California Mountain Lion Habitat

Where is the best place to study California Mountain Lions?


In this presentation we will explore the ideal locations for studying California Mountain lions, focusing on places that provide the best opportunities for research and natural observation. Studying these regions is essential for understanding the behaviors, movements, and interactions of California's mountain lions, especially as human development increasingly moves into their territories.

Although Mountain Lions can be found in Arizona, Colorado and many others states, we will be focusing on California for this Map.

The gray areas on the map represent the overall habitat range of California Mountain Lions. As their name suggests, these habitats are primarily located in mountainous regions, reflecting their natural preference for such terrain.

Natural Habitat

Mountain Lions in Los Angeles

There is a small population of Mountain Lions in Los Angeles county. The most famous case of this is P-22, a California mountain Lion that lived in Griffith Park.

P-22, a remarkable California mountain lion, became famous for his extraordinary journey into Griffith Park, crossing two major Los Angeles freeways (the 405 and 101), a feat many lions have failed to achieve. Though his survival in the park highlighted the resilience of urban wildlife, it also underscored challenges, as the park’s 9 square miles were too small to support his needs, leaving him isolated and unable to mate.

P-22 became a symbol of urban wildlife, gaining widespread attention through media coverage. He faced health issues, including mange in 2014 and a dramatic incident in 2015 when he sheltered under a home in Los Feliz. In later years, his behavior changed, with increased sightings and attacks on pets, leading to concern from biologists. In December 2022, P-22 was captured for health evaluation after showing signs of distress. Veterinarians discovered severe injuries from a suspected vehicle strike and chronic illnesses, prompting the decision to euthanize him on December 17, 2022.

Why was P-22 Important?

P-22's rapid decline underscored the challenges mountain lions face when isolated in urban environments. His life in Griffith Park, a habitat far too small for a healthy adult male lion, left him without opportunities to mate and vulnerable to health issues exacerbated by urban stresses, such as vehicle collisions, lack of prey diversity, and exposure to parasites and toxins.

P-22 After and Before

His decline highlighted that mountain lions are best suited to thriving in expansive, connected wild habitats, where they can establish territories, access diverse resources, and maintain genetic diversity. P-22's story serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of preserving and connecting natural habitats to ensure the long-term survival of these apex predators.

City Population

California City Population

This map depicts the population distribution of California cities, which is an important factor in studying the behavior and dynamics of mountain lion populations. Understanding the proximity of these wildcats to urban areas is crucial, as closer proximity increases the likelihood of mountain lions venturing into densely populated regions in search of food.

Studying Mountain Lions

So where is the best places to Study Mountain Lions in a natural habitat?


In conclusion the best place to study California Mountain Lions are National Parks! This is by far the safest environment for both people and the Mountain Lions. National parks across California with mountain lion populations are increasingly emphasizing the importance of mountain lion safety. Educational programs and signage teach visitors how to reduce the risk of encounters with these predators, including advice on staying in groups, avoiding hiking at dawn or dusk (when mountain lions are most active), and keeping a safe distance from wildlife.

Credits and Attributions

University of Redlands

Center for Spatial Studies

Institute for Geographic Innovation

California Mountain Lion Image

California Mountain Lion Habitat Map

California Department of Fish and Wildlife

California Mountain Lion Sustainability Map

California Department of Fish and Wildlife

City Population Map

California State Parks, Esri, FAO, NOAA, USGS, EPA, USFWS

P-22 Information

National Park services

P-22 Image

Steve Winter, National Geographic

P-22 Before and After Image

National Park Services

Lassen Cougar Image

NPS photo

California Mountain Lion Image


P-22 After and Before