My Story

Los Angeles and its many amenities.

Food deserts are vast areas that are usually less populated and are very scarce or hard to get food to/from. Relative to all other census tracts, food desert tracts tend to have smaller populations, higher rates of abandoned or vacant homes, and residents who have lower levels of education, lower incomes, and higher unemployment. Census tracts with higher poverty rates are more likely to be food deserts than otherwise similar low-income census tracts in rural and in very highly populated urban areas. For less dense urban areas, census tracts with higher concentrations of minority populations are more likely to be food deserts, while tracts with substantial decreases in minority populations between 1990 and 2000 were less likely to be identified as food deserts.

The amount of grocery stores in Los Angeles is crazy, there are endless whole foods markets, trader joes, and Costco's, and many many more. I don't really notice a spatial pattern, but they are all pretty close to the city. I can tell from the way they are spread out throughout Los Angeles.

Well as you may all see the dark spots are the higher in income areas and the lighter more spread out colors are lower income areas. As you get closer to the heart of the city of LA the architecture, landmarks, houses, etc, all get nicer and as you assumed these are owned by wealthier and folks with a lot higher income.

Here you can tell that the unemployment is very scattered throughout the map. As you enter the outskirts of the LA county the unemployment rates increase and as you head towards more central LA they decrease ever so slightly. I think that there is defiently a relationship between unemployment rate and how the locations and grocery stores are laid out. Yes.

I would have to say that there is no food desert in the city I chose, Los Angeles, it is also one of the largest cities in the United States of America, so they have to have a lot of food coming in and out of this city to keep it running smoothy and to keep everything to stay open.