Race to Freedom in Atlanta

Atlanta, Georgia

The Road to Glory in ATL

Atlanta was founded in 1837, in the beginning it was called Marthasville in honor of the then governor’s daughter. This was because the family created a railroad line that was later changed to Atlanta. In 1865 Atlanta was beginning to build fast forward 15 years later they started investing in one of many resources such as the textmill which was good for revenue but not for everyone. Although African Americans had freedom it still was a battle to gain some source of financial freedom in the world. During this time this was Henry Grady’s vision of what he wanted the new south to be where African Americans were treated as inferior to the white Americans. He stated it in this quote in 1888 that “the white race must dominate forever in the South” which proved that white’s agenda was to stay in power and not seek equality among one another. They did that by making it where the landlords and the factory owners were of course making the most money but the employees who were doing sharecropping, low wage factory work had prevented African Americans from escaping pure poverty. A part of this struggle was the Jim Crow laws that were passed in 1870. This law made it where whites could create signs where only white people could use different facilities such as water fountains, restrooms, movie theaters, bus waiting areas and many more.

The ATL Compromise

 In 1895 Booker T Washington had given a speech to what I believed shifted the mind frame in the African American community. He influenced them to pick up a trade and to work hard instead of pushing for social and political equality. While most African Americans probably did not agree with Washington's speech most of them did

 W.E.B. Du Bois was one of the African American leader who applauded the Atlanta Compromise speech that was given by Washington until he actually moved to Atlanta. Du Bois was in Ohio at the time I could imagine it was still a rough, but according to history the south was more severe. I believe Du Bois realized that when he moved to Atlanta . He moved there for a job as a teacher at Atlanta University. When he arrived, he began to discredit his speech and referred to Douglas as an accommodationist. That is what led him to create the the NAACP.

Atlanta Riot

On September 22nd 1906, a riot had occurred where an estimated total of 10,000 white people had attacked the blacks. The reason why were the allegations that black men were assaulting white women which was information given by the news. That was not the only reason, whites knew they would have to learn to coexist with blacks granted some would lose their jobs because black people were paid less for their labor. The more jobs the African American were able to obtain it started to grow the middle class of the population.

Sweet Auburn District

In the era of the 1920's through 1940 there were many black business's were beginning to flourish in Atlanta. Business such as the "Atlanta Black Cracker" which was a Negro Southern baseball league. Other companies such as restaurants, hotels, nightclubs, and the "Atlanta Daily World " which I could imagine would help push other black businesses.

Civil Rights Movement

Atlanta is looked at as the " Cradle of the Civil rights movement". The reason why is because Atlanta was looked at as the main stage for African American's to actually have their voices be heard. At the time African American leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr., Andrew Young, John Lewis and many other African American leaders.

I Have a Dream Speech 1963

This speech was given by none other then the famous Martin Luther King which has and always will be a relevant speech to each generation. This speech was so powerful because of not only the many people that it brought together but the words that was used to help end segregation. p-

The End of segregation

In 1964 literally a year after Martin Luther King gave his " I have a dream speech" President Lydon B. Johnson signed the Civil rights act that legally ended the segregation that institutionalized by Jim Crow Laws.

The 100 Black men of Atlanta Inc.

In 1986 a man by the name of Nathaniel R. Goldston III, started a organization with 18 other friends of his to help empower the black community. The purpose of this group was to focus on Atlanta's the under privileged youth. What started as just group in Atlanta began to spread across the U.S. for many different cities for underprivileged youth. Through the program is supports education, public policy, and economic and social health issues.

Black Entrepreneur in Atlanta

Steven R. Ewing is the CEO of the Wade Ford Franchise in Atlanta. It is the 2nd largest black business in the world with an outstanding revenue of 674.107 million. Ewing went to college at Delaware State University. After he graduated he started his career at Apple Chevrolet. In 1989, he purchased his first dealership, at Crossroads Ford in East Orange, New Jersey. Then he later owned the Wade Ford Franchise.

Quality Control

The owner's of Quality Control Music is Pierre Thomas, and Kevin Lee and they found "QC" in 2013 . Atlanta is not only the Mecca as far as the population of the black community but they have definitely taken over in the music industry. They have some of the top artist in the game right now such as "The Migos", Lil Baby and they are breeding up and coming artist such as Rich the Kid , Lil Yachty, and City Girls.

Work Cited

Works Cited

“Atlanta, GA.” History | Atlanta, GA,  www.atlantaga.gov/visitors/history .

“Life after Slavery for African Americans (Article).” Khan Academy, Khan Academy,  www.khanacademy.org/humanities/us-history/the-gilded-age/south-after-civil-war/a/life-after-slavery .

Auchmutey, Jim. “10 Major Moments in History That Shaped the City of Atlanta and Its People.” Ajc, Living Intown Magazine, 2 June 2018, www.ajc.com/lifestyles/major-moments-history-that-shaped-the-city-atlanta-and-its-people/SoZACrBL2mYzbBszhMq3OI/.

Reed, Kayla. “Atlanta: Cradle of the Civil Rights Movement.” PRsay, 1 Jan. 1965, prsay.prsa.org/2015/10/15/atlanta-cradle-of-the-civil-rights-movement/#:~:text=Atlanta is known as the,educational opportunities for African%.

Reed, Kayla. “Atlanta: Cradle of the Civil Rights Movement.” PRsay, 1 Jan. 1965,


“Wade Ford Inc.” BE Top 100 List, 17 June 2019, www.blackenterprise.com/be100s/wade-ford-inc/#:~:text=CEO%2C%20Wade%20Ford-,Steven%20R.,%2C%20New%20Jersey%2C%20as%20salesman.

“About The 100.” 100 Black Men of Atlanta, 100blackmen-atlanta.org/about-the-100/.

“African-American Experience--Atlanta: A National Register of Historic Places Travel Itinerary.” National Parks Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, www.nps.gov/nr/travel/atlanta/africanamerican.htm.

History.com Editors. “Jim Crow Laws.” History.com, A&E Television Networks, 28 Feb. 2018, www.history.com/topics/early-20th-century-us/jim-crow-laws#:~:text=In%201964%2C%20President%20Lyndon%20B,institutionalized%20by%20Jim%20Crow%20laws.