Food Assignment
Food Insecurity In Haiti
A country with one of the highest levels of food insecurity in the world is Haiti (World Food Programme, 2021). About half , 49%, of the country’s population is undernourished and over one-third of the population needs immediate food assistance (World Food Programme, 2021). A further indicator of the extent of food insecurity in Haiti is the poor nutritional performance among children as 22% of youth are chronically malnourished (World Food Programme, 2021). One of the main factors contributing to food insecurity are the frequent natural disasters affecting the agricultural industry.

Vertical Farming
A sustainable farming alternative is vertical farming which is the method of growing food on vertically inclined surfaces. Instead of growing vegetables and other crops on a single floor, like in a field or a greenhouse, this approach grows them in vertically stacked layers (Leblanc, 2020). Vertical farming's main goal is to produce more food per square metre so crops are grown in stacked layers in a tower life system (Leblanc, 2020). Then, to ensure the ideal light level in the room, a perfect mixture of natural and artificial lights is used (Leblanc, 2020). Lighting quality is improved using technologies such as revolving beds (Leblanc, 2020). Growing methods such as aeroponic, aquaponic, and hydroponic are also used instead of soil (Leblanc, 2020). Peat moss, coconut husks, and other non-soil materials are widely used (Leblanc, 2020).
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) was established in 1945 and is a United Nations specialised organization in pursuit of international hunger relief efforts (FAO, n.d). Their mission is to achieve food security and ensure that everyone has access to enough high-quality food on a regular basis so that they can live active, healthy lives (FAO, n.d). FAO has 194 member states and operates in over 130 countries around the world (FAO, n.d).

Globalization On Food In China
An example of globalization on food is in China. The globalization of the western fast food industry in China has huge impacts on the economy’s as well as the health of the country’s population (Anderson, 2019). Before the western fast food industry arrived in China, the population was restrained to traditional chinese restaurants and street side merchants (Anderson, 2019). The first western fast food restaurant that opened was KFC in 1982 in Beijing, China (FAO, 2004). Then three years later, a McDonald's restaurant opened (Anderson, 2019). When these restaurants first opened they were considered a luxury as much of the Chinese population could not afford it at the time (Anderson, 2019). Western fast food only started appearing in China a few decades ago but it has since grown extremely fast. There are now over 6,600 KFC restaurants as of March 2020 (Yum, n.d) and over 3,300 McDonald's restaurants as of 2019 (Moore, 2020).
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