The Green Team Speaks to Marianne Haahr

The green finance expert discusses how digital technology can enhance financing for sustainable development

Marianne Haahr, Director, Green Digital Finance Alliance

With the global finance system digitizing faster than any other sector, Marianne Haahr joined the "Green Team Speaks To" podcast with Paulson Institute's Phylicia Wu to discuss how green finance can play a role in the post-pandemic economic recovery. From incentivizing bike use to investing in efficient buildings and transportation, countries can direct recovery funding toward industries that create new jobs and long-term economic impact. Haahr also discusses how fintech is creating new opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises to leverage large datasets and drive sustainable economic impact.

Marianne Haahr is Director of the  Green Digital Finance Alliance , a non-profit focused on harnessing the power of fintech to unlock financing for the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, co-chaired by the UN Environment Program and Ant Financial Services Group and is a partner to the UN SG’s Task Force for Digital Financing of the Sustainable Development Goals. Marianne has served as External Advisor on TechVelopment to the Danish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Previously, she was Executive Leader at Sustainia leading the development of the Global Opportunity Explorer. The beginning of her career was dedicated to designing solutions for financial inclusion and climate finance in emerging markets.

The Green Team Speaks to Marianne Haahr, Director, Green Digital Finance Alliance

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Marianne Haahr, Director, Green Digital Finance Alliance