The Esri Diversity Index
Esri Diversity Index data by Region, State, County, and ZIP Code for years 2020, 2024, and 2029.
Due to the significant racial and ethnic composition shifts occurring within the United States in recent decades, efficient tracking of the diversity within our society is of increasing importance. Esri's Diversity Index captures the racial and ethnic diversity of a geographic area in a single number, offering an easy way to understand the shifting demographics of race and ethnicity in the US.
The Diversity Index ranges from 0 (no diversity) to 100 (complete diversity). If an area's entire population belongs to one race group and one ethnic group, then an area has zero diversity. An area's Diversity Index increases to 100 when the population is evenly divided into two or more race or ethnic groups.
The charts below display the Census 2020 proportions of each race and ethnicity relative to the total population for each region of the US. The more even in size the race and ethnicity groupings are, the higher the Diversity Index will be.
Race and ethnicity groupings by national region, Census 2020.
Esri Diversity Index data and how it's changing
The below map illustrates Esri's Diversity Index by county in 2024 with symbology based around the nationwide value of 72.5. Counties in purple have a Diversity Index above 72.5, and counties in green have Diversity Index below 72.5. The southwestern region of the country, which has larger Hispanic populations, generally has higher values for the index.
Esri Diversity Index by county, 2024.
Change in the Diversity Index between 2020 and 2029 is small, but for most areas the index is increasing. The map below shows the annual growth rate of the index between 2020 and 2029 (projected) by county. Counties in purple have a growth rate above 1 percent, and those in green have a growth rate below 1 percent.
Annual rate of change in the Esri Diversity Index by county, 2020 to 2029 (projected).
While many counties in southwestern states have higher diversity, and this is not expected to change, those states are experiencing less growth in the index over the period than other parts of the country.
The states projected to have the highest growth in the highest Diversity Index between 2020 and 2029 are Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and West Virginia.
Explore Esri Diversity Index data
The below map illustrates Esri's Diversity Index in 2024 with symbology based around the 2024 national Diversity Index value of 72.5. Try locating areas that you are familiar with to see how diverse they are. Along with the state data, zooming in and out will reveal information by ZIP code, county, and national region. Select an area to view a pop-up with its Diversity Index for 2020 and 2024, and projected change through 2029.
Esri Diversity Index (2024)