Archbold Annual Report | 2020
'Like no other place on Earth'

From the Board and Director...
Dear Friends,
Like many of you, our lives changed fundamentally in 2020. We are so grateful to those who take risks to care for us and look after others in turbulent times.
Some find themselves drawing closer to nature in its many forms, seeking to calm their anxious minds. In doing so, they join Archbold in our mission to know more about the natural world and observe all that is happening in one small place, special to them.
The keen observation and insightful experimentation happening at Archbold are needed more than ever to help understand factors changing ecosystems to guide decision-making and model the future. Scientific discovery depends on the support of friends like you. Your special gift to Archbold plays a critical role in making discoveries possible.
The studies done at Archbold have the potential to impact not just wildlife, but human health as well. In addition to research, we have not forgotten the importance of our role as educators, even in times of social distancing. To continue serving our students, community, and colleagues, and to reach new people interested in learning, your support, and participation in our mission are more valuable than ever.
Archbold, now nearly 80 years old, remains steadfast and willing to change in the face of the challenges of these times. Our science serves an expanding audience hungry for the rigorous scientific research and knowledge that Archbold provides. Your role in this work can not be understated. It is your commitment and financial support that help fuel this vital work. Thank you for being a valued part of Archbold's community and helping us continue our work

Mary Hufty, Chair, Archbold Expeditions, Inc. Board of Directors

Hilary Swain, Executive Director
Board of Directors
- Mary Hufty, ChairpersonLoren Alegrìa, Vice Chair Veronica Alegrìa, Secretary Barbara Stewart, Treasurer Robert Lloyd George, Assistant Treasurer Daniel Alegrìa Dylan Alegrìa Schellie Archbold Vevie Dimmitt John Fitzpatrick John A. "Jack" Hufty Lela Love
- New in 2020: Kyle Ashton Mallory Dimmitt Nicole Love Doppelt James S. Kushlan Sam Machotka
Agalina, photo by Reed Bowman
Elizabeth Boughton, Ph.D.
Reed Bowman, Ph.D.
Mark Deyrup, Ph.D., Emeritus
Eric Menges, Ph.D.
Betsie Rothermel, Ph.D.
Dustin Angell, Director of Education
Bert Crawford, Operations Manager
Sharon Hawkins, Human Resources/Risk Management
Gene Lollis, Ranch Manager
Kevin Main, Land Manager
Kevin Patram, Systems Administrator
Deborah Pollard, Director of Philanthropy
Vivienne Sclater, GIS & Data Services Manager
Eric Stein, Chief Financial Officer
The mission of Archbold Biological Station is to build and share the scientific knowledge needed to protect the life, lands, and waters of the heart of Florida, and beyond.
Revenue & Expenses
2020 Donors
How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to help the world. -Anne Frank
Kartik Ananthan | Pranav Ananthan | Lee Andrus | Don Appelquist | Charlie Arseneau | Marc Behrendt | Marilyn Blair | Zachary Boley | Allie Brouwer | Katherine Bubb | Judy Buchanan | Rebekah Burke | Mariana Chams | Ed Cunningham | Ksa Curry | Darlene DeBruhle | Mark Deyrup | Nancy Deyrup | Brianna Diaz | Jim Draves | Paula Draves | Linda Gette | Evan Hutzenlaub | Dylan Johns | Helen King | John King | Carter Leidy | David Lloyd George | Fred Lohrer | Dave Mahan | Stavros Maillakakis | Kathy Main | Ian Maxwell | Mike Mazzeo | Sean Mchugh | John Mihok | Mary Mihok | Charlie Miller | Janice Miller | George Molinaro | John Nichols | Wanda Nichols | Butch Norden | Helen Obenchain | Alice Oldford | Bill Parken | Rohin Patel | Jose Patino | Brenden Quinlin | Richard Reece | Larry Riopelle | Alan Rivero | Bob Roberts | Jared Roberts | Janet Robinson | Paul Robinson, Jr. | Fran Rolston | Scott Rothermel | Emma Salvo | Dave Schwab | Liz Schwab | Chris Searcy | Chad Shechtman | Leyna Stemle | Susan Sunflower | Kira Swift | Pat Talbott | Kathy Turner | Steve Turner | Mary Jo Whepton | Bob Wohlwend | Chris Wohlwend | Ella Wolf | Brian Woodworth | Cali Zimmerman |