Monaghan County Council
Urban Regeneration and Development Fund Projects
Projects Overview
The URDF is currently helping to fund two public realm projects in Monaghan town, with a total of circa €14.4 million allocated to date to enhance the urban area in this county town.
Under Call 1 in 2019, the county council was awarded c. €1.3m funding to cover Phase 1 design and planning for a scheme of works to open up brownfield backlands and landlocked greenfield sites in Monaghan town. In 2021, a follow on allocation of €13.1m was provisionally awarded to Monaghan County Council to deliver Phase 2 infrastructure works and the development of serviced and accessible development lands, creating the physical environment for the development of new buildings for mixed use purposes, as part of the Dublin Street Regeneration Project.
Monaghan Dublin Street Regeneration (Phase 1)
This Call 1 project for the county town of Monaghan was allocated circa €1.3 million in funding from the URDF. Technical assistance for design and planning of scheme of works in Dublin Street South to open up brownfield backlands and landlocked greenfield sites in Monaghan town. This project is a precursor to the successful Call 2 Dublin St Regeneration project. As with the Call 2 project, it’s being progressed as two subprojects;
- Dublin Street South - creation of new, high quality linkages between the core retail area of the town, the new shopping centre and existing civic uses.
- Dublin Street North - development of Masterplan for the area to include the provision of opening up distinct areas of opportunity for reuse/adaptation and infill development in the town–defining a new urban quarter.
The project is due for completion in Q1 2024.
Monaghan Dublin Street Regeneration (Phase 2)
Monaghan County Council was provisionally awarded €13.1m under URDF Call 2 to deliver Phase 2 infrastructure works as part of the Dublin Street Regeneration Project, following on from a successful award of funding for phase 1 of this project under Call 1 of the URDF. The aim of the project is to regenerate a large brownfield site in the core of Monaghan Town. The proposal includes the creation of new linkages between land-locked brownfield lands and the existing town street network, and the creation of new public spaces.
The proposal involves two subprojects:
- Dublin Street South - to create new, high quality linkages between the core retail area of the town, and existing civic uses, and to open up backlands for mixed use development with a new street “The Mall”, and Civic spaces “Gavan Duffy Place” and “Courthouse Square”. This Call 2 subproject, which has been allocated €7.3m in URDF funding, is the follow on capital element to the South Dublin Street subproject of the Call 1 project and has an estimated completion date of Q4 2027.
- Dublin Street North - to open up areas of opportunity for reuse and infill development in the town– defining a new urban quarter. Other proposals include the creation of a new urban quarter to the northeast of the town core with pedestrian connections to Dublin St, new access routes including a new street Russell Row between public spaces at Old Cross Square and Diamond Place, opening up the development potential of backlands. The Dublin Street North masterplan was adopted by variation of the development plan in 2022. URDF funding of €5.8m has been allocated to this subproject.
The proposal has the potential to be a transformative place-making intervention in the core of Monaghan town. This URDF funding will support the strategic vision in the Dublin Street Regeneration Plan 2017 to create a new and viable town centre quarter, with the potential to accommodate additional shopping, office, cultural, residential and new employment zone; to enhance pedestrian and vehicular movement; to integrate with and complement the historic streetscape, and to promote a vibrant and living community.