Work with CMRA Data in Excel

Prefer spreadsheets to maps? It's just a few clicks away.

There are two formats of data available in the  Climate Mapping for Resilience and Adaptation (CRMA) Portal :

Vector data (points, lines, geographies) is based on tables, which means it can be exported to any spreadsheet format, such as CSV or Excel. That export process is made easy by the ArcGIS Hub open data technology that the CMRA Portal leverages.

How can you tell? Open any item from the  Open Data gallery  and there will be a details page. Depending on the type of data, the details on the data type may be in different places. What you're looking for is Image Service (pixels) vs Feature Layer or Feature Service (vector).

We're only going to focus on Features, since those can be exported to Excel.

A Note About Layers

Some datasets have 1 layer, while others may have many. If the dataset has one layer it will open in the data details page on the left. If it has many layers, it will open in a page format on the right.

The geographic summaries found in the CMRA Screening Tool have multiple layers. Click on the layer you'd like to work with (pink box below) to access the export options for it.

Simple Export

I selected Counties from the layer list seen above. Using the vertical ribbon in the map display, select the Download option.

Clicking that will take you to a list of export choices, including CSV and Excel. But notice many other geospatial formats, as well.

Advanced Options

The data in CMRA are national-scale, but most people are interested in state or regional data. With the advanced filtering options before export, you can cut down the size of the data.

Filter the Data

On the map, look for the Filter button (looks like a funnel). In this case, I first selected the attribute field to filter (State Name ). Then Texas was selected...and the map updated.

Export the Filtered Data

Back on the Download options. Notice the Toggle Filters options. Once the Toggle is enabled, the filter that you used will apply to what is exported.

The Results

A nicely formatted Excel file that you can filter, pivot, or join to other files you have using the county name or Geographic Identifier.