Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy 2022
Southwest Michigan Planning Commission
Berrien Cass Van Buren
The Southwest Michigan Planning Commission (SWMPC) is the designated Economic Development District for Berrien, Cass, and Van Buren Counties. It is the role of the SWMPC, with the help of the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Committee, local government, and members of the community to produce a region-wide approach to economic development. What makes this plan comprehensive is looking beyond traditional economic development by incorporating quality of place, sustainability, diversity, equity, and inclusion.
The region continues to face a declining and aging population while struggling to attract young talent. To better understand why this is, SWMPC staff went to high schools throughout the region to see how students feel about the region and what improvements would be welcomed. This effort was well received with over 400 students participating in this discussion. SWMPC will continue this in future years to not only engage students but also to introduce them to the field of planning and public service.
This plan was produced with funding from the US Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration.
Executive Summary
The Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Committee has outlined six goals to work towards over the next five years. These goals aim to improve economic conditions for everyone working, living and visiting southwest Michigan. Socioeconomic data, a SWOT Analysis and public engagement informed the Committee on the priorities of the region.
Quality of Place
The quality of place is the features of the natural and built environment as well as the human networks and systems that combine to make a location a healthy, desirable, competitive and economically viable place to live.
Education and Workforce
An educated and talented workforce is vital for the continued growth and development of the region’s economy.
Business Support
Supporting local business - both large and small.
Infrastructure includes many aspects of the built environment around us including roads, bridges, air, rail, utilities and broadband internet. These elements drive the economy forward.
Economic and Environmental Sustainability
Economic development should be conducted in a way that helps minimize the risk of future economic hardship and protects the environment for generations to come.
Equity and Inclusion
Economic prosperity should positively impact all members of the community and never should further disadvantage underserved populations.
Region Overview
Users can interactive with the dashboard below to learn more and change the geography, Berrien County is the defult.
Southwest Michigan continues to see a slight decline in population and increasing average age. The total number of households grew with an average household size of 2.42. This means that even though there is a decrease in overall population, there is a greater need for housing than prior years. Population forecasts for 2027 show the fastest growing population will be the Alpha generation (born 2010-2024) which will account for 12 percent of the region's population.
Performance Measures
Quality of Place
- Number of communities with a current master plan
- Population located within a food desert
- Average lifespan
- Broadband internet availability
- Average commute to employment
- Population changes
Education and Workforce
- Educational attainment
- Labor Force Participation Rate
- Community college enrollment
- Career and technical education course offerings
Business Support
- Business start-ups
- Number and type of programs offered by local chambers
- PASER road ratings
- Miles of non-motorized infrastructure
- Passenger rail ridership
- Annual utility outages
- Annual incidents where flooding caused road clousures
Economic and Environmental Sustainability
- Percent of electric power coming from renewables or nuclear
- Number of Clean Air Action Days
- Diversification of economy
Equity and Inclusion
- ALICE and poverty numbers
- Cost-burdened renters and owners
- Median household income
- Public outreach/engagement