Reimagining BPS 2023
Please note that as of November 15, 2022, slight adjustments have been made to the Recommended Phase I Boundaries based on community feedback. Please scroll down to review the revised Phase I maps.
The Reimagining BPS 2023 Plan strives to improve equity and efficiency across the district and ensure high quality education for all BPS students. The plan occurs in two phases over the next three to four years and will meet the following four BPS Board of Education goals established in March of 2020:
- Renovate old and outdated schools.
- Improve operational efficiency.
- Improve instructional conditions for all students and staff.
- Ensure equity for all students to attend well-appointed and safe schools.
- Redistrict to create parity in class size and demographics.
- Ensure an equitable, sustainably-sized, and structured school district through consideration of demographics and socio-economic status.
- Adopt consistent grade configurations and instructional models across all schools aligned to the developmental plane of child.
- Expand opportunities for teachers to collaborate in teams and departments to ensure equitable and high quality instruction.
- Consistently apply grade configurations aligned to an educational philosophy.
- Increase access to full day Pre-K programming.
During the 2022-2023 school year, the following aspects of the Reimagining BPS 2023 Plan will occur:
- BAIMS opened and welcomed middle (Grades 6-8) and high (Grades 9-12) school students in August of 2022.
- Edgewood Elementary School will close in June of 2023 and students will be redistricted for the start of the 2023-2024 school year.
- Bristol Early Childhood Center pre-kindergarten students and school readiness programs will become one program in the newly redesigned Pre-K Academy at Edgewood School for the start of the 2023-2024 school year.
- Additional changes to improve parity and enrollment balance will be made to elementary and middle school attendance zones across the City of Bristol for the start of the 2023-24 school year.
Northeast Middle School Construction Project
One of the primary goals of the Reimagining BPS 2023 Plan is to transition the school district to a consistent K-5, 6-8, and 9-12 grade configuration for all students. In order to meet this goal, the district needs to build capacity to accommodate middle school students who currently attend Greene-Hills School (Grades K-8) and West Bristol School (Grades K-8). In June of 2022, Bristol Public Schools submitted a school construction grant application for a new and expanded Northeast Middle School. This new school is currently planned to open for the start of the 2025-2026 school year (subject to change based on construction timelines). The building would have a larger student capacity than the existing building, allowing it to accommodate students from a larger attendance zone. Completion of the new Northeast Middle School will allow the district to enter Phase II of the Reimagining BPS 2023 Plan.
Recommended Phase I Boundaries
Please note that as of November 15, 2022, slight adjustments have been made to the Recommended Phase I Boundaries based on community feedback.
Phase I of the Reimagining BPS 2023 Plan will begin at the start of the 2023-2024 school year.
The interactive map is color-coded based on the elementary school attendance zones under Phase I. Middle school attendance zones can also be determined by clicking on the attendance zones on the map. Attendance zone changes have been made at the elementary and middle school grade levels. No changes have been made to the high school attendance zones.
In order to understand the Phase I boundaries, please use the magnifying glass in the upper left-hand corner to search by address. If you have location enabled on your device, click on the cross hairs on the bottom right of the map (just above the home button). This will zoom to your current location.
Click on the buttons below to view the changes from the original map.
For the students in the Cambridge Park development, elementary school assignments are as follows:
Mountain View Elementary: Jerome Ave Quaker Lane Davis Drive Unit #1-148
Ivy Drive: Davis Drive Unit #150 and above
Recommended Plan Phase II
Phase II of the Reimagining BPS 2023 Plan will begin when the Northeast Middle School Construction Project is complete; tentatively scheduled at the start of the 2025-2026 school year. During Phase II, the following aspects will occur:
- Northeast Middle School will open with a larger capacity.
- Greene-Hills School and West Bristol School will transition from K-8 schools to K-5 schools creating a uniform grade configuration across all schools (K-5, 6-8, 9-12).
- Additional K-5 students will shift into Greene-Hills School and West Bristol School, providing efficiency and parity across all elementary schools.
- Middle school students from Greene-Hills School and West Bristol School will be reassigned to either Chippens Hill Middle School or Northeast Middle School.
- Middle School attendance zones for Chippens Hill Middle School and Northeast Middle School will follow the high school boundaries for Bristol Central High School and Bristol Eastern High School to the greatest extent possible.
- Additional changes to improve parity and enrollment balance will be made to elementary (Grades K-5) attendance zones across the City of Bristol.
Redistricting maps for Phase II of the Plan are under construction and will be refined and released for public review and comment as we approach the completion of the Northeast Middle School Construction Project.