Leon County Sustainability Map

Welcome to Leon County Office of Sustainability Map!


Welcome to the Green Map
Welcome to the Green Map

Welcome to Leon County Office of Sustainability Map! The Sustainability Map shares location and information about local community gardens, farmers markets, and regional farms. This map is a resource to make it easier for residents and visitors alike to find avenues to eat local and identify ways to be more sustainable within our community. Whether you’re looking for bike routes, recycling locations, or places to grab local grub, we hope our Sustainability Map can be a valuable tool to increase awareness and share information about sustainable resources in the area.


Green Opportunities Nearby

To find "Green Opportunities" near you, enter a Tallahassee|Leon County street address in the box provided or simply click on the map. The application will display a list of resources within 5 miles. You can increase or decrease the search distance as desired. To launch this application in a separate tab  Link .

Community Gardens

Let's Grow!

Community gardens are more than just a great place to grow fresh, healthy food – they’re a great place to grow a community. Gardens provide an opportunity for social bonding and skill building, and can help clean the air and raise the property value of surrounding neighborhoods. There’s nothing quite like pulling a fresh carrot out of the ground that you grew from seed; so we encourage everybody to get their hands dirty and get to know the community gardens ‘round town!

Leon County supports community gardens through our Community Garden Program. Residents can apply for a mini-grant to start a garden for their community, school, neighborhood or civic organization. Technical and financial assistance up to $500 is available. To learn more, explore  www.GrowingGreen.org  and complete an application.

Currently, only County-funded gardens are listed on the Sustainability Map. We would love to expand this to include other existing community gardens in the area. If you know of or are a part of a community garden in Leon County that is not currently on the map, please reach out to us at  Sustainability@LeonCountyFL.gov  

Farmers' Markets

Local Food!

Farmers markets are a great way to access local, fresh food in our community. They also provide the unique opportunity to personally interact with the person who grew your food. As opposed to the average grocery store trip, farmers markets make browsing for your meals a community gathering; a chance to learn, share, and build relationships.

For those who cannot make it out to a farmers market every week, you can also order fresh, local food from the comfort of your own home. The Red Hills Online Market (www.rhomarket.com) is an online farmers market that sells products grown or produced within a 100 mile radius of Tallahassee. All products sold come directly from local farm/producer to table, and can be picked up from a local hub location or delivered to your home.

This map displays Farmers Markets in Tallahassee, Leon County and the surrounding region. Click on the map symbols to see pictures and details for each Farmers Market.

Regional Farms

Eating Local

Eating local strengthens the entire community, not just the food system. There are environmental, economic and healthy concerns inherent in the food we eat, and the closer to home the food originates, the easier to know how sustainable it is! Our regional farms are more invested in the community and are more likely to use practices that protect our local environment, people and food quality. Plus, the food is fresher and more nutritious – and the more we buy from and support our regional farms, the more fresh and nutritious food we’ll foster for the future.

This map displays farms in Tallahassee, Leon County and the surrounding region. Click on the map symbols to see pictures and details for each farm.



There are several publicly accessible recycling drop-off centers available for citizens of Leon County. These multi-centers are single-stream, meaning that all recyclable items (plastic, paper, cardboard, glass and metal) can go in the same bin.

There are also publicly accessible drop-off locations for recyclable material that would otherwise not be accepted in recycling multi-centers (plastic shopping bags, foam egg cartons and Styrofoam). These drop-offs are not single-stream, so please be sure to separate your items.

To learn more about recycling in Leon County, visit  www.LeonCountyFL.gov/Recycling 

Leon County Recycling Video

Electric Vehicle Charging

Electric Vehicle Charging

According to the EPA, transportation accounts for 29% of national greenhouse gas emissions. One strategy to reducing the transportation sector's emissions is by transitioning to electric vehicles. In an effort to support this transition, Leon County has installed two free-to-use electric vehicle charging stations at Leon County libraries for citizens to use. This map shows the locations of Leon County's charging stations, as well as other available EV charging stations around the county. 

EV Charging Station at Leon Co. Leroy Collins Public Library

Sustainable Business

Sustainable Businesses

On Earth Day 2021, Leon County launched a community-wide sustainable business recognition program: SustainaBiz. SustainaBiz acknowledges local businesses and organizations that have made substantial efforts in implementing sustainability practices in areas like energy, water, waste, community and employee engagement, and local economy. This voluntary program - modeled after LEED certification criteria - is free and provides businesses and organizations with an easy checklist to help determine their recognition level, as well as technical assistance, and a sustainable business network for our county.

Explore location businesses and organizations that have taken the initiative to become sustainability leaders within the community through Leon County's SustainaBiz program.

Do you own or know of a business that should be recognized? Find out more about  SustainaBiz. 

Sustainable Transportation

Bike Tallahassee

Transportation is one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. By biking or walking instead, we can significantly reduce our environmental impacts while increasing our health, and enjoy Leon County’s beautiful sights while we’re at it! All of the bike routes in Leon County, including the locations of bike racks and local bike shops, are shown here to make planning your ride easier. For more great resources, be sure to check out  www.BikeTallahassee.com 

Adopt - A - Tree

If you live inside Leon County, but outside of Tallahassee city limits, you may qualify to have a complimentary tree planted on your property. Leon County Public Works will plant the tree anywhere between your house and any publicly-maintained road or any privately maintained road with public access.  View full map 

For more information please visit the Leon County website at:  Adopt-A-Tree 

Thank you for visiting Leon County Office of Sustainability’s Green Map! The Green Map shares location and information about local community gardens, farmers markets and regional farms. This map is a resource to make it easier for residents and visitors alike to find avenues to eat local and identify ways to be more sustainable within our community. Whether you’re looking for bike routes, recycling locations, or places to grab local grub, we hope our Green Map can be a valuable tool to increase awareness and share information about sustainable resources in the area.


Mapping Applications, Layer Content and Hosting

Tallahassee - Leon Count GIS

Concept and Layer Maintenance

Leon County Office of Sustainability

EV Charging Station at Leon Co. Leroy Collins Public Library