Population change and issues in Coomera, Queensland.

Geography IA3

List of Figures:

Graph 1 - Total Population of Coomera (2016 - 2041 Estimates).

Figure 1 - Components of population change in SA4's.

Graph 2 - Percent of age groups in Coomera, 2016.

Graph 3 - Percent of age groups in Coomera, 2041.

Graph 4 - Education in Coomera, QLD and Australia.

Graph 5 - Percentage of population in Coomera, Australia and QLD.

Graph 6 - Family types in Coomera, Australia and Queensland.

Map 1 - Housing in Coomera.

Map 2 - Purchasing Power per Capita in Coomera.

Map 3 - Satellite Image of Coomera, 2014.

Map 4 - Satellite Image of Coomera, 2021.

Figure 2 - Coomera, Housing Statistics.

Figure 3 - Changes of Coomera 2014 (left) to Coomera 2021 (right).


Demography or the study of population and its statistics are extremely important for understanding the impacts and effects of an increasing or decreasing population. Population is an ever-changing statistic and the processes behind this can be extremely important in solving problems or identifying possible trends into the future, to perhaps plan for a larger or changing population. These demographic challenges may include busy roads, not enough infrastructure for the public, healthcare and crime rates. Demographic processes such as rural to urban sprawl, push and pull factors and many other factors such as job opportunities. Coomera, located in Queensland in the Gold Coast is a large suburb susceptible to numerous demographic changes and challenges. Coomera has a large population of a very young demographic around 0-10 years old and young adult parents which is accompanied with numerous schools. However, its increasing population creates other demographic challenges that needs addressing.


Numerous data sets were collected to describe the demographic changes and challenges effectively. To collect relevant data, numerous websites were visited to obtain demographic data. Coomera was the chosen suburb and these websites were visited. ABS, Census Data of the Australian Government and Smart Property Investment were all visited to collect sufficient data. These are reputable sources as they are government data and can be relied upon for data manipulation. After the sources were visited, the data was copied and laid out on an Excel spreadsheet. These data samples were then manipulated and turned into numerous graphs. Several different calculations were also made such as percentage. These graphs were then changed slightly to better match the data and represent the demographic change. Data was then also put into ArcGIS which was provided. These data samples were used to make graphs about numerous factors of demographic change. These numerous graphs and maps were used to show any trends or changes and if these changes could make any challenges for the area selected.

Population estimates and age groups:

Coomera since 2016 has undergone numerous demographical changes and the trends presented show what challenges may be present in the future. The population of Coomera in 2016 was 13,807 and has continued to increase exceptionally each year. From 2016 to 2021 the population increased by 5,640 to 19,447 which shows a population increase of 344%. The estimates of population growth show in Graph 1 that there may be a very high steady trend for an increase in population, with the population to reach 75,606 by 2041, an increase of 388%. 

This increase in population increase has been due to and also caused the increasing amount of infrastructure being built in the area. A satellite view of Coomera in 2014 shows the sparsity of the area and the degree of greenery. Only a few main roads and small housing areas are present. However, the infrastructure in 2021 shows the huge degree of population increase from the increase in residential areas. Figure 1 (Queensland Government Statisticians Office, 2019) show that the area of Gold Coast from 2018 to 2019 has had the largest population growth in Queensland. 39% of this increase was due from net overseas migration, 38.8% was due from internal migration and 28% was from natural increase. 

The large percentage of overseas and internal migration state that families with children may be attracted to this area to raise their children or family. These higher number of children can be seen on the percentage of age groups in Coomera. Graph 2 presents the % Age groups of Coomera in 2016. The graph shows large spikes within the age groups of 0-10 and 20 to 44. Ages group above 70 are extremely low which suggests the population of Coomera is mostly younger people. 

The two age groups mentioned before match the age group of babies to primary school students and young to middle aged parents. These data spikes indicate a large portion is centred around families raising a child. The 2041 data of the % of age groups shown in Graph 3 is significantly different. The two spikes of children and young adults are not shown but now show a slightly higher population of only middle-aged women. The population of elderly people has also increased with time and the graph has smoothen out. These changed in demographics can be extrapolated from the increasing migration to Coomera as the suburb continues to be built up, as a large amount of unused space is still present in modern day Coomera. 

Family and Education:

These large portions of the population can also be seen with the educational centres such as schools in the area. The large population of children from 0 – 10 years old can be correlated with large percent of Primary and High Schools in the area. 

Compared to the percentages of Australia and Queensland, Coomera has a much higher percentage of preschools, primary and secondary (high) schools shown in Graph 4. The % of age groups of Coomera compared to Australia and Queensland further explain this as the age groups of 0-10 and 30 – 40 years is far higher than both Australia and Queensland presented by Graph 5 below. 

 These high numbers of children and young adults can be corroborated by the types of households in the area, located in Graph 6 below. Housing in Coomera consists of households with a couple family without children, couple family with children and one parent families. Coomera large consists of households with a couple family and children, being over 50% of the housing in the area. These percentages also show how Coomera has a substantially larger population of couples with children compared to Queensland and Australia.

Queensland having a percentage of around 40, likewise with Australia. This huge population of couple families with children explain the large amounts of primary and high schools in the area. These high numbers may be due to the accessibility, leisure and beauty of the area. Surrounded with rivers or canals and numerous parks such as theme parks suggest a very welcoming and entertaining place to raise children.


Housing in Coomera also has huge impact in the amount of demographic change it has and will encounter as it is extremely important for the accessibility of an area. Renting a property has been a highly important factor in liveability of an area, which may cause its increase in population. Shown by the Australian home ownership ArcGIS Map (Map 1), Coomera has an evenly distributed array of types of housing.

The most northerly area of Coomera has the highest percentage of homes owned outright, around 70%. However the more southern regions of Coomera become much more populated with households being rented. Rented properties indicate a region of Coomera with much more expensive housing. The presence of Theme parks and its location next to the canals indicated the house affordability. A large portion of the southern of Coomera is still undeveloped and holds areas of for vegetation such as parks and similar infrastructure. The purchasing power per capita of the areas within are also stated similarly (Map 2 below).

The northern most region indicates a very high purchasing power around 52,000 to 167,000 with an average purchasing power of 42,739 (Figure 1). This being far higher than the southern region with a purchasing power of around 0 – 36,011. These high purchasing power is due from the high percentage of houses being owned outright. The development of this area seems to be much more substantial, and the access to the canals of the river shows a much more expensive housing, much less likely to be rented. The topographical features caused by the changes of Coomera is substantial. Coomera in 2014 was mostly greenery such as reserves and national parks.

Figure 2 - Coomera, Housing Statistics.

7 years into the future (2021), infrastructure and its spread has improved drastically. Regions for housing and commercial uses were built such as Dream World. This increase in infrastructure and leisure accessibility boosted the level of development in the area. Although the development has spread substantially, many challenges have arisen from its demographic features and population percentages.


The huge spread of infrastructure and development in Coomera has lead to numerous positive effects on the increase of population but has also created numerous challenges. As of 2021 the population of Coomera was around 19000 and is set to increase substantially over the decades. The expected climb of population will put a huge strain on the infrastructure and numerous other features. The population estimate of 2041 is expected to reach 75606, a 388% increase. The huge amount of development and the infrastructure needed to hold and support a community of this size needs to consider possible solutions of challenges. This huge increase of population and the increase of older and younger age groups may cause numerous issues such as a lack of education systems, housing costs and numerous others. Coomera however has a substantially large area of undeveloped area which may prove useful for increased infrastructure for the area. These large areas of unused land can be used to create a new elderly health care centre, with predictions showing a more significant elder population in the future. A large primary school can also be added to the unused land with alongside more housing to composite for increasing families and the development of units for the accessibility of the population with low income. Although numerous land can be used, it is imperative to leave a large portion of greenery and forest for the wildlife and leisure activities for children and older people. 

Figure 3 - Changes of Coomera 2014 (left) to Coomera 2021 (right).


Coomera has undergone and will continue to undergo drastic demographic changes for numerous years, with its increasing population and the distribution of age groups within the area. The development of Coomera and its infrastructure has led this area of Northern Gold Coast to flourish in a area fit and popular for raising children within a leisurely area. These high numbers of children and young adults proves healthy for a community it also proves numerous issues in the future. The proposal stated above would be a fit plan for drastically changing demographics and may be a solution for numerous problems faced with the increase of the population, space and infrastructure of Coomera. 


Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS, 2020). 2016 Census QuickStats – Coomera. Accessed 6/2021.


Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS, 2021). Region summary: Coomera. Accessed 6/2021.


Smart Property Investment (2021). Coomera – Postal CodeL QLD, 4209. Accessed 6/2021.


Gold Coast City Council (2011). Northern Gold Coast Coordinated social infrastructure strategy 2011 – 2021. Accessed 6/2021.


Queensland Government (2020). Population growth highlights and trend, Queensland regions, 2020 edition. Accessed 6/2021.


Figure 2 - Coomera, Housing Statistics.

Figure 3 - Changes of Coomera 2014 (left) to Coomera 2021 (right).