DTI - Location Intelligence
Surveys, Field Maps, Dashboards and Hubs (and you thought we just made maps and shared data!)
It is true, the Location Intelligence (LI) team, formerly known as the FirstMap team, continues to share data to the public through their Enterprise Open Data Platform.
However, we also assist other agencies with projects and community involvement by creating Surveys, Field Maps, Dashboards and Hubs.
Let's take a walk through the Location Intelligence team's array of tools starting with Surveys.
Surveys are a simple and intuitive, form-centric data gathering solution. These two examples show how surveys can be used for gathering information from the public to create a base of information for end users.
Covid-19 Help with Supplies
When Covid-19 arrived in Delaware, the LI team was tasked with creating three surveys for the public to use: "Help with Supplies", "Emergency Workforce" and "I Need Supplies". These surveys were placed on the Delaware Covid-19 web page which provided one location to collect information for multiple resources.
We will look at "Help with Supplies".
"Help with Supplies" survey ran from April 1, 2020 until Oct 19, 2020, and had a total of 1,795 inputs from across the world. This view shows where supplies were available.

Response to "Help with Supplies" Survey
The survey included questions about the suppliers:
- Agency Type (non profit, for profit, individual)
- Supply Availability
- Contact Information
- Resource Type (medical, food, cleaning supplies, hotel/motel and technology)
- Payment Information (donation, payment required)
Top and bottom of the "Help with Supplies" Survey
The LI team created python scripts that extracted data from the cloud platform, processed it into a format requested by the end users and then emailed the data to staff in DEMA, DHSS, Contracting, and DOL every morning at 8:00 am.
DNREC Coastal Cleanup
The DNREC Coastal Cleanup campaign ran for the month of September, 2020. Due to Covid-19, DNREC could not run their usual Coastal Cleanup efforts, which included groups, clubs and individuals signing up to to clean sections of the Delaware coastline. DNREC opted instead to run a social media campaign to encourage individuals to cleanup - anywhere, not just Delaware's coastal areas.
The LI team created a full package for the campaign including the survey, dashboard and hub site.
Coastal Cleanup survey
There were 70 participants that used the DNREC Coastal Cleanup survey, the results of the survey were shown on a dashboard that was included in the Hub site as well as made available to the Public Relations staff at DNREC.
Field Maps
This application replaces multiple mobile applications including Collector for ArcGIS.
Field Maps are like Surveys but are geared to mobile data collection and editing, finding assets and information, and reporting their real-time locations from field technicians instead of public input.
Below are three examples from a DNREC mapping project for the Augustine Wildlife area where they have deployed Field Maps. These applications allow the user to collect their physical location as well as information about that location. Field Maps handles this with drop-down menus and fill-in responses.
Augustine Wildlife Area Field Maps
Dashboards enables users to convey information by presenting location-based analytics using intuitive and interactive data visualizations on a single screen.
Information can be tied to the movement of the map, showing only analytics and visualizations that appear in the map. Dashboard information is updated in real-time, if there is an active survey that is driving the dashboard, as the information is submitted to the survey the dashboard is updated.
Several agencies are utilizing Dashboards to relay important information to their constituents. These agencies include the Dept. of Agriculture for their Agricultural Lands Preservation data and the Office of State Planning for their PLUS Project information.
Below are samples of dashboards LI team has developed.
DNREC Coastal Cleanup
The DNREC Coastal Cleanup dashboard shows the number of volunteers, bags of trash collected and estimated weight of trash collected on the left of the map. As the map is zoomed in the analytics on the left change to only reflect the information that is shown in the map display. When a location on the map is selected, information about that location, including a picture if available is shown in a pop up box.
DNREC Coastal Cleanup Dashboard
Urban And Community Forestry Grants
Created for the Department of Agriculture, this dashboard allows more user interactions with the ability to select from drop down selection options.
Hubs are a configurable, community engagement, cloud platform that allows organizations to use tools, data and other GIS resources to work together to accomplish common goals and initiatives. The Hub allows public users to engage in initiatives including signing up for announcements, creating web maps and following plans without having to join the DTI GIS Enterprise group.
Hubs look like web sites with the difference being that they are built in a way that best utilizes applications that are built using spatial data, such as the Maps, Surveys and Dashboards that we have already discussed.
DNREC Coastal Cleanup
The DNREC Coastal Cleanu p event utilized Hub and was incorporated into their existing web page. The Hub site was designed with the same look and feel as the DNREC site for consistency. This link provided end users access to the survey as well as a dashboard showing the progress of the cleanup. (If you click on the DNREC cleanup page now, the survey has been removed.)
The Complete Count Commission
The Complete Count Commission utilized a Hub to engage the Delaware public to fill out their census forms. By selecting the Ambassadors tab on the top menu you will see a dashboard that collected information from surveys the Ambassadors filled out. The surveys can not been seen by the general public, but could be seen by the Ambassadors when they logged into the Hub.
With the ability to add a custom header and footer, the Census hub has the same look and feel as other State of Delaware websites.
DNREC Wildlife Area General Information
DNREC used a Hub to sort their Wildlife Area General Information (mainly maps). Due to the large number of maps, there was a map application built for each wildlife area , each application included up to five maps. The hub allows the user to select maps by county or find a printable version of the map. Also included is a story map to help users view the map applications on a mobile device. Like the Coastal Cleanup Hub, this hub is linked to from one of their existing web sites .
By assisting other agencies with the development of Surveys, Field Maps, Dashboards and Hubs the Location Intelligence team has taken data to another level. A level where data no longer resides in tables or as points on a map, but where the public can participate in initiatives, field worker can edit/update data - from the field and analytics are viewed in a easy to read manner.
Due to the nature of how information is now shared with the community, it may go unnoticed that the data, or the product that is being used is developed by or with support of the Location Intelligence team.