Our Plan
How a Community Vision Shaped the New Comprehensive Plan for Hilton Head Island
How a Community Vision Shaped the New Comprehensive Plan for Hilton Head Island
Parks + Recreation Master Plan
Maintaining outreach and communication with the Island community is important as we continue engagement efforts to solicit input about the recommendations that are in Our Plan for parks and recreation.
The community has played a role in prioritizing the programming for three key park development projects and the recommendations for other improvements and park projects. The results from numerous engagement activities this past fall were approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission in January 2021.
Front Matter
Main Contents
Reference Contents
*Parks + Recreation and Priority Investment are the only elements that have standalone sections in Our Plan because they represent significant interest areas and investments falling within the Town’s jurisdiction and direct scope of work for the Island community.
The genesis of Our Plan and the Town's process to develop the plan, along with specifics about our community engagement and the plan's adoption timeline, are included in this section.
This section presents the Elements. Incorporation of the Elements at this stage in Our Plan accomplishes several important objectives:
This section presents the Core Value chapters and a bulk of the goals, strategies, and tactics for Our Plan.
Each chapter includes:
Each Chapter has a matrix the cross-references the goals and strategies with the Elements to:
Section 3.2, The Elements and Core Values presents the inverse relationship between the Elements and Core Values.
The purpose of Section 4.0 is to tie the needs assessment into the Our Plan and fill the role of the Recreation Element.
1. CIP Process
2. Collaboration
3. Growth; Resilience
4. CIP Revenue
5. CIP Expenditures