measuring before and after is key for validating efforts). This agile approach enables rapid iteration and adjustment based on observed outcomes, leading to more refined and impactful permanent designs.
Examples (left to right: traffic circle, refugee island/median and bike lane)
Secondly, temporary demonstration projects promote community engagement and participation in the planning process. Involving residents, business owners, and other stakeholders in the implementation of temporary interventions creates a sense of ownership and empowers the community to actively contribute to shaping their streets. This collaborative approach fosters a sense of pride and investment in the neighborhood, ultimately leading to greater acceptance and support for permanent street safety improvements.
Overall, temporary demonstration projects offer a practical and inclusive approach to street safety infrastructure improvements. They facilitate innovation, enable data-driven decision-making, and strengthen community relationships, leading to safer and more vibrant streets that meet the unique needs and aspirations of the local neighborhood population.
For larger projects, examining various existing plans including the Local Road Safety Plan, the Metropolitan Transportation Plan, the Bicycle Master Plan, the Capital Improvement Program, and the Transportation Improvement Program is a strategy for identifying funding sources for projects in the neighborhood that serve the vision of this study concurrent to the visions previously set forth by those documents.
In addition, the City of Santa Fe Land Use Division is undergoing a city code rewrite. This will include changes to how new roads are developed by the private and public sector, with the intent of prioritizing all modes of travel.
Corridor Recommendations
Cerrillos Road
Cerrillos Road was identified as one of the streets that people avoid the most with more than 70 comments identifying it as a place they deliberately avoid. The top two concerns were “vehicle speeding” and “dangerous to cross street.” Even if the speed analysis did not reveal particular speed concerns at any location, the crash analysis did reveal a high concentration of crashes, injuries and fatalities at intersections and crossings along the corridor. Crashes have resulted in 5 fatalities, of which 4 involved pedestrians. Recommendations included improving pedestrian crossings, as well as performing a deeper crash and safety analysis for three intersections. Enhancements to current medians are recommended. It is recommended to evaluate corridor access since unsignalized left turns could be impacting the corridor in terms of crashes and pedestrian involvement. Similarly, adding safety features to existing refuge islands protects people waiting on the median and slows turning drivers.
Recommended Actions:
1. Add high-visibility crosswalks to all signalized intersections. Add striped crosswalks and make the current refuge islands (medians) safer by adding a nose and delineators (bollards or other) to all current medians that have pedestrian crossings. Add more pedestrian crossing signage to alert drivers. Review if adding leading pedestrian intervals (LPIs) is possible for improving pedestrian safety across Cerrillos Road.
2. Perform a deeper analysis on Cerrillos Road and Richards Avenue, Camino Consuelo and Calle del Cielo intersections due to high crash rates. Review signal timing, turning movement, foot traffic and crash analysis.
3. Reduce Cerrillos Road travel lanes from 11 ft. to 10.5 ft. lanes and provide a buffer to the current bike lane to enhance safety and comfort. Review if closing some left turns in the area is warranted. A more detailed analysis is recommended for understanding which turn lanes can or should be closed. The area already provides the benefit of allowing U-turns at main intersections.
Siringo Road
Siringo Road presented significant concerns in terms of vehicle speeding, either from comments or from the speed analysis, with most vehicles (85th percentile) driving at 5 to 10 miles above the 25 mile per hour (mph) speed limit. Nava Elementary School, General Franklin E Miles Park, and Santa Fe High School appear several times as places of street safety concern in terms of access. There are no crosswalks west of Camino Carlos Rey. Visibility concerns are mentioned in the comments and reflected in the crash analysis section, with a high percentage of crashes being visibility related.
Recommended Actions
4. Add high visibility crosswalks at current refuge islands at each of the current intersections of Siringo Road and Tierra Drive and Flora Drive. Include marked crosswalks and yield signs for pedestrian crossings. Add another high visibility crosswalk and refuge island at Siringo Road and Rancho Siringo Road.
5. Add a speed table with an extended median at Siringo Road and Practillano Drive for pedestrians accessing Nava school.
6. Reduce lane width from 11 ft. to 10 ft. west between Avenida de las Campanas and Camino Carlos Rey.
7. Add a radar speed sign for westbound traffic approaching Calle de Suenos.
8. Add a high visibility pedestrian crossing at Siringo and Calle la Resolana (there are no pedestrian crossings in the area). This high visibility crossing should include a marked crosswalk, refuge island and yield signs for pedestrians. Review if adding a rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) is warranted.
Rodeo Road
Rodeo Road also presented significant community concerns in terms of people speeding which were corroborated by the speed analysis. Most vehicles (85th percentile) drive 5 to 10 mph above the speed limit, and in proximity to Avenida de las Campanas, speeds are 10 to 18 mph above the 35-mph speed limit. Biking on Rodeo Road was also mentioned in the survey as something that most people avoid due to speeding and narrow shoulders. This entire corridor could be studied for a broader evaluation of improvements.
Recommended Actions
9. Add a high-visibility pedestrian crossing, including a pedestrian hybrid beacon (PHB) at Rodeo Road and Paseo de los Pueblos. If no pedestrian hybrid beacon is warranted, then add a traffic signal. Currently there are no crossings, and a PHB would provide access to the Genoveva Chavez Community Center, Piñon Elementary School, transit and bike connectivity between the open spaces south of Rodeo Road, and Arroyo de los Chamisos Trail.
10. Add pedestrian crossings at the current streetlight at Rodeo Road and Zia Road intersection.
11. Reduce travel lane width from 11 ft. to 10 ft. and implement a protected bike lane. It is recommended that a buffered bike lane is implemented as an interim facility.
12. As a long-term strategy, add more trees to medians to provide a canyon effect, resulting in lower speeds. If feasible, trees are preferred over bushes due to better visibility at driver’s eye level. Consider adding radar speed signs and/or other traffic enforcement strategies between Zia Road and Richards Avenue.
Zia Road
Similar to Rodeo Road, Zia Road presented community speed concerns and the speed analysis corroborated it. Speeding is mentioned in the comments as the main concern, along with multiple comments on the danger of crossing Zia Road at Camino Pintores.
Recommended Actions
13. Redesign the Zia Road and Camino Pintores intersection eliminating all left-turn conflicts. Convert Camino Pintores into a Right in Right Out (RIRO) crossing.
14. Add radar speed signs and/or other travel enforcement strategies between Camino Pintores / Calle Bella.
15. Reduce travel lane width from 11 ft. to 10 ft. and provide a protected bike lane. A buffered bike lane is recommended as an interim facility.
16. As a long-term strategy, add more trees to medians to provide a canyon effect, resulting in lower speeds. If feasible, trees are preferred over bushes due to better visibility at driver’s eye level.
17. Add bulb-outs with bike cut-outs at Yucca Street intersection.
Yucca Street
Yucca Street presented some public concerns in terms of school access and specific crossing concerns such as Siringo Road, Arroyo de los Chamisos Trail, and Zia Road. Speed and traffic analyses corroborate concerns at the specified locations.
Recommended Actions
18. Complete missing sidewalks on Cactus Lane and add missing street lighting in front of the high school (Cactus Lane to Siringo Road.)
19. Add a high visibility crosswalk at Cactus Lane and Yucca Street for school access. Include marked crosswalk, pedestrian signage and refugee island.
20. Add a rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) to the Arroyo de los Chamisos Trail crossing.
21. Review Siringo Road and Yucca Street intersections due to high crash rates. Review Rancho Siringo Drive/Yucca Street alignment for closing left turns and making it a Right In Right Out (RIRO) turn. Pedestrian safety should be given priority over higher speed vehicle crossing. Closing the slip lane on Yucca Street is recommended.
22. Add a protected bike lane to Yucca Street. It is recommended as the first location to implement a protected bike lane due to the proximity to Santa Fe High School, access to Arroyo de los Chamisos Trail, Ragle Park, and the Midtown redevelopment. The current street cross-section has available space and there is limited residential access directly into Yucca Street making it a good candidate for a protected bike lane from Siringo Road to Rodeo Road.
23. Reduce lane width from 11 ft to 10 ft from Zia Road to Siringo Road to enhance safety and comfort of all users.
24. Implement a road diet south of Rodeo Road to reduce travel lanes to 10 ft and add buffered bike lanes.
Camino Carlos Rey
Camino Carlos Rey generated a significant number of comments in terms of speeding and pedestrian and bike concerns for accessing the corridor. Speed data corroborates some speeding locations, resulting in higher speeds than the 25-mph posted speed limit, such as near Herb Martinez Park. The corridor also has a high number of crashes and a high number of crashes where pedestrian and bicyclists were involved.
Recommended Actions
25. Add a speed table at the existing trail crossing and add a rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) to the Arroyo de los Chamisos Trail crossing.
26. Add a mini traffic circle at Plaza Verde and Camino Carlos Rey. Location presents a high crash rate (including a recent fatality), along with multiple comments about speeding in the area. There are no marked crosswalks in proximity to this crossing.
27. Reduce lane width from 11 ft to 10 ft from Siringo Road to Zia Road and add a buffered bike lane from Siringo Road to Zia Road. Consider adding protected features such as delineators (bollards) to the bike lane in proximity to Herb Martinez Park.
28. Add bulb-outs with bike cut-outs at Camino Chueco and Camino Carlos Rey and at Alamosa Drive and Camino Carlos Rey.
29. Reduce curb radii at Calle Cedro and add bulb-outs with bike cut-outs.
30. Restripe Camino Carlos Rey south of Rodeo reducing travel lanes to 10 ft and adding buffered 5 ft bike lanes.
Richards Avenue
Richards Avenue presented two different segments divided by the Arroyo de los Chamisos. A future bridge has been planned to connect this gap. While the north side already has some traffic calming strategies in place, the intersection with Cerrillos is still of significant concern. The southern segment south of Rodeo also presents some concerns expressed by the community and data in terms of infrastructure.
Recommended Actions
31. Add a trail connection to the north side and south of Arroyo de los Chamisos Trail. Currently there are no formal connections to the north side of the trail (Access to Siringo Road or Richards Ave).
32. Add a high visibility pedestrian crossing with a RRFB so pedestrian and bicycles can cross at the current multi-use path to the south of Camino Jalisco.
33. Add a sidewalk or multi-use path to connect with Ver Baja sidewalk. Add a multi-use path to Avenida San Marcos and Piñon Elementary School for school access.
34. Reduce travel lane widths from 11 ft. to 10 ft. from Rodeo Road to Governor Miles Road and add street lighting.
Avenida de las Campanas
Avenida de las Campanas already includes several traffic calming devices. Some public comments referred to wanting even more street calming strategies in front of the parks and public school. Speed data shows a few sections with speeds going the posted speed limit of 25 mph for most vehicles but a relatively low number of crashes involving an injury or any type of crash.
Recommended Actions
35. Review if adding a rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) is warranted at the current raised crosswalk at Calle Caballero and at the Arroyo de los Chamisos Trail.
Governor Miles Road
Governor Miles Road presents some limited infrastructure. It lacks shoulders, sidewalks, and street lighting. Several comments referred to the lack of infrastructure and to people speeding.
Recommended Actions
36. Add a high visibility crosswalk at Nizhoni Drive/Cliff Palace and Governor Miles Road for the purpose of adding safe access to Pueblos del Sol Park.
37. Add wide shoulders for safety and bicycle use on both sides of the road from Richards Avenue to Camino Carlos Rey.
38. Add missing curbs, sidewalks, and street lighting between Richards Avenue and Nizhoni Drive. It is recommended that old street poles (HPS street lighting) be converted to LED lights.
Camino Consuelo
North to south traffic uses Camino Consuelo and other collectors nearby to cut through the area. This street already has significant traffic calming infrastructure. Reviewing and improving the intersection with Cerrillos Road is considered a priority as mentioned previously (Cerrillos Road strategy).
Recommended Actions
39. Add street lighting between Cerrillos Road and Siringo Road.
Calle del Cielo
Calle del Cielo is similar to Camino Consuelo; it provides neighborhood access but also can be used for north-south cut-through traffic. This street already includes some speed humps. Reviewing and improving the intersection with Cerrillos Road is also considered a priority.
Recommended Actions
40. Add street lighting between Cerrillos Road and Siringo Road.
41. Reduce travel lane width to 10 feet from Cerrillos to Siringo Road and add buffered bike lanes for better network connectivity
Calle la Resolana
Calle la Resolana is similar to Camino Consuelo and Calle del Cielo; it provides neighborhood access but also can be used for north-south cut-through traffic. This street, however, does not have street calming but does meander through the area. A few comments asked for speed bumps. Pedestrian improvements should be made to the Siringo Road intersection, as mentioned in its section.
Recommended Actions
42. Reduce lane width to 10 feet from Cerrillos to Siringo Road and add (delineate) on street parking.
43. Add median with pedestrian refugee island at Calle de Oriente crossing to reduce pedestrian crossing distance and so vehicles have lower turning speeds.
Via Caballero del Sur and Via Caballero del Norte
Via Caballero del Sur and Via Caballero del Norte are two residential parallel streets. Roads are wide and a couple of comments asked for speed humps.
Recommended Actions
44. Complete sidewalk network (east of Viaje Pavo Real).
45. Review if speed humps are warranted.
Plaza Blanca
Plaza Blanca is a very wide (almost 50 ft) residential road with no sidewalks or curbs.
Recommended Action
46. Add sidewalks to street.
Paseo de Los Pueblos
Paseo de Los Pueblos provides access to Piñon Elementary School.
Recommended Action
47. Add bulb-outs at Paseo de los Pueblos and Avenida de San Marcos, as well as high visibility crosswalks for pedestrian access.
Camino Chueco
Camino Chueco already includes several speed humps for traffic calming. Residents provided input on speeding concerns west of Practillano Drive. The speed analysis shows a relatively small increase in speed in the area when the street curves.
Recommended Action
48. Review if speed humps are warranted east of Practillano Drive and consider adding signage for local traffic only.
Calle Princesa Juana
Residents have expressed the need for adding more speed humps for the stretch between Camino Consuelo and Avenida de las Campanas. Speed data shows an increase in speed for vehicles where speed humps are missing.
Recommended Action
49. Review if speed humps are warranted based on comments and previous traffic calming request. Consider adding signage for local traffic only.
Cliff Palace and Nizhoni Drive
Recommendation on Governor Miles Road mentioned the need for a high visibility crosswalk at Nizhoni Drive/Cliff Palace and Governor Miles Road, for accessing Pueblos del Sol Park.
Recommended Action
50. Add a high visibility crosswalk at Cliff Palace and Camino Carlos Rey. Consider adding a mini traffic circle as an alternative.
Certain corridor studies have been already developed for Zia Rd and Camino Carlos Rey in the past. From the recommendations it can be seen that other corridors, such as Yucca St and Rodeo Rd, may warrant similar studies. It is recommended that these corridors are reviewed due to the significant number of recommendations.
Traffic Calming Program
The City of Santa Fe Public Works Department developed a traffic calming program (TCP) in 2000, which has been revised in 2004 and 2013. The program’s purpose is to develop an approach to calm and manage traffic and improve neighborhood safety and livability for neighborhoods experiencing traffic impacts.
This study intended to proactively determine areas where traffic calming is needed within the specified neighborhood and serve as an example methodology to be replicated across the region. For starting an application to the city's traffic calming program follow the link below:
Next Steps
Developing this study was an extremely informative experience for City and MPO staff. We hope it will be an effective tool to improve street safety in Santa Fe. We are working together to develop new policies and procedures that will support these findings. Please reach out to Santa Fe MPO’s Director Erick Aune if you have any questions or comments about this study. ( ejanune@santafenm.gov ). Please note, although the City is in the process of implementing new ideas regarding traffic calming, the Traffic Calming Policy is still in place and will need to be followed as part of current policy. Other improvements that fall outside the scope of traffic calming such as street lighting will be required to follow existing policies.
Connect With Us
If you would like to reach out to the City and discuss possible options including short-term, mid-term or long-term improvements related to street safety please reach out to the MPO and detail the issue you wish to address and MPO will assist with scheduling an initial consultation.
The consultation will include a review of the concerns being brought to light and consideration of courses of action that may be deemed most appropriate to address the concern.
To report other issues related to weeds, trash, litter, or noise please utilize the online Constituent Services report and request tool.