Port of Dampier Land Use Master Plan 2030



The Pilbara Ports Authority operates and manages the Port of Dampier in accordance with the Port Authorities Act 1999 (WA) and the Port Authorities Regulations 2001 (WA). The Port of Dampier Land Use Master Plan 2030 contemplates existing uses and potential future uses of land and infrastructure at the port, along with the movement of freight and cargoes both within and external to the port area. The Port of Dampier is a mature port with limited land available for new developments, and with ageing general cargo infrastructure. Notwithstanding these constraints, opportunities for future growth have been identified.

Optimise use of existing port assets.

S1a. Support projects that promote the use of the DBLB marine facility.

S1b. Extend the life of the DCW.

Enhance port trade logistics capability.

S2a. Plan new multi-user port infrastructure (DCW extension).

S2b. Plan for new multiuser port infrastructure (DBLB second berth).

S2c. Maximise opportunities to develop new port infrastructure.

S2d. Maximise space for laydown areas.

S2e. Develop new biosecurity facilities.

Promote the improvement of under developed lease areas.

Support the development of future transport and infrastructure corridors:

S4a. Maximise use of the Burrup Services Corridor.

S4b. Support the development of future pipeline corridors.

S4c. Plan for increased port road network capacity.

Implement heritage management measures.

Minimise impacts on benthic communities and habitats.