John Kempe, 1300s
14th century Flemish weaver

The woollen trade in Flanders
John Kempe was a weaver from Flanders in modern day Belgium. During the 1300s weaving woollen cloth was a major industry in that region with trading throughout Europe.
Flanders was governed by a Count whose allegiance was to the King of France. France at this time was made up of several different kingdoms and Britain also laid claim to parts of it, leading to strains in Anglo-French relations.
In 1294, a dispute over the status of Aquitaine escalated into Anglo-French warfare and further conflict broke out in 1328. Plans to increase taxation and further measures against the Flemish population made it difficult for John to remain there. Discontent with conditions in Flanders, together with encouragement from England for weavers to bring their skills, led many like him to migrate.
Image description: In the 1300s, towns like Ghent were at the centre of the Flemish weaving industry. Fernando González Sanz .
Flemish weavers in England
King Edward III of England wanted English weavers to produce the quality of cloth that the Flemish weavers produced and to this end he encouraged those ‘Flemings’ who were fleeing French rule to come to England with ‘all their implements of their craft, their looms and their dyes’ and ‘teach the people of this land to work the cloth'. 1 Letters of Protection were granted to those immigrants, like John, with specific skills.
Royal Protection
John Kempe received a Letter of Protection from the King in 1331, enabling him to trade freely in England. 2 He was granted English citizenship in 1356 which meant he could join the newly formed Weavers Guild, an association for skilled artisans, and this allowed him to retail in London. 3
Flemish cloth was much softer than the English cloth and the dyeing techniques more advanced. It was hoped that these skills would be shared with English weavers. However, tensions developed between immigrant and native weavers in London and it is possible it was at this time that John looked for somewhere more conducive to expanding the industry.
Image description: King Edward III, who invited the Flemish weavers to England. William Bruges.
Relocation to the North
John is credited with establishing the cloth industry in Kendal in Westmorland (today Cumbria). His decision to move north could have been influenced by the fact that the area was perfect for sheep and therefore cut out the need to transport fleeces to London for weaving.
Development of the woollen industry
Kendal’s woollen trade developed rapidly during the 14th century while John is thought to have been there. The skills of the Flemish weavers in producing coloured or ‘rayed’ (striped) cloth was both envied and admired by British weavers. It is believed that the colour ‘Kendal Green’ originated from the town. There is a reference to the colour in William Shakespeare’s play, Henry IV. Part 1, ii, 4:
How couldst thou knowest these men in Kendal green, when it was so dark thou could not see thy hand.
It is probable that the cloth made in Kendal was transported and sold in London and beyond. We know for certain that in 1362, John, together with another man, were caught sending cloth to Flanders without paying custom tax at a time when cloth produced in England was officially banned from Flanders. 4
It appears that John traded for many years in England and was successful in establishing roots in Kendal and the surrounding area, leaving a legacy until the present day.
John’s legacy
Although some question if the story of John Kempe is a myth, 5 historical records do show there was a John Kempe in England and specifically Kendal at this time. John’s daughter, Marguerite, married Thomas, Baron of Roos of Kendal Castle, which suggests that John had gained local status. 6
A reference to the Le Fleming family of Rydal Hall, and a letter to a Dr Kempe on 20 October 1671 in papers at Sizergh Castle in Westmorland hint at possible descendants of John or his compatriots who settled in the area. 8 At the end of the 18th century a John Kemp (the e had gone) was a landowner under Sizergh in the township of Helsington and on 1 June 1815 he got a share of an enclosure. 9
There is much to research further to find out about John and his legacy in the North West of England.
Image description: Kendal Castle, where John’s daughter lived. Colin Park .
1. C. Given Wilson et al. eds., 2005. Parliament Rolls of Medieval England, 4, 191. Woodbridge: Boydell.
2. Letters of Protection, 4 June 1331, Rymer’s Foedera CPR 1330. Cited in: B. Lambert & M. Pajic, 2016. Immigration and the common profit: native cloth workers, Flemish exiles, and royal policy in fourteenth-century London. Journal of British Studies 55, pp.633-657, p.161.
3. B. Lambert & M. Pajic, 2016. Immigration and the common profit: native cloth workers, Flemish exiles, and royal policy in fourteenth-century London. Journal of British Studies 55, pp.633-657.
4. Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1360 – 1364, 356 & Calendar of Patent Rolls 1356 – 1368, 193. Cited in: C. Given Wilson et al. eds., 2005. Parliament Rolls of Medieval England, 4, 191. Woodbridge: Boydell.
5. R. Bingham, 1995. Kendal: A Social History. Kendal: Cicerone Press, p.187.
6. J. F. Curwen, 1900. Kirkbie-Kendal: Fragments Collected Relating to its Ancient Streets and Yards. Kendal: T. Wilson. Cited in: R. Bingham, 1995. Kendal: A Social History. Kendal: Cicerone Press, p.49.
7. HMC Rydal Hall manuscripts, 1500-1700. Kendal Archive Centre: Ref WDRY/5.
8. Letter to Dr Kempe, 20 Oct 1671. Kendal Archive Centre: Ref WDRY/5/1257.
9. F. Hitchin-Kemp, 2018. A General History of the Kemp and Kempe Families of Great Britain and her Colonies. London: Forgotten Books.
Further Information
B. Bevan, 1992. Edward III: Monarch of Chivalry. Rubicon.
J. Good, 2010. Alien Clothworkers of London 1337-1381. In: K. French et al., eds., The Ties That Bind: Essays in Medieval British History. Abingdon: Routledge.
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