Step 2 Cleanup Progress
Oregon Wildfire Debris Management Task Force
Step 2 is Complete
The State of Oregon worked with federal, state and local partners for fast, efficient and safe cleanup of the wildfires that devastated Oregon in summer 2020.
For all intents and purposes, we are honored to report that the majority of all Task Force-led wildfire debris and hazard tree removal work is complete. While crews complete remaining close-out tasks and coordinate with federal partners to recoup cleanup costs, some hazard tree work and other activities will continue into summer 2022.
Learn more about the Step 2 cleanup process on the wildfire cleanup information page.
By the Numbers Dashboard
An overview of our statewide progress on Step 2 cleanup operations.
By the Number Dashboard
Contact Us
- Call our wildfire debris cleanup hotline: 503-934-1700
- Email
- Follow our debris cleanup news blog
- Read our wildfire cleanup