Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

$132-million Investment in Our Nation's Estuaries

On July 26, 2022, the former Biden-Harris Administration announced an unprecedented $132-million investment in EPA’s  National Estuary Program  (NEP). Funded through the  Bipartisan Infrastructure Law , this investment will take place over the next five years as NEP protects and restores estuaries of national significance. BIL projects will address climate resilience, prioritize equity, and manage other ecological challenges across 28 estuaries along the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific coasts and Puerto Rico.

NEP reasearchers use cutting-edge methods to better understand how healthy ecosystems support health communities in the San Juan Bay, Puerto Rico.

NEP is also part of former President Biden’s  Justice40 Initiative , which aims to deliver at least 40% of benefits from certain investments to underserved communities. EPA expects NEPs will accelerate the implementation of  Comprehensive Conservation Management Plans . These plans include strategies for climate adaptation and resilience. Moreover, these plans aim to maximize benefits of water quality and habitat restoration by disadvantaged groups. Learn more about the  Bipartisan Infrastructure Law .

Stormwater Infrastructure in the Town of Kingston, Massachusetts along Cape Cod Bay.

This StoryMap Collection provides an overview of the NEP, including details on  Bipartisan Infrastructure Law-funded projects . In the sections that follow, you will learn more about the diverse social and environmental pressure facing our nation's estuaries and how place-based partnerships can benefit their restoration. To use this tool, click through the three circles tabs at the top of this page. Scroll through each display using left and right arrows to discover more about NEPs. The window pane icon in the top left corner will return you to the StoryMap Collection home page.

NEP reasearchers use cutting-edge methods to better understand how healthy ecosystems support health communities in the San Juan Bay, Puerto Rico.

Stormwater Infrastructure in the Town of Kingston, Massachusetts along Cape Cod Bay.