Utah Nonpoint Source FY2023 Funded Projects

The Utah Division of Water Quality announces $2,047,000 in funding for water quality improvement projects across the State.

The Utah Division of Water Quality received a total of 59 applications for Nonpoint Source funding in March-April 2022. Forty-five of the projects have been approved to receive funding from the Nonpoint Source Program. Funded projects range from on-the-ground implementation of watershed best management practices (BMPs), to wastewater improvments of animal feeding operations, to a rich assemblage of information and education initiatives. Project highlights include:

  • Large scale riparian vegetation and stream bank restoration on Mill and Pack Creek near Moab to reduce water temperatures.      
  • Implementation of the  small farm water quality  project in cooperation with Utah State University Extension, promoting improved animal waste management on small farms.
  • The development of watershed plans on the lower Weber River/northern Davis County and Ogden River.
  • Large scale demonstration of surge irrigation and automated valve systems to reduce agricultural field runoff along the lower Bear River.
  • Support for the  Utah WaterWatch Program  in partnership with Utah State University water quality extension.
  • Implementation of a large-scale  process-based restoration  initiative in Echo Creek, located in northern Utah.

View information about projects approved for Nonpoint Source funding

This map shows the geographic location and a brief desciption of each funded project. Click on each point to see details about the project.

The table below displays a breakdown of State Nonpoint Source and Federal 319 funding distribution by project category.

FY23 Nonpoint Source Funding Recommendations - Google Drive

The table below displays a breakdown of State Nonpoint Source and Federal 319 funding distribution based on the major River Basin.

FY23 Nonpoint Source Funding Recommendations - Google Drive

Please reach out to Paul Burnett at pcburnett@utah.gov with any questions about Utah's Nonpoint Source Program.