SALE DATE: Sat, May 13th, 9am-12pm @PCC Rock Creek, Building 4


LAT Club is selling native plants, edibles, & houseplants too... all grown by students in the PCC Landscape Technology department.


Your purchase of our plants and merch directly funds LAT Club, where PCC students enjoy pursuing their horticultural passions.


4" pots $4 1gal pots $8 Bargain plants - $ open donation! Hats $24 Holo Sticker $3 Seed Confetti $4

LAT Club is partnering with the Washington County Master Gardeners during this event. There will be something for everyone! The MG's main sale is May 6th, but our partner sale on the 13th will feature their remaining inventory...priced to sell!

 The LAT Club coordinator is happy to help answer any questions! Please send them to: 

LAT Club Merch

Holo Stickers

  • 3x3 inches
  • Extra shiny
  • $3


  • $24
  • 'Stone' color, cotton
  • Branded with LAT Club Logo

Adjustable, with front and back embroidery

  • Metal clasp for a good fit!
  • Wear this hat and let everyone know about the fun plant shenanigans coming out of LAT club!

Edible Plants

We have Heirloom and open-pollinated options! What Is An Heirloom Variety? “Heirloom” is more of a cultural reference. All heirlooms are open pollinated, but not all OP varieties are heirloom. The term is a reference to the age, historic and cultural value of an open-pollinated variety. Most heirlooms are open-pollinated varieties that have been saved, stewarded and curated over generations; a few were more recently adapted but still hold cultural significance. Some seed savers insist that an heirloom must be 50 years or older, while others do not require this age restriction in order to consider a variety an heirloom. An heirloom might be your great grandmother’s favorite hot pepper seeds that she passed on to you, a uniquely colored tomato bred for the farm-to table restaurants in San Francisco, or a dry bean that has been grown by a traditional indigenous group for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. All hold a place in our hearts and their seeds will breed true.

What Is An Open-Pollinated Variety? “Open pollinated” is a botanical term that tells us that the variety is stable and the seeds will “breed true.” These seeds have an established set of genetic traits, like taste, color and shape, that will remain the same when its seeds are saved and planted the following season. For example, the seeds of an Amish Paste tomato, which is an open-pollinated variety, will express the same characteristics each year, provided that no accidental cross pollination occurs. This term lets us know that the seeds were bred naturally by wind, insects, animals or human hands in a minimally invasive way (like passing pollen between two varieties with a feather or a paintbrush).

Corbaci Sweet Pepper

Capsicum annuum

80 days. A unique and wonderful sweet pepper. Very long 10-inch fruit is curved and twisted, very slender, like a Turkish sabre. This rare heirloom from Turkey has a very rich flavor, perfect for pickling or frying. One of the most productive of all peppers

Heirloom and open-pollinated

Wild Thyme

Thymus pulegioides

Spreading perennial that forms thick mats with tight clusters of rose-purple flowers. Very fragrant; useful for planting between stepping stones and at the edge of walkways. Used in cooking and for medicinal purposes.

Heirloom and open-pollinated

Wild Za’atar Oregano

Origanum syriaca

Tender perennial. This seed offering is sourced from its native Israel, where it grows wild in Jordan and surrounding areas. It has great flavor that blends hints of oregano, thyme, and marjoram. A favorite. Prefers hot, dry site, somewhat alkaline soil. For drying, harvest when flowers just begin to bloom.

Heirloom and open-pollinated

Tomato, Queen of the Night

Solanum lycopersicum

80 days. The true queen of black tomatoes, this richly flavored salad type variety hails from the Rhine region of Germany. The round, 3 to 3.5 oz. fruit develop brushstrokes of ebony, crimson and orange; cut into the fruit to reveal a stunning vermillion color, fragrant, sweet and loaded with rich tomato taste! Plants are indeterminate, with a compact habit, reaching 5 to 5.5 feet on average, with blue-tinged, regular leaf foliage.

Heirloom and open-pollinated

Tomato, Berkeley Tie-Dye Green

Solanum lycopersicum

75-80 days. Incredibly colorful and delicious large-fruited slicing variety! Fruit runs 8 to 16 ounces. Exterior color is green with stripes in red and yellow. But the flesh is truly tri-color! Creamy green flesh infused with various shades of red and yellow. Each of these colors has a different flavor resulting in a spicy, sweet, tart tomato with good acid all in one fruit. 

Heirloom and open-pollinated

Carbon Tomato

Solanum lycopersicum

90 days. Winner of the 2005 “Heirloom Garden Show” best-tasting tomato award. The fruit is smooth, large, and beautiful, being one of the darkest and prettiest of the purple types we have seen. They seem to have an extra dose of the complex flavor that makes dark tomatoes famous.

Heirloom and open-pollinated

Tomato, Green Zebra

Solanum lycopersicum

75 days. Beautiful chartreuse with deep lime-green stripes, very attractive. Flesh is bright green and very rich tasting, sweet with a sharp bite to it (just too good to describe!). A favorite tomato of many high-class chefs, specialty markets, and home gardeners. Yield is excellent.

Heirloom and open-pollinated

Pineapple Tomato

Solanum lycopersicum 75-95 days. Very large, up to 2 lbs each. The yellow fruit has red marbling through the flesh and is beautiful. The flavor is very sweet and fruity; good yields! 

Heirloom and open-pollinated

Cherokee Purple Tomato

Solanum lycopersicum 80 days. An old heirloom, pre-1890 variety; beautiful, deep, dusky purple-pink color, superb sweet flavor, and very-large-sized fruit. Try this one for real old-time tomato flavor. A favorite dark tomato.

Heirloom and open-pollinated

Beefsteak Tomato

Solanum lycopersicum 85 days. Massive fruit, easily reaching 1-2 lbs has deep red flesh and good old-fashioned tomato flavor. Meaty and firm, perfect on sandwiches or served straight up with a pinch of salt. 

Heirloom and open-pollinated

Brad’s Atomic Grape Tomato

Solanum lycopersicum

75 days. Elongated, large cherries in clusters. The color (and flavor!) is a full-blown assault on the senses—lavender and purple stripes, turning to technicolor olive-green, red, and brown/blue stripes when fully ripe. Fruit holds well on the vine or off, making this amazing variety a good candidate for market growers. Olive green interior is blushed with red when dead-ripe. Crack-resistant fruit is extraordinarily sweet! 

Heirloom and open-pollinated

Isis Candy Cherry Tomato

Solanum lycopersicum

65 days. Delightful, round, one-inch fruit may vary in shades and blush patterns of reds to yellows, usually with golden flesh. Typically carries an intriguing “cat’s eye” or star in yellow on the blossom end. The flavor is outstandingly sweet and fruity.

Heirloom and open-pollinated

Black Strawberry Tomato

Solanum lycopersicum

60 days. Fantastic, sugar-sweet tomato flavor, that is fruity, with a hint of grape and plum flavors. If you relish the experience of digging into a bowl of high-quality cocktail tomatoes, then the Black Strawberry is your tomato. This 1-ounce fruit is marbled in blue, scarlet and gold. A bowl full resembles a luminous and luxurious bunch of gems, and indeed the flavor is decadent and indulgent, with perfectly sweet and tart balanced flavor! 

Heirloom and open-pollinated

Glacier Tomato

Solanum lycopersicum 55 days. This very early tomato produces attractive orangey-red, 2 inch tomatoes. Surprisingly sweet for an ultra-early type. Determinate habit plant that is about 2 ½ feet tall, 3 ½ feet across, and quite open.

Heirloom and open-pollinated

Super Bush Tomato

Solanum lycopersicum 70-90 days. Determinate, compact plant. They are perfect for growing in large pots and patio containers. Super Bush bears juicy fruits with full-sized sweet tomatoey flavor. It’s a treat to walk out the back door and pick them still warm from the sun.

Roma Tomato

Solanum lycopersicum 70-90 days. Great paste tomato. The very best for sauce and canning. Vigorous vines reach 6' or more. 

Native Annuals

Allow the seed to form and fall, or collect and hand-spread!

Bluehead Gilia

An annual wildflower of open sunny meadows and clearings, up to 3 feet. It forms dense globe-like flowerheads of many lavender- to periwinkle-colored tubular flowers. A welcome addition to the meadowscape. An important bloom for pollinators.

On the Portland Plant List.

Rosy Plectritis

Annual wildflower. Naturally occurs in sunny meadows with common camas. It is a host plant for the endangered Taylor’s checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas editha taylori), and attracts interesting clearwing moths, bumble bees, and a striking range of other early spring pollinators.

On the Portland Plant List.

White Meadowfoam

Annual wildflower. Quite similar to Douglas Meadowfoam. Brightens the garden in warm spring weather with dense low growing masses of almost blindingly white flowers that are covered in bees and syrphid flies.

Native to the Willamette Valley, but not on the Portland Plant List.

Douglas Meadowfoam

Annual wildflower. Bright and cheery, this is an extremely easy to grow annual. It grows happily in spring meadows. With sun, it tolerates a variety of soils, and will grow in poorly drained clay soils. It attracts hoverflies to the garden to beat the aphids and is well loved by bees.

Native to the Willamette Valley, but not on the Portland Plant List.

Diamond Clarkia

This delightful annual wildflower brightens the landscape in early summer. This adaptable species is easy to grow and particularly attractive to native bees and honeybees, as well as butterflies, moths, and their larva – making it an excellent addition to pollinator gardens and meadowscapes.

On the Portland Plant List.

Native Herbaceous Perennials

These plants spring from the ground year after year to support pollinators and herbivores

Red Columbine

Herbaceous perennial to 4’ high. The nodding blossoms of red columbine are a familiar sight in meadows, open forests and rocky slopes across the western US. The flowers, consisting of dramatically spurred red to orange sepals surrounding yellow petals, bloom late spring to late summer.  Its nectar attracts butterflies and hummingbirds and the seeds are favored by birds, rendering columbine the perfect addition to a wildlife garden.  It prefers partial shade and well-drained soils but can tolerate full sun with supplemental moisture.

On the Portland Plant List.

Showy Milkweed

This herbaceous perennial is a must for any butterfly garden as its flowers are a nectar source, its foliage provides food for larval caterpillars, and the plant's alkaloid compounds boost butterflies' resistance to predators. Prefers sun and fast-draining soils.

Native to the Willamette Valley, but not on the Portland Plant List.

Narrowleaf Milkweed

Herbaceous perennial. Milkweeds are loved by butterflies and make an excellent addition to sunny and fast-draining spots of the pollinator or wildlife garden. Flowering best in full sun, the interestingly shaped flowers are arranged in umbels and are dark pink to white. Native to the Willamette Valley, but not on the Portland Plant List.

Meadow Barley

Herbaceous perennial grass. ​​Forming upright 3’ tufts that sway in the breeze, Meadow barley is distinguished by having neat narrow spikes of bristly and often purplish flowerheads. It is moderately drought tolerant. It also provides cover and forage for wildlife. On the Portland Plant List.

Bigleaf Lupine

Herbaceous perennial. Bigleaf lupine's stunning racemes of blue-violet to light purple flowers can be up to 16 inches long.  It is a lovely addition in an herbaceous border, meadowscape, or pollinator garden. The palmately compound leaves are distinctive, adding unexpected texture to a woodland or water garden. This leguminous plant is often used in wetland restoration for its wildlife uses and nitrogen fixation. It prefers full sun and tolerates temporarily dry soils.

On the Portland Plant List.

Shade Phacelia

Herbaceous perennial. This plant may seem strange, but it is hands down one of the best plants to have in the garden for native bees. Individual flowers are small and white, occasionally with a pinkish hue. Maximum height is up to 3 feet. Try this unique, long-lived perennial in tough areas like dry shade to support bumblebees! On the Portland Plant List.

Native Shrubs

Provide year-round shelter and habitat for wildlife in the garden

Douglas Spirea

Deciduous shrub 5’ high that grows quickly in sun and partial shade. It flowers from June to September. Spirea is an ideal foundation plant in woodland gardens or at the edges of rain gardens where it can form attractive thickets that both support wildlife and provide erosion control. Tolerant of very wet soils that dry in summer. On the Portland Plant List


Deciduous shrub to 10’ high. Sun to shade. Black twinberry's delicate yellow flowers grow in pairs and are subtended by two bracts that become a vibrant red as the season progresses.  The flowers are visited by hummingbirds and other pollinators and the black berries are enjoyed by birds, making it a perfect addition to the wildlife garden.

On the Portland Plant List.


Deciduous shrub to 6’ high. Sun to shade. This resilient shrub is highly recognizable for its showy white berries which remain on bare branches well into winter. On the Portland Plant List.

Pacific Ninebark

Pacific ninebark is a medium-sized deciduous shrub named for its attractive reddish peeling bark. Small white flowers grow in showy clusters May to June, eventually maturing into clusters of reddish brown capsules. Its 3-lobed leaves provide lovely fall color. An inhabitant of riparian and moist forest habitats, ninebark does well in partial sun and moist soil. Its extensive root system and preference for moist places make it ideal as erosion control for the edges of rain and water gardens. On the Portland Plant List.


A deciduous shrub 6-14’ high. Salmonberry starts the spring off with large, star-shaped flowers in deep rosy hues that appeal to hummingbirds. In summer, fruits resembling bright salmon-colored blackberries begin to ripen, often as early as June. This thicket forming shrub loves to have its feet wet, growing amiably and helping to prevent erosion in areas that undergo seasonal flooding.

On the Portland Plant List.

Native Trees

Grow a garden in the sky!


Small deciduous tree. Cascara's deeply-ridged leaves emerge bright green in spring and become glossy and dark, changing in the fall to a bright orange-red if grown in some sun or a mellow yellow when grown in shade. Birds love its purple-black fruits. It tolerates a range of moisture and light conditions, and adds versatility to urban yards and gardens.

On the Portland Plant List.

Vine Maple

This small deciduous tree is a familiar element of Pacific Northwest forests and an ideal replacement for exotic ornamental maples in the garden. Preferring well-drained soil and partially shaded habitats, it will also do well in a wide range of light and moisture conditions. Its manageable height makes it ideal for those with limited space but a desire for stunning fall foliage and lovely verdant leaves in summer.

On the Portland Plant List.

Western Red Cedar

Evergreen tree. Lacy dark green foliage and unmistakable spicy fragrance. A giant of old growth forests, in cultivation it usually peaks out around 100 ft, and serves as a dramatic anchor feature in a front or backyard. Western redcedar works equally well when planted in groups and sheared to produce hedges and windrows. It thrives in partial shade when younger and tolerates seasonal flooding.  It prefers moist, slightly acidic soil high in organic content.

On the Portland Plant List.


Evergreen tree topping out around 75 to 125’ in home gardens. It provides an ideal canvas around which to plant native groundcovers and shrubs, turning a corner of your garden into a slice of forest. Douglas-fir grows in full sun, preferring well-drained moist to slightly drier soils. Douglas-fir is the state tree of Oregon--a majestic conifer.

On the Portland Plant List.