Kern County Vacant Residential Parcel Viewer Tutorial

Welcome to our Vacant Residential Parcel Web Map


Vacant Parcel Search

Search Tools

The Kern County Planning and Natural Resources Department has created a Web Map to help with the search of Residential Vacant Parcels.

* Please begin by starting your search with one of our four Search Tools.

Choose a Search Tool that best works for you.

Example : "Acreage and Zoning"; Click on a search tool and choose the acreage size, as well as the desired zoning.

Once you click "Search" you will see your results on the left window.

Click on the video to see all parcel results with the chosen parameters.

Export Data

Export a list or shapefile of the given results.

Export an Excel Speadsheet

Vacant Parcel Report

The County has Created a "Parcel Report" for each Vacant Parcel in the County. This four page parcel report will provide information about the property such as Zoning and General Plan Designations, nearby amenities, and a Agency and Kern County Department contact page.

Parcel Report Example

Additionally we provided a link to the Zoning chapter of the Kern County Zoning Ordinance where there will be more information on the zoning designation of the chosen Vacant Parcel

Example of the Zoning Chapter

Vacant Parcel Fee Estimator

Once you have chosen a Vacant Parcel, feel free to try out our Fee Estimator. Have a parcel number (APN) ready to input into the Fee Estimator.

How to access the fee estimator

Fill out all the fields in the estimator. If you need more informtation about one of the fields click on the blue question mark for help from our informational guide.

Click Print to view the preliminary fee estimate.

Click on the video below to see the informational guide as well as the preliminary fee estimate.

Informational Guide and Preliminary Fee Estimate

Notify Us & FAQ's

  • If you would like more information about the property owner please call the Kern County Assessor for owner information; 661-868-348
  • If you own vacant land and are ready to build please contact Public Works to start your building permit process; (661) 862-8650 - Email:

Click on our "Frequently Asked Questions" to get more information about the Residential Vacant Parcel Project and how to move forward.

Let us know by clicking on "Notify Us" if there are any APN problems or any other problems you may be having with our Web Map.

Search Tools

Example of the Zoning Chapter

How to access the fee estimator

Click Print to view the preliminary fee estimate.