SALE DATE: Sat, May 13th, 9am-12pm @PCC Rock Creek, Building 4

LAT Club is selling native plants, edibles, & houseplants too... all grown by students in the PCC Landscape Technology department.
Your purchase of our plants and merch directly funds LAT Club, where PCC students enjoy pursuing their horticultural passions.
4" pots $4 1gal pots $8 Bargain plants - $ open donation! Hats $24 Holo Sticker $3 Seed Confetti $4
LAT Club is partnering with the Washington County Master Gardeners during this event. There will be something for everyone! The MG's main sale is May 6th, but our partner sale on the 13th will feature their remaining inventory...priced to sell!
The LAT Club coordinator is happy to help answer any questions! Please send them to: mariah.currey@pcc.edu
LAT Club Merch
Holo Stickers
- 3x3 inches
- Extra shiny
- $3
- $24
- 'Stone' color, cotton
- Branded with LAT Club Logo
Adjustable, with front and back embroidery
- Metal clasp for a good fit!
- Wear this hat and let everyone know about the fun plant shenanigans coming out of LAT club!
Edible Plants
We have Heirloom and open-pollinated options! What Is An Heirloom Variety? “Heirloom” is more of a cultural reference. All heirlooms are open pollinated, but not all OP varieties are heirloom. The term is a reference to the age, historic and cultural value of an open-pollinated variety. Most heirlooms are open-pollinated varieties that have been saved, stewarded and curated over generations; a few were more recently adapted but still hold cultural significance. Some seed savers insist that an heirloom must be 50 years or older, while others do not require this age restriction in order to consider a variety an heirloom. An heirloom might be your great grandmother’s favorite hot pepper seeds that she passed on to you, a uniquely colored tomato bred for the farm-to table restaurants in San Francisco, or a dry bean that has been grown by a traditional indigenous group for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. All hold a place in our hearts and their seeds will breed true.
What Is An Open-Pollinated Variety? “Open pollinated” is a botanical term that tells us that the variety is stable and the seeds will “breed true.” These seeds have an established set of genetic traits, like taste, color and shape, that will remain the same when its seeds are saved and planted the following season. For example, the seeds of an Amish Paste tomato, which is an open-pollinated variety, will express the same characteristics each year, provided that no accidental cross pollination occurs. This term lets us know that the seeds were bred naturally by wind, insects, animals or human hands in a minimally invasive way (like passing pollen between two varieties with a feather or a paintbrush).
Native Annuals
Allow the seed to form and fall, or collect and hand-spread!
Native Herbaceous Perennials
These plants spring from the ground year after year to support pollinators and herbivores
Native Shrubs
Provide year-round shelter and habitat for wildlife in the garden
Native Trees
Grow a garden in the sky!