Why a New StoryMaps?

Story maps have evolved over nearly a decade. We've enhanced them to enable a new era of easy, modern, and stylish storytelling.

Esri's suite of classic storytelling tools like Cascade, Map Journal, Map Tour, or Map Series have proven their value time and again over eight years.

ArcGIS StoryMaps, released in 2019, is a next-generation tool that will provide everything the classic templates have to offer, and more.

Here's why we built the new ArcGIS StoryMaps, and why we think you'll love them too.

A single, flexible builder.

The block palette brings all parts of a story together into one integrated experience.

If you're familiar with the classic templates, there's no longer any need to "pick an app" and one layout. Now you can mix and match and change at any time.

Express maps = simple mapmaking.

A new map designer allows you to add basic info and annotation to a map in seconds.

You can still use web maps and web scenes—they even have enhanced capabilities.

Top-notch design is baked in.

Beautiful themes can be applied with one click to instantly change colors, background, fonts, and express maps.

A dedicated design panel makes the look easy to change. You can even create custom themes with your own color palettes and typography choices.

Draft and publish stories, easily.

Make, autosave, and publish stories to your organization and the world.

You can even edit published stories without affecting the version everyone else sees until you're ready.

Fast loading, easy sharing, and great looking.

We've done a ton under the hood to make everything work smoothly. Sharing on social media has never looked better or been easier.

This is just the first step... we're adding new features every few weeks.